Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 68: Miss Qianjin, Sun Shangxiang

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The girl in the front porch, dressed in a tight green robe, with a pair of ponytails more than half a meter long, raised her mouth slightly with seemingly arrogant arrogance.

The manager Shi Caicai still praised Zhou Yu's talents in all aspects for his guests, and was forcibly interrupted by Sun Shangxiang.

I don't know why Sun Shangxiang rushed out again and shouted. If it spreads, I am afraid that Sun Shangxiang's reputation is getting worse and worse, and the manager's face is pale now.

"Miss, why did you come out?"

The manager hurried forward and noticed that the left and right maids were not there. Knowing that Sun Shangxiang had run out again this time, she wanted to persuade her to go back.

"no, I do not!"

Sun Shangxiang strongly resisted,

"That big house is too boring, so quickly ask Zhou Yu to play with me, Miss Ben is not here to suffer from staying in this broken house!"

The manager was embarrassed. Although Zhou Yu promised Sun Ce to take care of her sister, she didn't care about Sun Shangxiang, but simply ordered the men to deal with it.

Where do you know that the things that ordinary women love, Sun Shangxiang is not interested in it, and the appearance of the female maids only promises that Sun Shangxiang is bored.

Seeing that the next man was unwilling to serve her, Sun Shangxiang was burnt by nameless anger, but he had to embarrass these civilians.

From the top and the bottom of the Zhou Mansion, it was possible to be as indifferent to Miss Sun's affairs as possible. Although she could not avoid her, as a slave, she had to endure it forcibly.

Fortunately, Sun Shangxiang will reach the deadline tomorrow, and he will return to his house. Everyone is relieved, ready to endure until the end.

The manager whispered to Sun Shangxiang, "Miss Madam is furious, and today there is a visitor. Lord Zhou may be busy setting up a banquet."

"Oh?" Sun Shangxiang turned his eyes before facing Ma Yuan and his party.

"So is this child?" She pointed to Ma Yuan and replied to the convenience,

"Yes, below, Ma Yuan."

Then she looked at Tyumen, the big sword behind Tyumen was conspicuous, Sun Shangxiang had never seen such a strange weapon,

"And this... swordsman?"

Tyumen also bowed his head and respectfully said, "Little swordsman, not enough for the master to hang his teeth, in the next Tyumen."

When Liu Bei finally arrived,

"Huh?" Sun Shangxiang was a little thoughtful. "Who is this uncle, as if he's seen it before?"

Ma Yuan's heart suddenly tightened. Is this about to start?

"What are you talking about?"

Liu Bei noticed that he was called Uncle and was a little dissatisfied.

Although he was already a dozen or so people, he was still young, but he was used to covering his head with a straw hat and a bulky machine box behind him. The overall appearance was very bloated.

But Liu Bei still didn't raise her eyes to look at her, but stared at the stone with a nice look on the side, and said angrily, "I'm Liu Bei."

"You don't seem to be from Wu Guo."

"I am from the Shu Kingdom."

After some conversations, Liu Bei's tone was unusually cold. It seemed that Sun Shangxiang owed him a lot of money and did not pay it back.

Not to mention the Dudu Mansion, looking at the entire Wu Kingdom, few people dare to talk to Miss Sun Jiadai, let alone such a civilian.

Liu Beisheng was in Caotou Village. Since childhood, he has gone out with the demon hunter, and the number of poor people he met along the way, and the number of Houlu senior officials, the comparison between the two produced a strong impression in Liu Bei's heart.

In Liu Bei's view, as long as he is an official, he has no good feelings.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little tense, and Sun Shangxiang pointed at Liu Bei and said,

"I don't like this person and told Zhou Yu to kick it away."

In spite of the panic, Liu Bei was the owner of the bird, and the object of the banquet was him. How could there be less, he persuaded Sun Shangxiang to say,

"Miss, this is a little difficult to handle. This time, Mr. Liu Bei is gone, and today's banquet is meaningless."

Sun Shangxiang was a little bit excited, and said with a smile,

"Then I will take his place. Just as Zhou Yu did not call me for a feast, he didn't notify me if he had delicious food. He deliberately concealed me. When he invited me to go, I would not be angry with him."

"Don't you say that it's not enough to have Miss Ben's banquet? You have to add a vulgar man."

Sun Shangxiang said with a slightly threatening tone.

A few days ago, Sun Ce was preparing to set off for the South China Sea to deal with some things, which may take a long time.

Sun Shangxiang wanted to follow him, but was rejected by Sun Ce and ordered to stay in Dongwu honestly, not to go east.

Even his elder brother did not want to take himself to play. Sun Shangxiang was cherishing this, but after nearly a month, Sun Ce still did not return, not even a letter. Sun Shangxiang couldn't help but wonder what he was doing.

But the Sun family kept silent about the reason why Sun Ce sailed out of the South China Sea, and Sun Shangxiang did not know anything.

So she went to Zhou Yu for reason and wanted to steal some clues from the man with the best relationship with her big brother.

In the eyes of outsiders, Sun Shangxiang came to Zhou Yu's house as a guest.

Therefore, in addition to ensuring that Sun Shangxiang does not know the specific purpose of Sun Ce’s voyage, Zhou Yu has been deliberately avoiding her. The other party’s arrogance is also heard in the conversation with Sun Ce on weekdays. How can he ask for trouble.

For a few days, Sun Shangxiang didn't even know where Zhou Yu's room for reviewing documents was.

This also made Sun Shangxiang feel that he was being teased by adults, and he was clearly already 17 years old.

Liu Bei's temper has never been tolerated, and at this time, Sun Shangxiang, who is fooling around at this time, has no politeness, holding Tyumen and Ma Yuan, insisting on leaving, the housekeeper quickly apologized and wanted to keep them.

It is precisely for Zhou Yu, who is the deepest man in the city, that Liu Bei is already a little scared, worried that something will happen at the banquet, and there can be legitimate reasons to refuse Zhou Yu’s invitation.

Chi is changing, and Liu Bei's pace of leaving has accelerated.

"Brother Liu Bei, where are you going?"

Just after crossing a threshold, Liu Bei met Zhou Yu head-on, and the other party couldn't help asking.

Zhou Yu smiled, and his eyes were as clear as the moon, pretending to be unaware of the matter just now, even though he had been watching for a long time.

"This is my elder brother's sister," Zhou Yu closed the fan and hurried to Sun Shangxiang to introduce to you.

"She was about to leave tomorrow, and plan to have a farewell farewell at that time. Since the lady is also interested in the guests, it is better to hold it together, and also invite Liu Bei Ma Yuan and Qiu Ming brothers to give our family Miss Sun Da a face."

Zhou Yu said so.

It seems that Ma Yuan and his party must have a meal in Zhou Fu today.

Tyumen had no choice but to thank Zhou Yu for them, and he agreed, and Sun Shangxiang was unconcerned about this arrangement.

Zhou Yu immediately ordered to change the configuration of the banquet. After all, it was Miss Sun's family. It could not be too simple. The time everyone had to wait was longer.

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