Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 72: Above the great wall

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It is said that the Great Formation of the Great Wall has five positions, namely Dragon Head, Dragon Claw, Dragon Wing, Dragon Head, and Dragon Tail, corresponding to the five soldiers of the Great Wall Guard.

These five fighters are all selected by the Millennium Formation.

Normally, the five fighters don't know each other's identities, and they will be awakened only at the critical moment of the Great Wall. The five men combined their strength to resist foreign enemies.

In fact, history also proves this:

For hundreds of years, when every time the Great Wall was in danger and the western army of aliens had broken through the city, the five soldiers would use the power of the awakened dragon-shaped runes to stimulate the strongest forces of the Great Wall to defeat the enemy.

That power, even the Sanctuary level cannot resist, and will be easily wiped out.

Now, more than 100 Chang'an Guards are forced out of the city, facing tens of thousands of wolf clan, while the compatriots of Chang'an Army standing above the city wall choose to stand by and watch.

A woman stood up, and she quickly appeared on the battlefield. After many years of silence, she was born again.

Her sword is as fast as lightning, and with a sword, several souls are born, and the crimson figure becomes a nightmare for every wolf tribe present.


The generals of the wolf clan army were not in a good situation, and they tried to suppress the opponent with the advantage of the number of people.

Everyone led by the general is a warrior of the Wolf Riding Mercenary Corps. In the blood fight, they won many times before they lived to the present.

The other party is not even the Sanctuary level, just the real name level. These hundreds of people are all real name levels, not to mention that the general has touched the Sanctuary level and stepped in with one foot.


The woman shouted, and the two light swords were joined together. The short sword body was extended to 40 meters wide. The majestic vitality exploded, and a whirlwind was generated on the spot, swaying straight up.

At the foot of Hua Mulan, the rune with dragon claw pattern appeared, the Great Wall Array started to work automatically, and the hidden vitality of the ground under the thousands of miles of land began to be sent to the warrior.

That's right, that is the legend of the millennium, the guardian of the Great Wall.

The senior official's face was almost distorted, and the conspiracy in their hearts was only one step away.

Who is this person?

They whispered to each other, and ordered their men to hand over the files of the Guards of the Great Wall, to read through them desperately, trying to find out her information.

But these are irrelevant, because they will soon know the name-Mulan.

After the epee cleaved, a huge ravine was formed, and the wolf riders who came from the charge turned their horses and fell to the ground one after another. Before the absolute power suppressed, they had no chance of resistance.

Although Mulan only has the real name level, but with the power of the Great Wall Great Blessing, even the Sanctuary level is fearless.

She took a step forward and rushed towards the wolf riding army without looking back.

The Guardians of the Great Wall have been defending in the Great Wall for a long time, and basically do not take the initiative to attack. This time, they have directly penetrated into the enemy's base camp.

Dozens of remaining Great Wall Guards were encouraged by Mulan and rushed past her, even if there were thousands of enemy troops in front of them, they did not flinch.

On the other hand, they did not dare to care about this small amount of the Great Wall Guards, and tried their best to crush it.


"The dawn of the blue wolf is in the battle today!"

A row of black shadows swiftly approached, unstoppable like a wind.

However, under Mulan's epee swing, a powerful force pushed them back, and Mulan's pace of progress was not delayed by the rushing army.

The blood was splattering, and in a intensive attack, Hua Mulan's knife was to cut down dozens of enemies. Because of the great strength of the Great Wall, the oncoming attacks were all weakened. Even if the flesh was cut, it would Was quickly repaired.

According to the instructions of King Lanling, under the supervision of the officials in Changan, she successfully infiltrated into the control room of the Great Wall, passed the three tests of the Ling, and successfully obtained the identity of the guardian of Changan in a special way.

"Why are you so clear about the Great Wall? Are you not someone outside?"

Mulan asked.

King Lanling smiled and did not speak. He did not dare to tell the other party. He was also a prince. His motherland suffered a massacre because he participated in the core construction of the Great Wall.

Some things, needless to say, are completely blown away by the desert sand, and disappear in a place that no one knows.

King Lanling said:

"You have to remember that you must gather the five guardians in order to unlock the ultimate power of the Great Wall Great Formation, otherwise these pressures will be borne by you alone."

He didn't know whether he was doing it right, but he chased it down for a long time, making this lonely man tired of having no time for freedom.

Yes, he just wants to get rid of Mulan and return to a person's life. The other party is the most difficult enemy he has ever seen and the only one who can catch up with him.

Therefore, he told the other party that the Great Wall was controlled by Changan senior officials, and that the Great Wall's guards were at a disadvantage, and how to end this crisis was also given to the other party.

"I will come back when I finish this matter."

Hua Mulan's words reached the ears of Lanling King, and the pace of his departure paused.

He said: "When you come back, you can no longer find me."

Mulan said, "No, I will still find you unless you die."

"Haha, in my opinion, you are much more likely to die."

The Lanling King disappeared, he didn't say a word, just like Hua Mulan was going back to defend the Great Wall, he also had his own mission.

Returning to the battlefield again, Mulan faced an oppressive group of enemies, and had a tragic disadvantage in terms of numbers.

But Mulan's back, those high-ranking officials in Chang'an, could not help.

They must exhaust all the strength of the Great Wall Guards to report Wu Zetian's weakness to the central government.

At the same time, they also underestimated the ferocity of the wolf rider, thinking that it could be resisted only by the tens of thousands of soldiers who were in the middle of the battle, and in the future battles will be defeated, and the Great Wall will be lost!

"How can I ruin the Great Wall after so many years?"

Mulan said coldly.

The epee twirled once, which caused three feet of sand waves to engulf all the small things underneath.

Even the general who was approaching the sanctuary-level realm infinitely could not shake the opponent at all.

Even if his most powerful attack perfectly focused on the other, forming a large hole in her stomach, the expression on Mulan's face did not change at all, and the hole was repaired at a speed that was not visible to the naked eye.

"Is she a monster?"

The wolf knight couldn't help screaming.

"Humph!" Hua Mulan dismissed it. After she absorbed all the forces that the Great Wall had originally received from the five people, she had already ignored her life and death.

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