Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 95: Fragment of ancient memory

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The golden real name, sealed by the Taiyin Netherworld, was completely cut off from the host. Ma Yuan didn't even know where it was, let alone use it once.

When he came to the guardian array of the Emperor Shitian Throne, it operated automatically, which made Ma Yuan secretly think about the connection between the two.

"Among them, is the intention of Taiyin Nether?"

Ma Yuan muttered to himself.

Now, the real name collides around in Ma Yuan's body, breaking the shell.

After thinking about everything, he was unprepared under his heart and simply opened all the meridian gates around his body, letting the vitality go everywhere, and expecting the other party to move.

That real name really lived up to Ma Yuan's expectations.

Immediately after he emerged from Ma Yuan, he immediately appeared on Ma Yuan's chest. Under its manipulation, a peculiar vitality wave radiated out, echoing the space of Emperor Shi Palace.

The resistance intercepted in front of Ma Yuan magically disappeared, his steps became brisk, and endless power poured into him.


He began to approach the throne quickly.

Tsing Yi and Qiao Qiao were stunned. According to Ma Yuan's real-name state, it was impossible to break through the formation established in front of the throne.

The sudden change made them unacceptable for a while, and the elders were even more concerned. If Ma Yuan was really the son of prophecy, the village of the Protoss would undergo earth-shaking changes.

This day is finally no longer distant.

"After three hundred years, no one has succeeded again, but now, are they going to be seated by a child?"

Joe can't help but say something.

Soon, Ma Yuan came to the throne, stroking its silver outer body, many mysterious lines, only by the touch of the skin can feel a long history.

The vicissitudes of time flowed on this chair. Ma Yuan seemed to have crossed the ages and saw the people who sat on this throne. Although they couldn't even recognize their faces, they had an inexplicable yearning in his heart.

In his eyes, this seat is a kind of temptation, as if sitting on it can have countless powers, and it is also a kind of danger. Once sitting on it, it will fall into the bottomless abyss.

Facing the crowd not far away, Ma Yuan finally sat down slowly.

Somewhere in this space, a movement sounded, as if celebrating the birth of a new owner.

The elders, including the elders, all showed their joy on their faces.

The principle of Ma closed his eyes and his mind drifted into the distance.

Opening his eyes again, it was a pile of floating clouds under the blue sky.

Above the clouds, there were two people sitting and playing against each other, and there was a man with a red robe wrapped around him watching.

They play chess in the sky!

One of the players in Yiyi flutters in white, which looks like a young age.

His left hand spread out, and the illusion of green lotus was born, one by one, revealing a little starlight, it was really indescribable.

The other person in the game is dressed in black, with a middle-aged man's face thinking about how to play chess for a long time. Seeing the other party turning to play something leisurely, he couldn't help but ask:

"What's in your hand?"

"Oh? Is this thing? It's a flower I created recently. I named it Lotus."

"Why is it used?"

"Representing the way of you and me. Why, Emperor Shitian, with your cleverness, don't you see it at a glance?"

Emperor Shi Tian laughed, "You can't concentrate on cultivating your own way, how can a little lotus bear the path of you and me, if you get rid of these void things."

The other party smiled and said:

"In a flower, there is the whole world. The flow of time is the wind of over fingering. How can it be said that a lotus flower does not represent the world road."

"Forget it, I can't argue that you are."

The man in black finished playing a long-lost move.

After waiting for a long time, the white man was pleasantly surprised, and he couldn't care about the lotus flower summoned in his hand, and handed it to the red robe who watched the battle.

The red robe's face was covered, and it was not clear what it looked like. He looked at the lotus flower sent by the white man in a distraction.

That lotus flower has thousands of petals. When one petal falls, it turns into another lotus flower in mid-air, which is extremely wonderful.

Suddenly, the red robe seemed to think of a great idea, jumped up and ran away.

When the man walked away, Emperor Shitian couldn't help but ask:

"This person is not among the six Dao and is not among the cosmic floods. How should he respond?"

The man in white knows exactly what the other party is asking, saying:

"Then don't deal with it."

Emperor Shi Tianyou said: "You gave him the lotus flower just now, that is, you showed him the road between you and us, and the variables will come sooner or later."

The man in white is silent.

Emperor Shitian again said:

"I know what you are planning. But this thing is too dangerous, you have to be careful."

The man in white replied:

"Don't worry, I have my own plans."


As soon as the picture changed, Ma Yuan found himself out of the dream just now, and returned to the Emperor's Palace.

In front of him, the light curtain sprinkled, and a fist-sized square seal stopped at half a meter in front of his eyes, as if waiting for him to get it.

Ma Yuan reached out and touched the surface of Fang Yin. The light shining spread along the lines and crossed to Ma Yuan's body.


A slight tingling sensation of electric shock spread all over his body from his finger and attacked quickly and again, which made Ma Yuan feel strangely comfortable and couldn't help moaning.

"The ring finger covers the little finger... Fu Ping bends to the palm... The forefinger is bent, attached to the back of the middle finger, the thumb is standing... Thirty-three days, the original emperor Shi Tianzhi's impression."

The obscure scriptures were forcibly inserted into Ma Yuan's brain. Not only that, Ma Yuan's meridians were also aimed at each other. Under the action of the mysterious power, the way the vitality circulated in the body became very strange.

This made Ma Yuan's body very uncomfortable and could not help resisting this change.


Ma Yuan couldn't help but spit out a bit of blood, fell to his knees, and Fang Yin fell out in his hand.

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