Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 101: Supreme Blood Code

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At the moment when the elder lowered his head and closed his eyes, a huge crack appeared in the entire black space, as if torn apart by a force.

It was a firebird, derived from the outside of the big dark sky, inside the formation of the king's palace.

It unfolded its wings that burned away the time and polluted evil, one end plunged into the spherical enchantment that sheltered Xu Fu, and penetrated both ends in an instant.

Xu Fu didn't anticipate the coming of the blow, and flew out with a scream.

The firebird aimed at Xu Fu and rushed into a sharp sword, pierced the armor made of the power of the blood clan covering him, and hit his original bloodstone.

"It's so careless."

Xu Fu stood up again and said with sigh.

His figure flickered and became a little vague, and after he adjusted his breath, he was nourished by the power of the blood clan that was constantly pouring in from the outside, and became clear again.

The elder elder is very pleased that she is prior to the choice of completing the second form of the formation regarding her being approached by thorns.

However, this move is very effective, and does not represent the final blow. There are six forms of the demon form of the formation. Only one by one can complete the eradication of Xu Fu’s consciousness and return it to the state of the body.

"It's not enough."

The elder elder wanted to stand up, Xu Fu was very close to her, so she had a bold idea.

At this time, Xu Fu was attacked by the firebird just now, and the power of his bloodline was swept away. There was no way to attack or defend, so first wait for the big dark sky to provide energy to himself.

"Why are you determined that if the blood race is eliminated, the event will be subdued?"

In order to eliminate boredom, Xu Fu began to talk to everyone.

The elder takes time, so she chose to talk to Xu Fu and said:

"The civil strife in Kyoto and the war in the mainland are all blood-striking forces secretly ghosting. Is it wise to stop all this and eliminate the source?"

Xu Fu said a few words, "Have you ever thought about chopping off the source and the situation is still deteriorating? Suppose that the civil strife in Kyoto is because someone has planned, the war in the mainland is also because someone has planned, and the blood race is just Their weapon, the weapon is broken, just replace it. In this way, what you do is meaningless."

The other party's statement is very sly, avoiding all the disadvantages, but the elder has rich experience, how can he be confused by his words, and justify:

"It's a big mistake to help punishment for abuse. Clearing the blood, those forces are equivalent to having their teeth removed, and they can only be quiet. There are always people in the world who want to do evil, knowing that their idea of ​​doing evil is unrealistic, and can only block their means of doing evil. . Of course, what I do makes sense."

Xu Fu looked at the other person with deep eyes and said, "Is this your choice?"

If you can sacrifice a small part, even innocent people, in exchange for the salvation of most people, it is very cost-effective, the elders are not confused.

"Yes, this is my choice."

She didn't know where the strength came from. She was nailed by black thorns and couldn't get away, but suddenly stood up at the moment and hugged to Xu Fu in front of her eyes.

Skin contact, vitality, the elders have been prepared for a long time, and when the time is right, they will start immediately.

The black matter was transferred from Xu Fu to the elder elder and began to blend into her bloodline.

When talking with Xu Fu, she forcibly broke through the highest level allowed by the three exercises and entered the realm of blood.

"Is this the real power of blood?"

The elders greedily engulfed the power flowing in each other's body, which made her feel close and familiar, like the origin. Perhaps Xu Fu was right, the practice of the Shenzu village was stripped from the blood clan.

As expected by the elders, Xu Fu did not grasp the big dark sky, he just passively accepted the vitality it gave. In fact, everything is controlled by other blood groups separated by thousands of miles.

This means that when the elders cast their own clan secrets and approached as blood, they would have the opportunity to seize the dominance of the big dark sky.

"I really didn't expect that I think you all hate the power of the blood clan, but now you have abandoned your original practice and fell completely into the blood devil's path."

Xu Fu was surprised.

The body of the elder is slowly occupied by the power of the blood clan, and all the vitality, including the flesh, are quickly approaching the existence of the blood clan.

The pain of the meridian retrograde almost made the elder pass out, but her will could not be lost. He must compete with Xu Fu for nutrients and restrain the strength of the other party.

At the same time, the elders are also mobilizing the third form of the magic demon formation. Fortunately, Junfangdian only suppresses Xu Fu and does not exclude other blood races.

It's just that the scepter held in the elder elder's hand reacted to the blood clan, and the sacred power was extinguishing the elder elder's blood clan's power. Not only that, it became fiery like a fire, burning her palms, trying to break away from her control.

"Not yet..."

The elders understood that when they approached the body of the blood tribe infinitely, the resistance of the scepter would become stronger and stronger, but this is the key to unlocking the great demon formation, and he must never let go.

Xu Fu looked at each other with pity, and persuaded: "Let's let go, before you complete all the bombardments, you will be terminated by the Moon God Scepter, you are so crazy."

The elder said with a smirk: "Now that I have become a blood clan, there is no way back, how can I give up easily?"

Xu Fumo said nothing. He was now hugged by the other party, unable to move, and could only wait for the situation to develop further.

This is destined to be a difficult tug of war and a crazy game.

The elder's real name is Xi Yin.

Somehow her parents disappeared at a very young age and were raised by the whole village.

Xiyin's talent is so great that all the exercises come hand in hand, and soon he is a bit proficient and familiar, which is very special among the children.

When Xiyin Zhongwang became a great elder, he knew that the last great elder was his father.

He and his mother left the village in one night, and since then there has been no news. The elder elders sent people out several times to find them, and there was no clue.

Whenever the night falls and the full moon, Xiyin will use the moon god's skill.

The Moon God is at his best, is a common practice created by his parents, and it is also the highest master of Xiyin's first book.

But Xiyin soon stopped practicing the Moon God Ziruo Ju, because it is incomplete, and like all the exercises in the village, the last part is always missing. Xiyin had to practice other exercises and secretly explored his way out.

Come to the Junfang Temple, and feel the magic road contained in the change of the Great Demon Formation.

Xiyin was clear, and he seemed to have found the missing part.

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