Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 105: that summer

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"and many more."

Seeing Ayu head slipping away, Zhang Mo suddenly felt that he had done something wrong.

"what happened again?"

Ayu finally turned around and saw the little girl's tearful look, a little panicked.

"That, sorry."

Zhang Mo stepped forward and handed him the jade in his hand.

What Ayu didn't want originally, he didn't need it.

If they are found by their parents and forced to question them, they will not believe that this is what Zhang Mo meant, but will actually think that they have stolen something from a big family. In fact, Ma Yuan also did not understand what kind of thinking the lady of the big households had.

Hesitating, looking at Zhang Mo's expression is a pitiful, Ayu finally moved.

"Yes, I'll take it."

Ayu said embarrassedly that the received Yu Pei didn't take a few glances and stuffed it into her pocket and mixed it with the carriage parts.

Seeing Ayu's expression calm down, the gloom on Zhang Mo's face instantly turned into a sunny smile.

So good, Zhang Mo thought to himself silently.

It took about an hour to pass, and the Zhang family's team was back on the road. Because of the hasty time, they didn't care who left the parts that were thrown away.

Zhang Mo and A Yu separated.

Seeing Ayu sitting on the stone at the entrance of Caotou Village, Zhang Mo lifted the curtain of the carriage and secretly stared at each other.

This is the story that happened between Zhang Mo and A Yu in the summer of that year. Everything should be marked with a terminator when they are separated.

Zhang Mo later asked about the carriage master, and anger suddenly appeared on the other party's face, saying:

"It turned out that the few parts that day were stolen by the kid."

Zhang Mo couldn't help but ask: "Is this a steal?"

The carriage master pretended to take it for granted: "It is not his thing, let him take it, of course it is stealing."

Zhang Mo suddenly thought of a question, and then asked: "Well, is this yours or mine?"

Although Zhang Mo was young, the carriage master did not dare to say anything, and replied:

"Something belongs to the Zhang family, and naturally it is also the lady."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Mo clapped his hands excitedly, jumped from the carriage, and said to him: "It wouldn't be stolen in this way, because I already said that I gave those things to him."

Hearing this, the coach's expression was a bit stiff.

However, I thought that as long as Miss Zhang’s family was happy, those parts didn’t matter. He said:

"Miss Miss is right, because Miss Miss, he is not a thief."

Zhang Mo was secretly proud.

And that day, when Ayu came home and sorted out the parts, she found something was missing.

It turned out that there was a small hole in the pocket, which was not big at first, but because it was stretched by heavy parts, a big slit was opened.

Because of this, Ayu lost a small part of the parts and the jade pendant sent by the girl, which made him regret.

It was not too late, Ayu had to go out tomorrow to find. Following the original path, two parts were retrieved, but Yu Pei did not find it. It has been raining heavily these days and may be washed away.

"It's useless. It's useless to keep, just save the effort to hide it."

Finally, A Yu came to this conclusion, and he stopped searching for it.

From autumn to spring, year after year, I don’t know how much time, the elder lady of the Zhang family looks slim and well-known.

No one knows that she accidentally stayed at the door of a small village and met a boy named Ayu, who seemed to have had a fight.

In the days to come, Zhang Mo will inadvertently remember Ayu's expression at that time, as well as the voice of his speech. Surprisingly, these memories about him are very clear.

Maybe he thought he was funny, or no one had argued with her. Both adults and children praised her as smart, but he said he was stupid.

Zhang Mo, who is too young, can only explain why Ayu left her with such a strong impression.

When passing through Caotou Village again, it happened that the attack of the magical species happened, Zhang Moshi rescued Ayu's sister, named Xiao Cui.

"What? You still have a brother?"

One night, during the negotiation between the two, Zhang Mo suddenly heard the fact and was a little surprised, so he asked about the whereabouts of his brother.

"His name is Ayu, and he went with the demon hunters?"

Hearing Acui's explanation, Zhang Mo's heart flashed a bit of surprise.

At that time, Caotou Village was robbed and Ayu was not found. I thought he was already dead, but he was still alive.

"Relax, Xiaocui, I will definitely help you find your brother, and he will definitely come to you."

Zhang Mo whispered comfort.

Listening to the elder lady's words, Xiaocui couldn't help but smile happily, suppressing the sadness in her heart, and not intending to think about the brother who had never met.

That night, somehow, Zhang Mo's heart thumped, making it difficult to fall asleep.

When he met Ayu again, the other party had changed the name "Liu Bei".

He is a highly skilled man and a weirdo who refuses to meet his sister.

In the brutal night, Zhang Mo lifted the curtain of the carriage and saw that Liu Bei was only able to block the invading digital real-name strongmen, and opened up the way for them without fear.

Although this was for his sister, Zhang Mo felt a little moved.

Can he be safe? I hope nothing is wrong.

On that summer night, Zhang Mo hugged Xiaocui in fear. She was worried that Ayu would die, because the difference in strength between the two sides was not small. She thought that Ayu was staying to delay the time.

I thought that I met him three times in my life. Even three times is enough.

Now Zhang Mo is married, and although he is not yet married, the thoughts in his heart should be completely cut off.

At Wu Di’s restaurant, they met again, this is the fourth time.

Because Liu Bei refused to talk about Xiaocui's affairs, Zhang Mo had to talk about the dispute that happened to the Zhongshan royal family that night.

Regarding the details of Liu Beiyin's battle, he simply told the story of the day.

"Oh, that kid named Ma Yuan is so powerful?"

This was beyond Zhang Mo's accident, something she could not think of.

Then she said:

"The villagers have nothing, it's really nice."

Liu Bei made a sentence, it seemed that Zhang Mo didn't care much, and Zhang Mo felt a little embarrassed when he realized this.

She took off a jade pendant from her waist, emerald, and placed it in front of Liu Bei, asking:

"Do you recognize this?"

Liu Bei shook his head and said that he had no impression at all.

"Really?" Zhang Mo's face was a little bad, and she continued, "Then give it to you."

"It was originally intended for Xiaocui, but if you refuse to see Xiaocui, accept this gift."

Hearing some strange explanation from the other party, Liu Bei froze for a moment, but still accepted it.

At this time, Zhang Mo showed a sentimental smile, originally a pair of jade wear, and now all have been sent out.

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