Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 110: The sadness of the weak

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Liu Siquan's male and female double-stranded swords disintegrated his superiority in an instant, as if mocking his self-righteous strength, the two swords were put down, facing their four eyes.

As a loser, his faith could not help but shake, and then began to collapse.

His eyes no longer locked on the enemy, but became dazed, his hands drooping weakly.

Before preparing to die, all the experiences of life flashed through his brain like a walking light.

This man who uses the power of the blood family, named Zhang Ju, has been better than ordinary children since he was a child, so he is famous in the local area.

At the age of sixteen, he was finally recruited by a passing lieutenant general and cultivated carefully.

Also going with him is his younger brother, Zhang Shi.

In the initial period, under the environment of abundant resources, Zhang Ju made rapid progress and became the leader of the lieutenant general's guard.

But the good times didn't last long. What happened to Zhang Ju happened. Since he entered the late stage of Soul Pill, the progress of his skills is like entering a quagmire. It is difficult to increase a point, and there has been no change for a period of time.

This was quickly noticed by the lieutenant generals and others. At first, they chose to appease him carefully and create more opportunities for him, but after no results, they gradually ignored Zhang Ju.

In the past three years, Zhang Ju has not been promoted at all, and no one has questioned, which makes the Zhang brothers more and more decadent.

The opportunity for change was the visit of the mysterious man. His silver hair and exotic clothing attracted the attention of many people in the military camp.

Zhang Ju was summoned and stepped into the Lieutenant General’s camp again after three years. As expected, the silver-haired alien sitting next to the Lieutenant General seemed to receive special treatment.

"How have you been in recent years?"

There should be only three people in the camp. Zhang Ju knelt on the ground, and the voice of the lieutenant general came from above, a little hoarse, confirming that the other party is entering an old age.

Recalling that when the lieutenant general received his enlistment in the army was still very young, but a dozen years later, it made him a little moved.

Zhang Ju clearly asked what Lieutenant General asked, and he answered respectfully:

"General Mongolian has a lot of love, and his subordinates have redoubled their efforts over the past few years, even though they have only been able to reach the soul pill level consummation."

At the end, Zhang Ju knocked his head to the ground and dared not raise his head.

The lieutenant general sighed, as if expecting such a reply, and then said:

"The road is wide and difficult to pursue in a hundred years. Such a person is too common before the real name level. I thought your talent is extraordinary. This kind of difficulty is not difficult, but..."

Zhang Jutou was next to the ground, ignorant of the general's expression, embarrassed in his heart, and when he heard the other party's tone slightly dull, he said:

"Please also enlighten me!"

The general glanced thoughtfully at Zhang Ju and said slowly:

"Panruo Heart Sutra, Lingxu Footwork, Long Life Curse, Life and Death Curse, I heard that you are studying these exercises during these times, and you are also asking the elders in the army."

Hearing these words, Zhang Ju was a bit weird. He didn’t expect that the lieutenant general would still know himself, and he would inevitably have a grateful heart and said in a more respectful tone;

"Return to General, this is exactly the case. The Prajna Heart Sutra is the Western Region Buddhist practice, which can stabilize the heart and strengthen the internal force, while the Lingxu Foot Method can increase the explosive power of the leg in a short time, and it has a good auxiliary effect. I practice They are not only for enhancing the combat power, but for understanding and helping to upgrade the realm, with some results."

"Oh, is it?" The general smiled and said, "You did a very good job, not like your younger brother Zhang Shi. He had long since lost the idea of ​​advanced, and he only knows how to drink and have fun."

"The general has forgiven his sins, and his subordinates must discipline him well and let him return to the right path to better serve the army."

Zhang Jucheng said anxiously, fearing that the other party was angry, and expelled Zhang Shi.


Although the general was disappointed with Zhang Ju's cultivation, his impression was quite good, and he felt very satisfied with the conversation.

"Although you plan to improve your cultivation by relying on other exercises, it is a good idea, but you must bear in mind the principle of being greedy and chewing. Now that you want to come, what you lack may not be talent, but mentality."

The general's words moved Zhang Ju, and he hadn't thought about it yet. He first thanked the general for his point.

So he looked up and said:

"Thank you General for reminding me that my subordinates must remember General's words."

"Uh huh."

"Then what is the matter, General, summoning his subordinates to come?"

Zhang Ju and the general looked at each other, and their eyes looked like a torch, bringing the topic to the key point of this time.

The general laughed and applauded: "You are not stupid, you can think of things that are not so simple."

During the speech, the silver hair on the side was signaled. The interracial man went down, took a small medicine bottle from his sleeve, and handed it to Zhang Ju.

"this is......"

Zhang Ju took a closer look and filled it with a colorless and transparent liquid, shaking it lightly, feeling like water.

The general explained:

"This is the hard work of the people around me for several years of research, which can enhance the physical, blood, and spiritual strength of ordinary people, and the effect is very significant, which is equivalent to the magic medicine."

"There are such good things?"

Zhang Ju's face is unbelievable. He has never heard of such a thing. If it helps, maybe he can break through the barriers of the Soul Pill level and step into the real name level.

After the overjoy, a trace of vigilance came to mind, and Zhang Ju quickly asked:

"What is the risk of this thing?"

The general was ready for a long time, with a straight face, he said seriously:

"Ten people will live and three can live."

In a word, it simply illustrates the violent nature of the medicine bottle in hand.

Whether to take the risk of death, break through to become a real name level, or choose to stay in the soul pill level for a lifetime, this question swayed in Zhang Ju's heart, but only a moment, his hesitation was eliminated.

"Subordinates are willing to give it a try."

Zhang Ju stood up, opened the opening of the medicine bottle, and said firmly.

"Okay, you didn't let me down."

Under the gaze of the general with a smile, Zhang Ju swallowed the contents of the small medicine bottle, and there was no special feeling at the entrance. It was really like water.

After a few seconds, Zhang Ju found something was wrong.

The whole body of blood seemed to boil, and there was a scorching heat. No matter what kind of mental method was used, it could not be eliminated, but it was getting worse.

Zhang Ju panicked. He looked at the general in horror and asked what to do next, but the other party said nothing.

Impossible, I cannot fail again!

Pressing the panic in my heart forcibly, Zhang Ju immersed in the body's vitality conditioning.

Like being ignited, the expansive vitality grows rapidly, and finally the body must be broken.

However, as the swollen body gradually returned to its original state, excessive vitality merged into every meridian and every skin, the breath of Zhang Ju became more stable and powerful.

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