Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 120: True God returns

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Reincarnation is a description of the continent's ability to pass on the experience of the previous life to practice the real name.

Every reincarnation is a new beginning, and only by jumping out of reincarnation can you become a god.

However, there are deviations in the actual situation. For example, Emperor Shitian is a **** still in reincarnation.

Emperor Shitian did not escape, but held the idea of ​​using the mysterious power of reincarnation to leave his impression in the hearts of the world.

If we want to say that this god's greatest merit is to rule on the good and evil in this world.

There is no distinction between good and evil in all things in the world, and the difference between good and evil can only be born because Emperor Shitian witnessed.

Xu Fu laid down his hands, talented, everyone's containment is only a warm-up degree, let him move some muscles, and the next thing is the highlight.

As the distance between Ma Yuan and Xu Fu gradually shortened, the collision of coercion also became extremely intense. The entire space was thus divided into two groups of diametrically opposed gas fields, and a clear watershed was drawn between the two.

"Have you really thought about it?"

Xu Fu asked suddenly.

Ma Yuan didn't answer immediately, because he came here just to find his answer. Before the result came out, he still chose to remain silent.

Ma Yuan looked around for a while. The elder who had just been knocked down by a serious injury, his hands were smoking with blue smoke, and he was completely comatose. The lunar stick was thrown aside.

Ju Youjing's situation is not good. He got rid of the shackles of the big dark sky, and because of the overdraft of vitality, and Xu Fu's pressure, he couldn't move, and so did Tsing Yi and Cho.

"The water of the big river comes to heaven."

Ma Yuan produced the sword without warning. It was inherited from the first genius of the world, Li Bai, and could kill all creations in the world.

I saw the right hand waving, the blade of the Qinglian sword showed the phantom of the white phoenix, and the screaming wind was a sound of phoenix, blessed by the power of the Emperor Shitian Seal, showing a hundred times more than before. power.


The dull sound came like a big stone smashing into the river and sea.

Xu Fu stretched out his hands, held it in a certain position in the void, trapped the opponent's sword, turned the intangible into tangible, Xu Fu was so proficient in the transformation of ghosts and gods, making Ma Yuan wonder whether Xu Fu still kept the basic role as a **** strength.

The seemingly easy grip, the sword was crushed and dispersed into dust.

Xu Fu seemed to be a foodie who was good at tasting. He wanted to comment on his opponent's moves, so he said to Ma Yuan:

"A good sword intention, unlike something that appears in the world. I thought it was a space secret technique, but I didn't expect to take over it and found out that it was a time secret technique. I can only achieve this level, and I am the only one in my mind.

At this time, Xu Fu did not directly indicate which one it was, but it was definitely not Li Bai.

Ma Yuan responded: "In the past one thousand years, there are one more person who can do this."


Xu Fuwei smiled.

Because of the "sun" above that has not disappeared, Xu Fu's connection with the big dark sky is infinitesimal.

But Xu Fu is still very confident. With the power of the temporarily stored blood clan, a scarlet blood ball condensed on his right hand, and this time he was attacked instead.

Without any warning, Xu Fu's figure zoomed in quickly in front of Ma Yuan's eyes, and the blood cell also came close to Ma Yuan's face.

"not good!"

Ma Yuan's heart suddenly seemed to stop beating. He was frightened by the strange action of the other party and had to forcibly raise his vigilance.

With the instinct, or the instructions of Emperor Shizhuang's Seal, there is not even the leeway to think. Ma Yuan directly placed the Qinglian sword across the front ten inches.

As soon as the blood cell touched the sword body, it began to spin violently, and sparks were emitted. The force also followed the sword body to Ma Yuan's hand, slowly moving it down.

"It really is difficult to deal with."

With a wry smile, Ma Yuan mobilized all the vitality of his body and gathered it on his right hand, which could withstand the advance of the blood cell and felt extremely difficult.

The square seal on his left hand awakened like a sleeping lion, bursting out a powerful air wave and a little ripple on the blood cells. Xu Fu saw this, showing a surprised look.

"With foreign objects, after all, it is not his own strength, and he cannot grasp the changes in the battle situation."

It seems to be admonishing each other that Xu Fu's right hand increased his strength, pushing Ma Yuan back half a step, and a strong wind burst apart behind Ma Yuan.

"Oh, this Qinglian swordsmanship is my strength, why can't I master it?"

Ma Yuan sarcastically said that he only blessed with the power of Emperor Shitian's Seal, and did not use any of the techniques.

At the same time, Ma Yuan also woke up and could not contend with the blood ancestor Xu Fu simply by this means. His mood suddenly became tense.

The blood cell was separated from the Qinglian sword. In less than one instant, it was a confrontation. In dozens of rounds, a storm was set off in the entire space. The process, without the slightest skill, is fast and strong is king.

For such a quick confrontation, the so-called skill is superfluous. Slowing down the rhythm will make your momentum fall to the bottom. The skillful competition is completed before the game.

Ma Yuan's hands shook slightly. He could see that the other party was afraid of his Dahe sword intentions. Although crushed by the other party with his bare hands, he actually caused a lot of damage to Xu Fu.


Ma Yuan once again opened a distance, expecting the other party to keep up, and the powerful Qinglian Sword left with mighty power to cut through with great power.

A phantom of the Phoenix emerged, rushed into the sky from the same place, and locked Xu Fu's breath.

Xu Fu was not nervous. He avoided Ma Yuan's Dahe Jianyi sideways and turned his left hand. Then the blood cell ran from his right to his left and launched a new attack on Ma Yuan.

Unsuccessful sneak attack, the Qinglian sword cut off by Ma Yuan picked up again and collided with Xu Fu's blood cells. At this time, the phantom of the Phoenix swooped in, and the seal of Emperor Shitian also increased its strength. The three forces combined together Be a forward-looking man.


Xu Fu applauded that the blood ball in his hand reached the limit of endurance, and suddenly burst open, blowing the two people out of five steps.

"Ding Dong."

The sound of Qinglian sword falling on the ground.

Ma Yuan's right hand hung down, the blood kept dripping down, and he could no longer hold the sword because of the blood cell injury.

"There is really no way."

Ma Yuan murmured to himself. Next, his eyes were covered with a golden light, and hundreds of runes appeared on his side. The ancient breath spread.

"It's finally here."

Xu Fu sensed the changes in Ma Yuan and couldn't help but feel very emotional.

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