Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 125: Strongest soul

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Anyone who is alive will have a demise moment after all.

This is not to say that death should be treated calmly and easily. On the contrary, it must be carefully considered.

The idiom "death to death" can show a tragic situation.

In the death of this world, there are two ways, one is as dark as gray, and the other is as strong as cherry. Choosing the latter is the martial arts that Ju Youjing strictly abides by, and it is also a manifestation of Juhe's sword intention, which is put into the furnace at the right time to burn the most beautiful flame.

Since there is a reason to be able to spare even death, there is no way to escape, and we can only stick to it with dignity.

The joy of life lies in the ease of life and death.

Monarch palace.

Juyou Jing launched an attack on Xu Fu, who had escaped from the chaos, and abandoned all remaining vitality.

Xu Fu waved his right hand, carrying the power of an overbearing blood clan, and took back his self-made Wuming. After eating so many losses, he naturally had some countermeasures.

Looking at the wound on his right hand, Xu Fu's eyes were a little dignified. He looked at the man who had run out of lights and withered lights, and said with emotion:

"Like me, I have eternal life, and I most cherish the life span of those of you who have the life and death cycle. There is no difference between your decades and the flick of your finger. You are the one who least loves you and will be limited. Life is easy to give up. Is it because it is too short to care?"

Ju Youjing smiled, and Yun Yan passed in front of him, blooming like a dream. Maybe I had imagined this in the past, but since I met Odagyu, everything has changed.

The death is approaching, he did not take a step closer in Kendo, but chose the peaceful infinite years in the future.

"I have long regarded death as my home. There is no need to choose between the death of the soul and the death of the flesh. If the memories are all eliminated, even if the soul is reincarnated, it is just dead."

Ju Youjing said that his magic sword's self-proclaimed Wuming breath is becoming stronger and stronger, and his own breath is rapidly fading.

Perhaps Xu Fu's words are correct, but at this point, he no longer cares what to give up, just to get what he wants.


Xu Fu murmured to himself, seeming to be scared by the other party's consciousness, and turned to ask questions,

"Do you also think that the memory-carrying body is the most precious?"

Ju Youjing raised his self-proclaimed Wuming, and gathered the floating light of the entire Junfang Temple on the blade, and his momentum exceeded the usual level of the Holy Land.

"this is……"

Xu Fu's eyes narrowed and he couldn't help feeling emotion. He even felt the dangerous smell on this ordinary sanctuary.

The volition of life and death, with the help of the magical tool made by Wuming, summoned the remaining chaos in this space!

Another place, no, cannot be said to be a place. That is the place where the future that has not yet happened is conceived, and also the place where the past deaths have occurred. Time connects this line of growth, spanning countless spaces.

"Wake up, you wake up."

Ma Yuan's consciousness was in a haze. Hearing the call of a certain voice, the voice came near and far, not male or female, and came from nowhere, but felt very familiar.

Opening his eyes, Ma Yuan saw a man in front of him, surrounded by a dark space.

The man turned around, and Ma Yuan was so scared that he couldn't close his mouth, and he looked exactly like Emperor Shi Tian in the dream. He couldn't help guessing, is this the Emperor Shi Tian who came to my mortal body?

Soon, he discovered the fact that his seal of Emperor Shitian disappeared. Not only that, but the big river sword that had been seen in Dantianzhong also disappeared, giving him the feeling that he was coming to Chang'an for the first time. When there is nothing.

Like a baby in a baby, a wild wolf deprived of fangs, without the means of defense, Ma Yuan's heart grew stronger and stronger.

"You do not have to worry about,"

The man approached Ma Yuan, stroking his hair, scratching his shoulders to the back, as if he wanted to hug him but dared not start, so comforting,

"Because you are dead."

This sentence is like a thunderbolt in the sunny day, which runs through Ma Yuan's heart. Yes, he is dead. Ma Yuan recalled that the battle with Xu Fu dragged into chaos, and in the chaos, Ma Yuan's soul was first annihilated by the storm that suddenly rolled up in the chaos.

But, where is this place? Ma Yuan looked at each other, hoping that Emperor Shitian could give himself an explanation.

Emperor Shitian understood the meaning of Ma Yuan and immediately said:

"Here is the end of the universe. It is infinitely far away from all known time. There is nothing new or disappearing, and it reaches absolute stillness."

Ma Yuan was confused, and asked, "Can you say something simple."

Emperor Shitian: "It's the end of the world."

Ma Yuan thought about it, and still had no clue, he said embarrassedly: "It's more complicated."

Emperor Shitian: "..."

"Don't care so much, do you have any way to let me go back?"

Ma Yuan knew that once he was engulfed by chaos, Xu Fu must have a way to return to the Junfang Temple, and Ju Youjing would be in danger.

Then, he thought of the key things again, and hadn't waited for the other party to answer, then immediately asked:

"You are Emperor Shitian. You successfully suppressed Xu Fu, but now the seal is still there, but he still retains a certain strength. We can't help him, can you tell me how to deal with him?"

Facing the question of Ma Yuan's Lianzhu shells, Emperor Shi Tian couldn't help but stunned. I didn't know which sensitive nerve was triggered. When he met Ma Yuan's happy color, he became very haggard.

He said slowly:

"Here is the true destination of the soul. Only those who come in and not go out. When the existing soul of the entire universe decreases to a certain value, it will cause disaster. The soul of the universe can only stabilize the balance of the universe by increasing a lot."

"It can be said that I am Emperor Shitian, or it can be said. At that time, Emperor Shitian turned into three thousand incarnations, and I am one of them. As for Xu Fu..."

Emperor Shi Tian paused, hesitated, sighed, and said:

"At that time Xu Fu voluntarily entered the town of demons and was ambushed by us, otherwise he could not help him by uniting the gods. I have no way to subdue him."

what? The reality in front of him defeated Ma Yuan, and his eyes quickly became dull and lost all colors.

"However, you still have room."

"What is it? Tell me quickly."

Emperor Shi Tian’s hope in his mouth became Ma Yuan’s last life-saving straw. At this time, he wanted to obtain him at all costs.

"Really accept the seal of Emperor Shitian and become the strongest soul."

Emperor Shitian's tone is beyond doubt.

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