Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 133: King's return

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Memories are not so long-lasting things, new things must be remembered every day, and every day there must be something to forget.

You may even find that people have no impression of what they were in the last second, only a few hints.

What seamlessly connects all the fragments is the illusory memory covered by holes one after another, which makes one think that one's life is continuing and the future is still spreading.

Over time, people will lose something that they thought was precious, even if it was not deliberate, they will not be able to escape the fate of forgetting it.

But this kind of forgetting is not really forgetting, as long as it happens, it must leave traces, even if forgetting can not erase this trace.

After crossing thousands of mountains and rivers, after experiencing the tribulation of the earth, when the last moment suddenly realized, remembering them all, people would sigh involuntarily: long gone.

When Ju Youjing is gray for thousands of years, he hears a familiar voice, a voice that rekindles his hope.

He raised his head and looked at the teenager in front of him, tranced, thinking that what he saw was not true.

Xu Fu looked at Ma Yuan, a little strange, and he could not understand with his far-reaching knowledge: why people who died in chaos can appear here again.

"Shouldn't your soul be crushed by the Chaos Storm and turned into nothingness?"

Xu Fu's hands spread out, gathering the power of the crazy blood. At this time, the Junfangdian was punched out of a hole because of the chaotic singularity created in the previous war, and the town of demons also suffered serious damage.

Outside world spirits poured into Xu Fu's body, he was quickly returning to his original state. The ancient **** who easily abused the indestructible rank seemed to show his sovereignty, spreading his breath in every corner of the king's continent, making the hearts of the old monsters stunned and very nervous.

Ma Yuan looked at Xu Fu with no expression on his face, and his flesh was not fully formed yet. Unlike Xu Fuli, who used chaos to create the physical body of the world, Ma Yuan used the will of Emperor Shi Tian, ​​who is omnipresent in this space, to reshape the physical body.

"Xu Fu, don't you know? I came back from the future."

Ma Yuan's words made Ju Youjing confused, but Xu Fu quickly understood the meaning of the other party and felt a little nervous.

Xu Fu did extinguish the fire of Ma Yuan's soul and successfully buried the other party in chaos.

But after this time passed, until the end of the world, Ma Yuan's remnant soul was called by Emperor Shi Tianben to respect and gather together, and then he was sent back to this era in secret.

"So magical, only he can perform, and only you can bear."

Xu Fu sighed, knowing that Emperor Shitian had long expected that he would use "chaotic funeral" as a space-time technique, so he prepared a way out in the infinite future, and the appearance of Ma Yuan proved that the historical trajectory of this world has succeeded modified.

As Ma Yuan's physical body reappears, there are er, uh, and four fifth-order holy stones, among which the red moon's light is extremely bright.

According to legend, the fifth-order sacred stone is an extra stone from Nuwa Butian. It is not imprisoned by time and space, and shuttles through each dynasty to find its owner.

Not only that, on Ma Yuan’s right hand, the virtual image of Qinglian Sword gradually materialized, and Dahe Sword was about to move. With his left hand holding the seal of Emperor Shitian, the whole body was covered with golden light, and the indescribable majesty was exuded. Even Juyou Jing felt chills.

"If this is the case, you are far from my opponent."

Xu Fu calmly said that he succeeded in breaking the shackles of the Great Demon Sealing Circle, and the recovered strength exceeded the status when he was sealed. If it is not that the space of the king's palace is special, he would have been teleporting into the underworld.

"Of course I know, so now I want to inherit all the power of Emperor Shitian."

This sentence came out blandly from Ma Yuan's mouth, but it made Xu Fu's heart tighten and shouted, "How is it possible."

"Thirty-three days into extinction, one million true gods return!"

Suddenly, the time and space of the entire Junfang Temple were frozen, Xu Fu and Ju Youjing were immobile, and even the consciousness was frozen.

Xu Fu quickly got rid of this strange feeling, and when he looked closely, he discovered that Ma Yuan's flesh was not yet formed, but his momentum was extremely powerful, and it made him feel familiar.

"Is it really you?" Emperor Shitian looked incredible.

Ma Yuan's left hand, the tiny Emperor Shi Tian's seal, suddenly turned into a powder, and turned into a little golden light to dissipate. At the same time, a burly adult man appeared above Ma Yuan. He was wearing a red and white robe and there were countless strange runes floating around him.

While lifting the left hand, Ma Yuan also raised the right hand, and Qinglian sword was held in the palm of his hand, which made him feel more at ease, although he understood that the current Qinglian sword could not give him real strength.

"After all, I can't be his disciple."

Slightly sighed, Ma Yuan shattered the Qinglian sword in his hand, and a phantom of a phoenix chick flew out, disappearing in the air.

This decision, in the infinitely distant future, Ma Yuan did not know how many times he thought about it, but he gave up again. In Ma Yuan's view, this difficult choice might last for a few days, but when he asked Di Shitian, the other side shook his head, sighed, and didn't tell himself the real time.

"If you insist on holding a sword and remember the strength that this sword once gave you, you can't gain new strength."

Ma Yuan comforted himself so much that he thought he would regret it, even if he really started, it would be 10,000 reluctant.

However, Ma Yuan still squeezed the only Qinglian sword left by Li Bai. With a clear sound, Ma Yuan and Li Bai were cut off.

He became solitary again, pure without being polluted by this world, Emperor Shitian's will began to integrate into his body, and powerful power was poured into this fresh container.

Xu Fu shouted, there was a sign of collapse in the entire space, and the time and space frozen by Emperor Shi Tian’s divine power still could not trap Xu Fu, even though he had not yet recovered his strength.

"The Emperor Shitian's Twelve Handprints."

Ma Yuan used both hands to show his handprints, which was the same set as before, but the power was so different. He temporarily fixed Xu Fu in place.


The fifth-order sacred stone Hongyue flew out, flying around Ma Yuan. At this time, Ma Yuan’s flesh was completely formed, and Emperor Shitian’s phantom was fully integrated with that will. The power beyond the indestructible level revealed its tip .

With a tear, the red moon melted like ice falling into the lava, and the blood flowing down from the top of Ma Yuan's head.


Ma Yuan didn't anticipate the change of Red Moon, and was screamed by the scorching pain of the surge.

The next moment, tranquility was restored. In front of Xu Fu, Ma Yuan disappeared and was replaced by a person who made him more familiar.

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