Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 141: Lucid

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"Xu Fu, why are you here?"

"I don't know the exact reason. It seems that as long as I go out, it will bring harm to the outside world. I have been locked here for more than a thousand years."

As soon as this remark came out, four people were stunned. I didn't expect the other party to look young, but it was an old immortal monster. There was a hint of secret excitement in the captain's eyes.

Next, Xu Fu told his story, a story similar to the brave warrior killing the devil.

As the long time passed, the date when the brave men came again was getting closer and closer, and Xu Fu could feel this uneasiness.

But Xu Fu also knows that the people who came this time are not here to kill, because there is no such holy and glorious atmosphere, so they can talk to them without warning.

"Hahaha, brother, you actually said that you don't want to go out. Well, there is nothing good in the outside world. People die even without knowing relatives and friends. There are wars everywhere."

The captain apparently moved his emotions, and slapped his shoulders straight at Xu Fujing. The others were all scared. Unexpectedly, the captain was so bold. Xu Fu had no special feeling and behaved calmly.

"You have talked for so long, let me tell you something about the outside world."

The captain said suddenly.

This suggestion brightened Xu Fu's eyes, and seemed to be very satisfied.

"Before that, let me tell you my name, my name is Han Xin."

When Han Xin said halfway, he stopped suddenly, and seemed to hesitate. Xu Fu asked what happened.

Han Xin asked: "Do you know the king?"

Xu Fu tried to search the clips in his memory and found that he actually remembered this person, and nodded.

Han Xin then asked: "Do you know that he had a sword originally, and then he was sealed with his wife, sealed in the soil, and finally stolen. Which one is that sword?"

Xu Fudao: "Ju Que, he called it that way."

All four people showed intriguing expressions on their faces. Unexpectedly, in this mysterious place, there were unexpected gains. But all of them suppressed the inner euphoria very well, and nothing was apparent on the surface.

"What are you happy about?"

Xu Fu was puzzled. He can perceive the emotional fluctuations of creatures, and basically does not look at the expression. For him, the expression is just to increase the color.

Han Xin smiled awkwardly, and was a little embarrassed to be seen by others, saying:

"Brother Xu Fu didn't know that the demon recognized by this continent is the King of Kings. Although King King died, the reincarnation is still there. The only way to restrain him is to find the giant que in your mouth."


Xu Fu sighed and said in a very flat tone. Unexpectedly, there were many such demons besides him.

Han Xin continued to talk to Xu Fu about the prosperity of the outside world. When it came to prosperity, Xu Fu evolved with illusion, and everyone was well known.

No matter how trivial the sesame and green beans, as long as you can hear, Xu Fu is very satisfied. The period of chatting with Han Xin and his colleagues has gone through a hundred years of life.

At the end of the meeting, Han Xin suddenly threw a difficult choice to the other party.

"I want something for you." Han Channel.

"What?" Xu Fu asked.

"Shards of your original stone." Han Xin said calmly.

"What do you want to do?" Xu Fu's eyes became sharper.

Han Xin stood up and looked around. The darkness of the cave was extremely deep under the reflection of the blazing fire. It is difficult to imagine what it would be like to stay here for thousands of years. Is it just by reminiscing about the past?

"I know you don’t want to go out, but are you unwilling to walk into this world? I can take something from here. If you take away a little bit of your original fragments, then you can give birth to a soul, and You can experience the life of the outside world when you are connected."

Han Xin finished and added:

"The quality I can take away is extremely limited. Therefore, the spiritual power you conceive will not be so strong, and it should not affect the world."

Xu Fu was hesitant to hear this. The friend of the day is a question of credibility. Moreover, Xu Fu has another difficulty.

"No matter how many memories you have, the more you accumulate, when the new reincarnation is reborn, those memories will be erased again, making people even more reluctant."

Faced with the difficult look on Xu Fu's face, Han Xin bent down and sat on the ground again. The spear held in his right hand stood up, and then he said in a powerful tone:

"Then don't forget, aren't you great? Don't you even have the chance to rebel? You have endured this prison for thousands of years, and you can't have no chance!"


Xu Fu's eyes gleamed with unclear light, as if shooting from the horizon. Long ago, Xu Fu knew this light, called hope.

At this moment, the underground world of Junfangdian shook suddenly, and the fluctuation of vitality was transmitted throughout the space.

"No, that hole seems to be being sealed." the woman exclaimed.

It seems that the guardian of the Protoss Village finally discovered this anomaly.

Without further ado, Xu Fu gritted his teeth and extended his right hand. A blood-colored jade the size of a fingernail appeared on the palm of his hand and handed it to Han Xin.

Xu Fu explained: "About three days later, there will be a gray spirit, and then it will turn into an egg, and it will eventually take shape, and you don't need to pay more attention."

After receiving the letter, Han Xin gestured to others, and immediately set up an escape formation.

"Then, the situation is urgent, so we have to leave."


Xu Fu pointed to the fires that were placed on the ground and asked, "What is this?"

The woman said: "This is the sun stone. It is said that it is some kind of **** falling from the sun. It is useless except that it will shine."

Han Xin stepped forward and suggested: "Why? Do you want this thing? If so, it's OK for you."

Xu Fu was silent for a while, then nodded, looking at the light on the stones a little fascinated.

When Han Xin got up and was about to leave, he seemed to remember something, and said to Xu Fu: "Yes, the energy of the Sun Stone is limited, that is to say, it can't always shine, and it will consume it every time you start it. "

The latter nodded, so Han Xin and his party disappeared in situ.

The sun stone accompanied Xu Fu for five hundred years. From the beginning, the golden yellow became blue and white. Like the crystal moonlight, it shimmered in the darkness of the palace.

Five hundred years ago, the bloodstones taken away by Han Xin finally led a mysterious pharmacist named Xu Fu to the world, and he did not know how many **** storms had been set off in the Qin Palace.

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