Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 143: Soul burning again

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Xu Fu's huge body was displayed in front of Ma Yuan. The dazzling gems were arranged on the surface of the armor. The pleats gleamed, and the unspeakable rhythm passed on every joint of him.

The feet are on the ground, and the head and feet are twenty to thirty feet high, connecting the heaven and earth of the Junfang Temple.

The pair of blood wings on the back converged into two axes, tightly embedded in the back belt, only a rough shape.

Of course, Xu Fu does not use his bare hands, and he also has weapons inscribed with his own name. As a result, his hands were brought together, and a giant sword gradually formed.

"This is Xu Fu's true **** body?"

Facing the more and more powerful momentum, Ma Yuan tightened his heart and foretell that something was wrong, he couldn't help but accelerate the progress.

Neng Tianyin in his hand is ready to go, vomiting huge divine power. Madness appeared on Ma Yuan's face, and the original dignified face was distorted, and the fighting intention against Xu Fu reached its zenith.

boom! boom!

Ma Yuan and Xu Fu's shoulders felt a huge pressure coming at the same time. That was the original formation of Ma Yuan's Neng Tianyin, occupying all the space of the palace.

Even if Xu Fu summoned the Great Sword and attempted to break through the Neng Tianyin exhibited by Ma Yuan, at this time, only half of the sword's body appeared, and at most it disrupted Ma Yuan's rhythm, making it difficult to manipulate.

Slowly gasping for breath, he saw that Neng Tianyin was basically formed. A heavy stone hung in Ma Yuan's heart finally put down and smiled contemptuously at Xu Fu.

"It seems that I started first."

Ma Yuan solemnly raised his right hand until he was above his head and said.

A trace of consternation flashed in Xu Fu's eyes. The opponent's speed exceeded his expectations, and he clearly tried his best to interfere.

However, it was only by chance that he inherited the will of Emperor Shitian. The understanding of Neng Tianyin could not be so rapid, and Xu Fu was difficult to accept at the moment.

However, despite Xu Fu's search in memory, the memory from the beginning of the world to the present has not found a **** that matches the characteristics of Ma Yuan.

Is he the reincarnation of Jiang Ziya?

Is he the reincarnation of Fu Xi?

he is……

No, neither! Ma Yuan is a character he has never seen, Xu Fu is convinced of this.

Even if he met Han Xin for the first time five hundred years ago, he could find Han Xin in his memory, but Ma Yuan couldn't.

"I am very happy to meet a new person, I hope you will not be cursed by me."

Xu Fu suddenly said to himself with infinite mourning tone.

"What do you mean?"

Ma Yuan looked blank.

Xu Fu had to explain: Anyone who appears in Xu Fu's memory will be caught in an eternal and endless cycle of reincarnation, and the fate already long destined will be staged countless times.

Ma Yuan laughed, and couldn't believe it: "How can there be such a strange thing?"

Xu Fu had to state again:

"Whether you believe it or not, in my eyes as a bystander, this world is like this. The gods once said that my curse is to let this world accept a fixed ending, and perform countless repeated fate before destruction. ."

"If there is such a thing, it's not bad."

Ma Yuan's two hands are concurrent, and the potential energy of Nengtianyin has signs of breaking the entire space of the king's palace, and the squealing wailing sounds.

He then continued with a very excited tone:

"I think it's good to be able to meet a guy like you, knowing these stories happening to you, and coming to a showdown that the world thinks of brave vs. demon!"

After that, the two hands separated from top to bottom, a sudden wave spread across the corner in an instant, the huge handprint pressed towards the center, the two were simultaneously crushed by the ruin.

Can't stand the counterattack of the move, even the true deified Ma Yuan suddenly spit out a blood, violent pain, tearing his nerves and exploding in the brain like this, Rao is so, the hands that fit together are pressed tighter.

On the other hand, Xu Fu's side, the newly formed armor was blown by the storm in the center, and all the places were bursting, but it was ruined in a few breaths.

Do you really want to die together?

Xu Fu has been traveling from the outside world for a hundred years.

The shape of the flesh is due to some reason. For the dear Bianque, he didn't even tell him the truth, so he hurried away. There are also the two brothers in the Qin Palace, whose fate has not been witnessed to the end.

Before Xu Fu's flesh collapsed in the outside world, he found the ancestor of the Zhongshan royal family, and in a certain transaction, the other party agreed to keep the blood stone of Xu Fu Yuan God left after returning, and banned it to prevent it from hatching again. Blood.

"All the preparations I have made are to avoid the boring ending of those brave wars against demons!"

Unwilling anger filled Xu Fu's chest, twisting between his lungs.

A giant sword burning with purple and blue flames is fully manifested in Xu Fu's hands, breaking the shackles of Nengtianyin with his incomparable power.

The two powerful wills are intertwined with each other, which makes the 20 spaces of the Junfang Temple mixed again, and a fierce storm rises.

The palace was transformed into a virtual shadow again, and there was no boundary between heaven and earth. There was only chaos here.

Ma Yuan's body suddenly shrank suddenly, Emperor Shi Tian's posture disappeared, returning to the original appearance of Ma Yuan, the familiar will felt by Xu Fu also disappeared

It seems that Tiandi finally realized Ma Yuan's hypocritical identity, thus regaining the power of the true **** given to him.

"It's all right, it's done."

Ma Yuan muttered to himself, comforting himself. Subsequently, the brain was hit by a mental storm, and the consciousness became weak, and his eyes were cloudy.

Although Emperor Shitian of this place has disappeared, the great power of Nengtianyin is still there. Even if 20 spaces begin to converge and restore, the pace of collapse is getting faster and faster.

Looking at the rapidly declining posture of Ma Yuan, Xu Fu's chest burst into a strange emotion.

At this moment, he once again feels that he is not a monster. Even if he is treated coldly by this world, he still has his own memories and connections with others, and these are all precious.

"Never allow memories to be defiled!"

Xu Fu raised his purple and blue sword, and the sword pierced the chaos, separated the world, and integrated the twenty separated spaces together.

The big sword exhausted all of Xu Fu’s divine power, splitting at the core of Nengtianyin, and making a huge roar. The space of the king’s palace finally could not support this pressure, crashing into a prototype of chaos, devouring All tangible things.

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