Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 145: Starlight

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"What do you... want to do?"

Stopping the falling trend, Ma Yuan was suspended in the air by Xu Futuo.

Feeling the storm slamming against Xu Fu's flesh, the banging sound was loud, and Ma Yuan couldn't help wondering what he said.

Xu Fu turned his head and did not immediately answer each other's questions. Chaos is devouring everything here, and for a moment, Xu Fu and Ma Yuan will struggle to escape.

"Right, there is no time anymore."

Xu Fuwu said that he slapped the black wings behind him and drove Ma Yuan toward the hole above, struggling to get rid of the gravity.

"Are you trying to save me?"

In connection with the paragraph just now, Ma Yuan suddenly understood the deep meaning in Xu Fu's discourse, and spent a lot of effort to squeeze out this sentence.

But Xu Fu still did not answer. The two had only one face, but a sense of familiarity that they had seen a long time ago and seemed to know that they would meet each other. Probably, this is the so-called fate.

"I will send you to the outside world, and here will soon be submerged by chaos. In this special space of twenty days, chaos will not go to death, but to new life, everything will start from scratch. You can rest assured, next A generation of blood **** will be born soon, he will recall our past in the long years."

Soon to reach the hole of the big town of demons, Xu Fu's body was ignited by holy light and ignited a golden-white flame, just like the sun.

Ma Yuan said slowly:

"I will find a way to save you. This cold palace is not where you are staying. There is nowhere to be free in every corner of the world. Even exhausting the energy of my life will lift this absurd curse for you. Even the ancient The gods can’t do it, and I can possibly surpass them and then redeem you from the endless darkness!"

After saying these words, Ma Yuan had exhausted his last effort. He and Xu Fu looked at each other. At this moment, all the precautions were lifted, and they were allowed to fall into a long white light.

Xu Fu didn't speak. Even if Ma Yuan could not fulfill the promise he made in the future, there was nothing to blame.

Perhaps this battle is the time when his destiny of existence is fulfilled, and it is also the case that it can rush into the hub of the Demon Extermination Array without hesitation.

With a light push, Xu Fu performed the secret technique of time and space, pushing Ma Yuan out of the space of the palace.

In an instant, Ma Yuan felt that he was being pulled by a great force, and Xu Fu's figure was getting farther and farther away from him, and then was swallowed by the darkness at the next moment.


Boom! !

Ma Yuan was just sent away, and the cyan sword broke off in response to the sound, and the huge energy suppressed was spewed out.

All the tangible objects in the palace are distorted. Under the power of Neng Tianyin, they are all broken into powder, and Xu Fu's flesh is no exception.

"Goodbye, Ma Yuan." Xu Fu said.

On his right hand, the shadow of a sword is transfigured. If Ma Yuan is present, he will be shocked. This is the Qinglian sword.

Xu Fu remembered the past recorded in the sword of Qinglian at the last moment, that is the source of another myth. It's just time rush, Xu Fu has no way to explain to Ma Yuan what kind of person he is.

The inside story can only be explained by Haotian and Emperor Shitian from ancient times to the present, but since the ancient times, the true **** has retreated, no one has traced it, and hope has become slim.

"It turns out that you set this board early in the morning."

At the end of Xu Fu's disappearance, he saw in a trance a game of chess on the cloud, the subtle expression of the two players playing.

The right hand lifted slightly, and the Qinglian sword was crushed into pieces as soon as it appeared.

With a chuckle, Xu Fu's body turned into nothingness, and finally left a blue source stone on the spot. This destroyed space was quickly rebuilt and restored to a dull crypt.

The next reincarnation, thousands of years later?

When Ma Yuan woke up, the dazzling sunlight penetrated into the stone house through the small window, and the people of the Protoss Village lifted him up to recuperate his body.

"How are you?"


So Ma Yuan walked down to prove to the other party that the maid showed a strange expression.

Upon inquiry, Ma Yuan was suddenly found on the stone monument in front of the village at the night when the elders were thrown out.

Clearly dying, he thought he was dying, and he woke up alive the next day.

Ma Yuan grinned reluctantly, a little embarrassed, it seems that the other party is still not clear what identity Ma Yuan entered into the palace.

In fact, as expected by Ma Yuan, the elder Xi Yin, as well as the two elders Qiao and Tsing Yi, including Juyou Jing, had been trying their best to endure Xu Fu’s high-level coercion and fought, accumulating injuries. No one has been sober so far.

Nako Lulu is still taking care of them. Ma Yuan was found relatively late, so she was not in the same room as them.

"Lulu just left, now to visit the elder elders and two law-enhancing elders and Mr. Orange who have recovered in the reckless formation. I am going to inform you now that you are not here to move."

The maid hurriedly retreated after the speech.

Ma Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and sat back on the bed. The body was still a little weak because of his soberness.

Waiting for Ma Yuan to meditate on Yungong, he suddenly found something strange. The Dantian, which was originally full of vitality, was empty and bleak, showing no signs of vitality in every meridian.

"It was like when I first came into this world."

There was great uneasiness in Ma Yuan's heart. At this time, he discovered that the Qinglian sword he was wearing with him disappeared, and he could not find it everywhere. Was it lost below?

Wait, what happened below?

Ma Yuan’s brain became muddy, and he couldn’t remember anything about the events of the past few days, and the more he tried to recall, the more familiar feelings disappeared, and gradually nothing was left.


Ah ah ah!

Ma Yuan couldn't help but utter a painful wailing, and a huge sense of loss came to his heart. Although he felt it was a very important thing, he couldn't recall it anyway.

What have you forgotten?

Ma Yuan held his head and knelt on the bed, tears slowly sliding down his face, somehow filling his heart with huge pain, he had to repeat that sentence over and over again:

"My memory... my memory... what went wrong?"

Only one person in the dim stone house, no one can answer the teenager's questions.

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