Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 155: Blood Age

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Facing Ma Yuan's various requests for delaying time, Cai Yong grunted and categorically refused.

For him who has no human touch, he is more close to everything for the efficiency of the progress of things and maximizes his investment in his career.

"Don't bother, just go now and go now!"

"No! Can't you give me one day?"

The two could not argue with each other.

Nakolulu's eyes were slightly red.

The teachers of Jixia College are busy, and it is very strange to be able to take the time to come to Fusang to pick up Ma Yuan.

So Nako Lulu touched Ma Yuan's head and said:

"Just leave everything to me, and I will tell everyone. If you have anything to say to someone, tell me to tell, and I will remember everything."

is it? Is that so?

Ma Yuan lowered his head. In fact, he had nothing to say specifically, and there was no regret worth mentioning. He just wanted to stay with Naco Lulu for a while.

"So, you tell those people, one day my horse will come back again, then I will no longer be a waste!"

Ma Yuan said with a bright smile, at this time, Na Kelulu's eyes hung crystal tears.

That night, taking advantage of the night, Cai Yong took Ma Yuan to embark on the big boat that left Fuso.

Around Cai Yong, Ma Yuan always felt uncomfortable and ran to the bow of the boat. Looking down from the top, the waves stirred up by the layers hit the hull, and the faint white moonlight swayed.

"If Cai Yong didn't come to me and he went away when I went back, would I be able to go back to Nakolulu again?"

Ma Yuan couldn't help thinking that, after a while, he frowned again.

"Even if I go back to Fusang, I don't know the way. Not to mention the formation of the enchantment formation, I will not make it at all."

The night was cool, the sea breeze was blowing, and Ma Yuan was caught in a tangle.

"In the final analysis, I still blame Cai Yong. If you give me a little more time, I will not forget to ask Na Kelulu how to go back to the village."

Ma Yuan mumbled, and a voice sounded behind his back: "I think you better abandon your thoughts, I'm afraid you won't be able to go back in this life."

Feeling a bit familiar, Ma Yuan turned around and found that it was Cai Yong, the "culprit", and scolded:

"What nonsense are you talking about? I have agreed with my mother, and after I have finished my studies, I will return to the village and reunite."

Cai Yong smiled contemptuously. He remembered the secret of this **** village more than ten years ago. It was only because of Xi Yin's sentiment that he did not investigate deeply.

"That's a dangerous place, and you should be glad that you managed to escape."

Ignoring Ma Yuan's angry face, Cai Yong continued.

"Aren't the so-called Jixia all old things like you?"

Ma Yuan sat down and felt dull.

"Oh, do you want to know the source and history of Jixia College?"

Cai Yongban said seductively, as if waiting for Ma Yuan to take the bait.

Ma Yuan turned his head away and said angrily: "What's the use of knowing this!"

"Naturally useful."

Cai Yong said firmly,

"Everyone who enters Jiji must know the precepts of Jiji. If they don't know the history of Jiji, how can they obey the admonishment?"

"Then... that's fine."

Ma Yuan thought about it, this is probably a kind of entrance ceremony, it would be a little rough without the venue. He also had a curiosity about Najilulu's praise.

So, Cai Yong told the teenager in front of him about the origin of Ji Ji:

"Now, there is a once-in-a-year genius under Ji Ji, named Sima Yi..."

On the other side of the sea, on the ground where Chang'an City is located, it is like a big ship at the moment, it is in a calm sea, but it is dark and rough.

In the small village of Wei State, there is a newly built hall, supposedly to receive the people from the royal family. Strangely, there is only one person here, no followers and no guards.

It has been three months since he lived in this magnificent building, which is incompatible with the houses of the surrounding villages.

The villagers only saw him go in, but did not see him out, because no one could trespass without telling them, so no one dared to peep. The children in the village were taught that they could not get closer within a hundred steps.

Soon, this building was spreading in the surrounding cities, and the people with a little intelligence knew that the people inside were the first heroes who helped the Wei State to restore the great cause of the last three wars.

The man was originally an unknown soldier in the army, but when Wei Jun was in a critical situation, he made repeated attempts to defeat the joint attack of the two countries and won the appreciation of the general. Therefore, given the name Cao Cao, joined the Cao clan.

After being seriously injured, he offended many dignitaries in the palace. The emperor sent him to the outskirts to recuperate.

But who could have imagined that the hero Cao Cao had already died in the building, but he was just a chess piece that the generals retaliated against some officials and was abandoned.

"If you weren't beaten by that person and the meridians were completely broken, there is no possibility of survival, I will definitely ask you to inherit my position."

The general stood before Cao Cao without blood, and said regretfully.

Sure enough, the secret medicine left by the blood clan was just forcibly stabilizing Aman's vitality, making him look immortal.

But these were enough. The general followed Cao Cao's name, and the massacre of the blood tribe led by Cao Cao in Wu Kingdom caused a great uproar in the court.

It has been a year since the general left, and no one has visited the body of Cao Cao. A generation of heroes suffered such treatment. Because of this, Cao Cao's body was barely decayed like a living person.

That night, a figure easily crossed the boundary of Cao Cao's place and came to him.

The man took off his hood and looked like silver-haired naked eyes, unlike ordinary people.

The silver-haired man took out a sharp knife and cut it off at the wrist of his left hand, immediately spilled blood and poured it on Cao Cao's body.

Somehow, the blood seemed to be absorbed by the body, dried up quickly, and at the same time radiated a bright red light.


Boom! !

Thunder came from the horizon, and suddenly the children cried out in the village.

The silver-haired man looked at the long-dead corpse in front of him, his fingers moved, and then his chest rose and fell sharply, and he suddenly opened his eyes.

A gleaming golden name entered his body. At this moment, Aman ushered in the opportunity for a real name promotion.

He came into the world again, and a blood-like person in front of him smiled and said to him:

"Welcome to the Blood Age."

In the future, it will be determined by the name of my blood!

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