Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 159: Entrance exam

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The general has not spoken since just now. In fact, he is devoted to observing Cao Cao's physical condition. Before sending Cao Cao to the village's tomb, he also asked a doctor to confirm whether Cao Cao's breath was really cut off.

The doctor's judgment is: blood gas is sucked up, and the meridians are broken, the heart has rotted, and those who have already died can no longer die.

After refusing the doctor’s request to accept the corpse research, the generals added Cao Cao’s tomb to his own blockade, and the people came to know that once they violated, they violated the general’s authority.

Did the blood clandestine medicine fail again? This question lingered in his heart.

And this time when he met Cao Cao, who was dead and resurrected, a heart that was still silent was ignited again, beating wildly in his chest, which was difficult to suppress.

This is hope.

"I saw it just now."

The general finally spoke, and he walked in front of Cao Cao without a trace of precautions. Everyone showed concern and wanted to stop it.

"How about giving you the position of general? Only after a while you will leave it alone."

The general said slowly.

Before that, the general saw Cao Cao's body as normal and difficult to judge. Until the poison of the guards eroded Cao Cao, his breath disappeared for a moment, and then a **** energy surged in Cao Cao's body, and a new breath appeared. The details here can only be barely noticed by the general like this.

Therefore, the general can only conclude that the scene of the resurrection just now is that Cao Cao is telling himself that he has the power of the blood clan.

The power of the blood family, the immortal characteristics, exhausted for thousands of years of material resources, the world can bear fruit, no more than the amount of one hand, the eyes are one of them, how enviable.

Cao Cao glanced at the general in front of him. A few years ago, he might be in awe of him, but the information obtained from the white-haired man made him know exactly who the general was and what his purpose was.

Cao Cao said: "What the general wants, I will fight for you."

Hearing that the joy of the general was difficult to restrain. With a big wave of his hand, the white jade tea device that he loved in the seat fell and shattered into pieces, just like proclaiming the Quartet, saying to everyone:

"Zhujun! My country, Wei, finally ushered in the moment of world kingship!"

Wei Guo's great change is to lay a foreshadowing from this day.

On the other side, the red sand wall.

After two or three days of maritime voyage, Ma Yuan and Cai Yong finally arrived at the port closest to Jixia College, the great wasteland north of Wei State.

The resources here are poor, and there are often malaria to disturb the traveler's route, so few people settle, let alone have a country, but just barely live some indigenous tribes.

One can imagine that people who come here must come to observe Ji Xia College or admire the glory of Ji Xia College.

People like this come and go for thousands of years.


Ma Yuan just stepped on the soil with his feet, and a firm sense of comfort invaded his whole body, and slowly spit out a turbid breath, with a lot of energy.

He dimly felt that there was a huge dragon vein in the ground beneath his feet. He should even tell this thought to Cai Yong, who was a fellow traveler.

"This is of course. Didn't you tell me? Jixia Academy was originally the domain of Chaoge, and Chaoge is the longan of this dragon vein."

Cai Yong was not very interested in Ma Yuan's discovery and replied casually.

"Sir is really knowledgeable."

Cai Yong looked back. He was a weak-faced man with a white face, and apparently just heard Ma Yuan talking with himself.

Cai Yong asked: "Oh, do you also know the dragon veins?"

The scholar smiled slightly and said modestly: "I barely know that the energy of the dragon veins is different from the general vitality. In fact, the vitality of the world is different. In particular, the vitality of the dragon veins cannot be absorbed by the magic dragons that live underground. That’s why it’s named after this. However, the news about Jilong’s dragon veins was passed from the masses. Although I heard it, I didn’t dare to be as sure as a gentleman.”

Cai Yong sniffed his nose and proudly said:

"You can be sure now. It's just that no one can fight the idea of ​​Jixia College's dragon veins."

The scholar in white smiled awkwardly and said:

"Mr. is really humorous, looking at the entire continent, who dares to make a move under Ji Ji."

Ma Yuan, who was hanging aside, was very happy to see the two of them talk, but couldn't help but interject:

"Are people of your age coming here to come to Jixia College for admission?"

The student in white was surprised, looking at Ma Yuan, who was at most twenty years old, and said respectfully:

"Yes, this time coincides with the recruitment of freshmen in Jixia College every six years. I came here to try my luck to see if I can pass the three major tests of Jixia. I didn't expect the little brother to have the same idea as me.

"Oh, the three major tests, Jixia College needs these?"

Ma Yuan's face is unbelievable. In his impression, isn't Ji Xia not a big sign of "Everyone is a disciple"?

"Haha, you both love to laugh and joke. Those who want to enter Jixia College are all on the mainland, and Jixia teacher is so much. If you come, you will accept it. Naturally you have to take an exam."

Men in white.

"Exam? What kind of exam?"

Thinking a little, Ma Yuan continued to ask.

At this time the man shook his head, ignorant, and then added:

"Jixia College’s exam questions are different every year. Generally, they are only announced when the time comes, but I know the strong opponents of this exam. For example, Xu Sanwang, a king of the Qin family, has passed many young talents in the middle of the real name, and he is grinding in the barracks. After practicing for many years, being kind and righteous, and winning the hearts of the people, it can be said that the strongest cultivation in this group is. For example, Li Daoxian, the son of the nobleman from Changan, cultivation is unknown, but the city is extremely deep, and it is said that the Holy Emperor Wu Zetian was summoned..."

Seeing Ma Yuan chatting deeper and deeper, the endless, Cai Yong did not hear interesting information, so they interrupted the conversation and said:

"It's not early."

"Then say goodbye, two. Good luck to you."

The white man did not say much, and broke up directly with Ma Yuan Cai Yong.

The two found a carriage, Ma Yuan was in charge of driving the carriage, and Cai Yong was lying inside with his eyes closed, wondering if he was asleep. Just now he specifically pointed out the direction of Ma Yuan, but then there was no sound.

"Follow this route, there is no fork in the road, as long as you don't deviate, you can arrive in about three or four hours."

Ma Yuan remembered Cai Yong's words and patiently drove the carriage. It was obviously the first time he drove in memory, but he was extremely skilled.

"Is it possible that I have done it before?" Ma Yuan could only assume that.

Gradually, there were fewer and fewer people around them, leaving only themselves on the last avenue.

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