Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 164: The new destiny

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"Teacher, why are they looking at you a little bit kind?"

Ma Yuan on the side whispered that he felt very unnatural when walking with Cai Yong, as if he had been stabbed with a needle all over his body.

Cai Yong coughed a few times and was said by his disciples, his face couldn't hold a bit, and he explained indiscriminately:

"Ma Yuan, you would be mistaken. The teachers of Jixia College are very good, but they are mixed out of the world, naturally forget how to look at people, and they look fierce and unhuman in the eyes of outsiders. Yes. For example, your master, I don’t seem to be a good person by looking at the appearance and the way of doing things, but I am indeed not a wicked person."

"Oh I got it."

Ma Yuan saw a trace of embarrassment hidden in the other party's words and stopped asking questions at the moment.

But there are so many people here.

Ma couldn't help feeling this emotion.

He looked around, and the huge open space was occupied by a circle of chairs. From the inside to the outside, I didn't know how many floors it was. The silhouette of the person sitting on the chair was vast, blocking the wall extending in the line of sight.

I don't know, how much space is there in this palace?

Cai Yong and Ma Yuan said:

"The college recruits up to three thousand disciples at a time, and it is forbidden to overcharge and replenish, and sometimes there will be three-digit situations. You think about it, this is a congregation of talents across the continent. However, after the transition, those who do not have much talent will leave the college. There are basically no more than ten who can stay as disciples."

After listening to it, Ma Yuan took a breath and felt that it was not as simple as the college, and it was beyond his usual understanding.

"so horrible……"

Ma Yuan muttered to himself.

Cai Yong and Ma Yuan gradually entered the center, and the further they went, the fewer places they left.

In the end, Ma Yuan was surprised to find that the position of the innermost circle actually had Cai Yong's share.

It seems that the status of Ma Yuan's master in Jixia College will not be too low. Thinking of this, Ma Yuan couldn't help but pose a slightly arrogant face.

As Cai Yong as the last person came to the seat, everyone in the inner circle woke up from entering the Ding Ding, and they all cast their eyes. Their eyes seemed surprised, but this quickly calmed down and did not intend to ask Cai Yong.

"Cai Yong, what have you gained in recent years?"

Sitting next to Cai Yong, a very burly man leaned in and said suddenly.

At first glance, this man is everyone who is proficient in fighting techniques, and the vigorous blood makes Ma Yuan, who is close to him, feel a heat wave. The weird thing is that the iron armor is not connected with silk thread, as if it is attached to the muscle, and it shows ups and downs with heavy breathing.

"I got a little bit of gain, but I didn't get what I expected, nor that answer."

Cai Yong replied that he did not have the ease of talking with Ma Yuan on weekdays, and showed very cold and calm.

The man was not disappointed, and seeing Cai Yong again made him very happy.

Cai Yong replied:

"Lian Po, how about you? I heard that Zhao Guoguo's plan for rejuvenation, what do you think?"

Lianpo laughed, but he deliberately lowered his voice, which sounded strange, saying:

"Cai Yong, do you believe that? Zhao Guo has no hope, and under the control of Qiang Qin, there is no chance to turn over, otherwise I will not stay under Ji Ji."

Lian quite readily said.

Cai Yong lowered his voice at this time and asked:

"So then... within half a year, you will not leave Jixia College?"

Lian Po scratched his head and replied:

"Probably nothing is so important."

Cai Yong: "Oh."

As a teacher's disciple, Ma Yuan has no seats, so he can only stand and watch the two talking, or watch around.

Along the way, Ma Yuan also found out that the more in circles, the more sparse the people standing up, which shows that the success rate of recruiting disciples is decreasing. In this circle of Ma Yuan, there is only one disciple except himself.

The man looked older than Ma Yuan, dressed in a woman's dress, with flowing hair, holding a fan in hand, and leaning against her master, they matched each other in clothing.

The other party noticed Ma Yuan's line of sight and couldn't help but look over and found that the other party was quite young and showed a puzzled look. Ma Yuan's entire body was carefully examined by her.

Ma Yuan couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed and secretly thought:

"Here are the talents from all over the continent, the three thousand people who have been selected, and the girls who can stand here, such as talents, are not like me, just like coming through the back door and relying on the relationship. If someone finds me after getting started. Not even vitality, will it be ridiculed."

The harder Ma Yuan thought, the more he dared not look at the woman in front of him, and immediately turned his head away, his cheeks were a little blushing, and in a trance, he seemed to hear a chuckling laugh, like the river surface frozen in the ice and snow burst into pieces .

"This is your new disciple this year?"

Lian Po and Cai Yong talked to each other, and suddenly turned the center to Ma Yuan. Ma Yuan, the center of the topic, couldn't help but shake.

Cai Yong, who wanted to speak, noticed that all the gentlemen in the circle opened their eyes again. They were very cold to Cai Yong before, but they were very caring about Cai Yong's new disciples, especially the master of the female disciple.

"You know the letter from Xiyin a few years ago, this child is what the letter said."

In Cai Yong’s words, there was no clear fact that Ma Yuan would not use vitality, but some people who had witnessed the letter on the spot were all enlightened.

"So it turns out."

Lianpo said seriously,

"Master Mozi said that he couldn't control this matter, so we didn't do it. I thought you had forgotten this thing for a long time. Now that you are thinking about it, how should you tell Master Mozi?"

Cai Yong didn't say anything, it took a long time to say:

"Well, I have brought the people. I am sure this time. If it is not possible, this disciple will be kicked out, and I will not be kicked out..."

After listening to Ma Yuan, she was shocked. What happened? The **** the opposite side was sad and sympathetic. Ma had a painful feeling, and he was not sure whether the two were joking.

What if it is true?

Ma Yuan was so confused that he didn't know the way back, maybe he knew what Cai Yong looked like. But he didn't learn anything and returned home, Ma Yuan felt very ashamed. He suddenly made up his mind: no matter how cheeky, soft and hard, he still has to stay until graduation.

At this time, someone suddenly said:

"The sacrament of the sun is about to begin."

The crowd of people stood up, and the flow of people flowed in a specific direction, and walked toward the gate of the other building outside the hall. There should be the high platform that Ma Yuan saw when he first visited.

"I'll discuss it later." Lian Po said.

"I'll discuss it later." Cai Yong also said so.

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