Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 168: The wind rises and leaves fall

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In front of the sea, on a small hill that rises up, a young boy sits on it with his legs slumped, feeling the sea breeze of summer.

The azure blue water extends without edges, as if connecting the drapery of the sky dome, touching the most distant place in the world. Can't help but make people think: where should there be, what kind of people live there.

"Ma Yuan, what are you doing here?"

The teenager didn't look back, his pupils were filled with the azure blue transformed by the sea water, and the purple-white placket floated due to the air current.

Ma Yuan knew who was coming. The person who came was Nakolulu. For two people who have lived together for more than a year, they are the closest to each other, and their voice and back are familiar.

"You know... that thing?"

Naco Lulu stands behind Ma Yuan. Although she wants to sit next to Ma Yuan, the area of ​​the corner extending out of the hillside is extremely limited, which can only satisfy one person's wish to enjoy the scenery alone.

Ma Yuan was silent for a while and whispered:

"Sorry, I was wrong to eavesdrop on you. I shouldn't do it. In addition, I know the thing, but I don't feel anything..."

Naco Lulu: "I'm sorry for this kind of thing. Although you are the head of a family, I can't find any way, and I can't do anything outside the village that troubles the village because of personal private matters. They are very busy themselves."

Ma Yuan shook his head: "I don't mean that... I know, mother has done a lot for me."

The two were silent again, and Na Kelulu looked at the teenager in front of him with obvious sorrow. Not only did he lose his memory, but he also lost his skills.

After a year, Ma Yuan escaped from the nightmare of losing memory, but soon discovered that he could not use his vitality.

Just a moment ago, when Na Kelulu talked with the village doctor about Ma Yuan’s condition, he was clearly told that there was no way. Next, he saw the back of Ma Yuan who was running away from the desert.

She couldn't rest assured of Ma Yuan, so she left today's post to find him. Finally, she found a teenager who wanted to be quiet in this remote and unpopulated place.

"Will it be too exciting?"

Nicole Lulu thought. At this time, she wanted to touch the teenager's hair, but she was afraid to upset his inner peace.

A warm wind blew from the sea, and reefs were scattered nearby, and the white lotus was stirred up by the rolling waves.

But Ma Yuan seemed to be uninterested in these. His eyes were focused on the blue of the sea, and no one else was allowed.

"You know, all this is just an illusion."

Nakolulu began preaching on her own,

"It was probably hundreds of years ago, that is, the elders of the previous generation. She felt that the scenery of the Protoss village was too monotonous, and it was convenient to set up the sun and moon, the sea and the house, etc. with the illusion of practice. Say. Get up, there was no house at that time, because there was no need at all..."

Ma Yuan said suddenly: "So, wasn't there day and night at that time?"

Nicole Lulu: "Well, that's probably it."

Ma Yuan: "How did people know the passage of time before? The changes here are false even in the four seasons."

Nakolulu: "Yes, that was the case with the previous Protoss villages. No one cared about time or cared how old he was."

Ma Yuan: "...What are they doing?"

Na Kelulu: "Research, research on vitality. More precisely, it is a kind of practice. Some time ago, you went to the ruling center in the village center, next to it was the large library. Secret room..."

Suddenly, Nakolulu stopped, and she hesitated to tell Ma Yuan more details.

Ma Yuan: "The Chamber of Secrets?"

Nicole Lulu: "You may not believe it, all the exercises in the village come from the miracle that the chamber is pouring out of."

Ma Yuan: "I don't care about miracles or not, anyway, just now I learned that I can't cultivate vitality."

The boy’s words were full of powerlessness, making Nakolulu feel anxious to do something for him.

Nicole Lulu continued to say that she is working hard in her own way, seeking a way to ignite the fire of Ma Yuan’s hope:

"The vitality is not necessary, even if basically everyone in the world, it does not mean that losing the vitality is a desperate thing. You may lose more freedom than others, but you also get other ."

"What can I get? With this disabled body?" Ma Yuan asked rhetorically.

"It's heart."

Nicole Lulu said firmly,

"For example, the villages of this age have experienced the disturbance of snow and wind in the spring, summer, autumn and winter. The weather is sometimes hot and sometimes cold. People have to think of ways to adapt. This is the same village that has not changed in the past. Compared to it, it’s a lot more trouble, and it’s not easy to go out when it’s dark, but it’s also because of this that our lives have fun and people’s hearts are more alive.”

Ma Yuan seemed to understand, but he still hesitated:

"Mother, what you said might make sense, but this truth can't be verified on me. I hung out with others a few days ago, and they rely on vitality to make a lot of powerful props. You also know that all the tools in this world are Designed for vitality practitioners. It is said that the gates set in the outside world also need vitality induction to enter and exit."

Nicole Lulu: "Yes, this is exactly how you are not free compared to others. But you are more caring than them."

Ma Yuan puzzled: "Heart?"

Naco Lulu: "The greatness of the heart is precisely the reason why human beings dominate the world. If we simply compete with each other, humans are less than one-tenth of the magical species, their lifespan is not longer than them, and their wisdom is difficult to match. However, this kind of heart , Can make people take many detours."

Ma Yuan: "Heart, is there such a power?"

Nicole Lulu: "You still don't know the importance of your heart. Losing vitality makes you very difficult in this world, but it's not that there is no hope."

Ma Yuan: "My hope?"

Nicole Lulu: "There is a place called Jixia College on the mainland, where there are a lot of peers who shocked the world. The people who enter the school often do not go to cultivate vitality, but to cultivate the heart."

Ma Yuan: "If so, I really want to see. How do they teach people, do not rely on vitality, but stand invincible."

After talking, Ma Yuan stood up, turned his head, and found Na Kelulu's slightly red eyes.

"Mother..." Ma Yuan shouted.

Nicole Lulu: "Don't worry, the days when you go to Jiji will come soon. The former elder has said this."

At this time, Na Kelulu's face was hung with a shiny smile, as deep and charming as the blue of the sea.

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