Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 18 Chapter 7: Blood awakening

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"Why can't you keep blood, the position of the master, of course, can't let you inherit, and Yaoer just woke up five levels of blood, won the favor of the genius Duanmu family, married Yao Ming."

"You are dissatisfied, not only is it good for you not to read the demon, but there is also a bad idea about Yao Ming. You have to behave badly, or even destroy the marriage between Yao Ming and Duan Mu, it is bad, or you. It is the Lord Vein, the only son of Yuntian's eldest son, I can't go anywhere, let me go". The old man's voice came out faintly.

"What? Is this Ma Yuan so bad? Girl Lu Yao has been with him for several years, he is very angry, and an enemy."

"It's a shame, this waste, it's no wonder, this is a waste."

When the people around heard the words of the elders, they looked at Ma Yuan.

"Lu Yunxiong, have to talk nonsense."

In the crowd, Li Ping shivered and shouted to the elder.

"Mother, such a person, there is no need to fight with him."

Ma Yuan told Li Ping.

The great old man is a mean man. This is obviously your shame. They told Ma Yuan that he had captured his blood for three years. Now it has become black and white. In fact, the desire to be rude Li Xiaolu Yao Ming made a mistake and stated that he hopes to destroy the earth. The combination of Yao and Duanmu.

For such a person, Ma Yuan is too lazy to tell him what, the truth will soon be white.

"Is there such a person? This is just a terrible thing. People like this, waste cannot be awakened by blood, what is on the stage?

The messenger from Duanmuqing of Baihuyuan had a cold and cold.

"What onions do you have? My family will meet, what's your relationship?"

Ma Yuan narrowed her eyes and looked at the wood without facing her.

"Bold, you are bold, do you know who I am?"

Duan Muqing was very angry and got up to commit suicide.

"Ma Yuan, waste, do you dare to offend the Xuanyuan sword that sent the envoy of the White Tiger Academy?"

The elders also called Ma Yuan and called.

"Who do you close your **** with, Lu Yunxiong, is my relationship with the Lu family today? Do you want to help strangers and treat me like Master Lu? Are you an adult?"

Ma Yuan narrowed his eyes to Mu Qing and the old man. The word was very clear. It spread throughout the audience.

People around the camp were surprised, Ma Yuan was too courageous. He dares to offend the messengers of the Xuanyuanjian faction.

"You..." The great old man turned red.

"Well, Yunxiong and Duan Muqing's messengers read about the young and ignorant Ma Yuan, that's it."

In fact, one of the elders of Lujiahe spoke.

They will not favor those who care about the interests of the earth.

Even if they will keep the interest of the main pulse. Otherwise, they will not consume resources at the beginning and will wake up the blood of Ma Yuan in the form of an altar.

"Yes, Duan Muqing, what do you care about the younger generation? Isn't it shameful?"

Honglin looked at Duan Muqing, weak.


Duan Muqing is cold, but he seems to be very jealous of the Moulin Rouge. He didn’t speak. He looked ugly.

The elders also sat on their faces.

"Ma Yuan, Yao Yao is responsible for Lu Jia, I think how do you die?" The old man felt ashamed.

"Well, there is no regulation in the family that there is no blood awakening. You can't participate in the nation. Lu Ming can participate. Start now."

A bigger announcement core.

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