Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 4 Chapter 99: Flame of Mist

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After Brother Ping finished talking about it, Ma Yuan took Kulom to the medical room, and the others went to the medical room because they were more concerned about the girl's situation.

In the medical room, Pingping told everyone about the rest.

Unknown people who were mixed into the enemy's family, transmitted the situation of the Japanese branch, and answered it according to the password brought by the flat.

However, no one knows who is mixed into the enemy family, but there is speculation that it may be the six corpses. After all, it is easy to mix in with his ability.

However, in the final battle five days later, Balian team members may not participate because of low win rate, so Ping emphasized that if Gangji feels that they do not need to carry out, they can directly terminate the action plan, but everyone’s preparation cannot be because of Gangji’s sudden idea. As it goes in vain, Gangji must make a decision within today.

So all the burden was piled on Tsunaji.

"Speaking of it, the guardians now seem to be all here."

Ma Yuan said so suddenly.

"Hahahaha, it seems that everyone's actions tend to be the same."

Yamamoto who suddenly noticed this because of Ma Yuan gave a hearty laugh.

"How can you say that baseball fool!"

Yu Temple complained about Yamamoto Takeshi's statement, and then began to speak his own words to Gangji.

"It is worthy of the tenth generation head, and the guardians are brought together under your guidance."

The prison temple was seriously talking about Zhong Er's disease. Tsunaji was stunned, and Ma Yuan couldn't help but spit out a sentence that could actually be spoken.

It was at this time that Kulom's situation changed.

Her stomach suddenly collapsed, and upon inspection, several internal organs disappeared.

Ma Yuan frowned. This happened once during the Ring War. At that time, Kulom's trident was smashed by Mamon, and once collapsed when he was disconnected from the Six Dao.

This time the trident next to Kulom was okay, but it made Ma Yuan think of another possibility, that is, the connection of the Six Dao skeletons was broken from the root.


Kulom whispered the names of the six skeletons in a coma.

"This is bad, the medical equipment here can only perform some basic maintenance work, like this situation requires sophisticated instruments."

Johnny II added.

"At this time, it is impossible to go to Binsheng Hospital."

The prison temple said the same.

The Prison Temple is right. In this situation, it is impossible to take Kulom to the Binsheng Hospital. Although there should be sophisticated instruments in the hospital to support Kulum’s life, if he arrives on the ground, he will not know if there is How many people from the enemy family are waiting for them.

It's really dangerous that he can't watch Kulom 24 hours.

"If I remember correctly... Kulom himself can use illusion."

Ma Yuan said.

"It is true, but Kulom's illusion ability is not enough to construct himself."

It was Tsunayoshi who answered Ma Yuan's words.

Tsunaji is right, Kurom’s illusion ability is not strong enough to construct internal organs, but it is enough.

Ma Yuan held Kulom's hand with Penglie's ring. The composition of illusion in this era is somewhat different because of the flame. Although Kulom's illusion ability is not as powerful as Lord Skeleton, he can create a It replaces the illusion of the internal organs, but if it is guided by fire, it may barely be achieved.

Ma Yuan can't use fire to create illusions at all times, so this must be done by Kulom himself.

"Kolom, I know you can hear me now."

Ma Yuan said to Kulom.

"You now follow the flow of my flame, ignite the flame of the ring, and then use the power of the flame to stabilize your illusion, thereby creating an illusion yourself."

Ma Yuan's words made Kulom quiet, before she had been painful and even coughed up blood.

Through the force of the fog attributed to the Ma Yuan ring, Kulom also ignited her ring, and her collapsed abdomen recovered as the ring ignited.

"Wait a moment."

Seeing this, Johnny hurried forward and inspected Kulom.

"The viscera is normal, it seems that she used her illusion to create the viscera for herself, but this kind of illusion...may only maintain basic survival."

Upon hearing this news, Ma Yuan was relieved that Kulom could maintain basic survival, and then she would wait for her to understand.

After all, he didn't want Kulom to participate in the attack five days later.

"Hey Gangji."

Ma Yuan looked at Kulom and said to Gangji.

"I know that you will definitely give up according to your character, but you have to agree, even if you don’t go, it doesn’t matter, even if I only go by one person, I have to defeat Jiang Zhengyi so that I can go back to the past, Kuluo Mu will also be intact."


Gang Ji seemed to be scared by Ma Yuan, and Zhi Zhi Wu Wu responded with a sentence.

After that, the others left Kulom's ward and gave her a quiet space to rest.

Ma Yuan did not leave. He learned from Ping that Kulom was in Hei Yao Paradise and fought with the captain of the enemy's Eighth Army.

Although the captain suffered the trap that Liu Daomiao left six months ago, it did defeat the existence of Liu Daomiao. Ma Yuan felt that the person who could defeat Liu Daomiao in detail could not have been defeated only in Obsidian Paradise.

Ma Yuan always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't remember what it was.

Until Ma Yuan saw Kulom's schoolbag.

The schoolbag Kulom had always been holding, but there was no book in it, only the trident. This schoolbag was opened by Ma Yuan just to check the condition of the trident.

Ma Yuan opened the school bag again, just thinking that the Trident had not noticed that there seemed to be a sender in a corner of the school bag.

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