Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 4 Chapter 104: Runaway Cloud Needle

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Immediately after a young man with broken black hair sat up from the ground, he glanced around and yawned.

"Is this what you did? I was supposed to take a nap on the roof of the school. I suggest that you quickly restore these messy things."

After yawning, Lark's eyes turned to Ma Yuan.

He seems to think that all this is a ghost of Ma Yuan.

"I thought you were gone for so long."

Lark climbed up from the ruins. From the way he was wearing a tunic suit, and what he just said, Ma Yuan could know that this was the lark ten years ago.

But this is of course, after all, after ten years, the skylark does not have the Penglie ring now on his hands.

"Hey, what's going on."

Looking at the skylark, the phantom knight was also stunned. He should have defeated him.

"However, even if the skylark has a fog attribute fluctuation, you can use the fog attribute ring to create illusion. This is not the case he can create. Is there indeed a previous skylark here?"

But the Magic Knight also listened to the situation, and immediately obtained information from himself to determine that this person should be a lark ten years ago.

"Who would use the illusion kind of thing."

Even ten years ago, the word illusion was still the restricted area of ​​the skylark, but it was precisely because of the phrase phantom knight that the skylark noticed that there was a person phantom knight in front of Ma Yuan.

Lark looked at the phantom knight for a while. It seemed that he hadn't figured out his current situation, but he also seemed to give up to figure it out.

"Hey, if you put your eyebrows in Binsheng Middle School, it is against the discipline."

"Puff ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Seeing the skylark's serious statement that the other party's eyebrows violated the style, Ma Yuan couldn't help but laughed directly, and almost didn't laugh. He fell to the ground and hammered his hands.

"Why are you laughing."

Lark felt uncomfortable with Ma Yuan's laughter, and also saw Yamamoto Takeu falling to the ground on the edge of the battlefield.

"Hey, the guy over there, what did you do to the missing student in our school."

"I took down Yamamoto's words."

Unexpectedly, before Ma Yuan answered Lark, the Magic Knight answered him.

"In this way, regardless of your eyebrows, what you do to the students of Bingsheng Middle School will be regarded as your provocation to our school, and I will kill you."

The skylark said, and the cloud in his hand was facing the magic knight.

At this time, Ma Yuan knew that it was a bit bad. He pulled Yan Hui out of the ground and moved to the skylark.

"This is not an opponent you can deal with."

Ma Yuan said.

Ma Yuan's words made the skylark very uncomfortable. Without thinking, he directly turned duckweed and attacked Ma Yuan.

"The person who provokes Binsheng Middle School is the one who provokes me."

Ma Yuan backhanded Ying Yanhui to intercept Lark’s attack easily, and at this time, the Magic Knight also took a few steps back. The box was opened, turning the entire site into a mechanical interior.

A number of nuclear warheads emerged from the mechanical walls. They faced the horses and larks in the center, and seemed to attack at any time.

"At best it's just illusion."

Ma Yuan ignored these nuclear warheads, as long as he knew that the other party was illusion.

"Don't think of me as the third-level illusionist. The mist-type illusion can be realized by adding the fire of death, and the real shells are in front of you."

The magic knight smiled, stealthing his shells.

He also heard Ma Yuan say that Kulom used the power of flame as an aid to create the illusion of defeating the enemy. Ping said this when he brought Kulom over.

But at best it's just flame.

"Then you forget, as long as it is made of flames, it is not a problem for me."

Ma Yuan once again inserted Yan back into the ground, and the surrounding flames began to gather towards Ma Yuan.

But what Ma Yuan didn't expect was that the flame of the Magic Knight was too large, and he could not absorb it for a while. This is the first time Ma Yuan met.

The phantom knight used this gap to attack Ma Yuan again, and the same shells hidden in mid-air also attacked together.

It is Homura who is blocking the attack of the phantom knight. As Ma Yuan's box weapon, Homura has always been by Ma Yuan's side, but she has also witted not to absorb the phantom knight's flame with Ma Yuan, but is ready to attack at any time. Magic Knight.

As for those artillery shells, the box weapon of the prison temple was blocked. After hearing the movements here, Yu Temple also came over.

Slowly, the entire space began to collapse, and the phantom manatees that formed the illusion space began to fall one by one. Under the absorption of the flames of Ma Yuan, the box weapons without flames lost their ability to act as if they had no power. , Can only stop.

"If you want to fight, use the flame of the ring and pour it into the box under your feet."

Ma Yuan reminded Lark that the Lark sent his past ten years to this era probably for this reason, in order to face a strong opponent.

Ma Yuan guessed that the skylark ten years ago should have known the ring from the vault.


Sure enough, Ten years ago, the skylark knew the ring and the flame from the jumping madino. At this time, he started to get angry because he was helped and went to a strange place, but he was still willing to try it once. He burned it with his ring A powerful flame that Ma Yuan had never seen before, then poured into a box.

The state of the cloud needle rat coming out of the box seems to be a bit wrong, probably because of eating too much flame and having drunk indigestion.

I don't know why the lark of the needle mouse appeared in the box. He unconsciously reached out his hand. If Ma Yuan remembered correctly, the lark is still very friendly to small animals.

Seeing his master, the cloud needle rat approached him subconsciously, but unfortunately pierced the skylark's palm.


The cloud needle rat that ran away because it stabbed his owner began to breed, and the entire space was filled in an instant.

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