Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 25: Barbara and College Island

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However, things are not as simple as Ma Yuan thought.

Not only is she going to College Island, but Alice is also going to see College Island.

The kid is interested in everything, so Ma Yuan has no way to refuse Alice, just go to College Island, there is not much danger.

Although he couldn't see the black cat, Ma Yuan knew that the black cat was nearby and looked at them.

This is the habit of black cats. Ma Yuan can't see her, but she can intuitively know that she is nearby.

However, Zongxiang Lisi didn't seem to find the existence of black cats, or because Zongxiang Lisi didn't have a concept of black cats, that is, there was no intuition, which made Ma Yuan feel strange.

Ma Yuan thought like this, while following Arishima Shiri to the outside of College Island.

It is troublesome to enter College Island, because anyone who enters College Island must pass a level, and that level has terminal verification.

And this terminal needs to be registered with the school.

Obviously, no matter which one Ma Yuan does not meet.

Of course, this is not difficult for Ma Yuan, after all, Ma Yuan came here with Awashima Shiri, that is to say, he can walk through the back door.

Ma Yuan has never been so comfortable walking through the back door like today.

Right, comfortable.

He followed Ashishima Shiri directly from other channels and entered the college without using a terminal, and their destination was the principal's office.

After all, it is to find people in their site, so Arishima Ari intends to take the direct team directly to the principal's office to make a verbal signal, but Ma Yuan did not go to the principal's office with them.

As soon as she entered College Island, Alice became interested in everything in it.

"Well, there is no need to act together after we come in."

Ma Yuan also had to speak to Shiri Awashima to accompany Alice to College Island.

"That's right, though."

Arishima Ari nodded, she was not qualified to order the king.

"That's fine, Alice and I will go around for a while. If you're in trouble, just come to me~"

Ma Yuan chuckled and said that he and Ashima Shiri said these were just polite, and Awashima Shiri knew this too, so he didn't stop him-of course, he couldn't stop him.

Then Ma Yuan took Alice to hang out on Xueyuan Island.

College Island, as the name suggests, is a school on the island.

But since this school is on the island, it must be different from the school Ma Yuan knew.

In Ma Yuan's memory... Yes, after he arrived on this college island, he restored some memories. Although it is an insignificant memory, it is indeed his own memory.

Ma Yuan still remembers having seen some schools, they are very boring, compared with the words of College Island.

Only the teaching building and the cafeteria, there is no other.

But College Island is different. In addition to the obvious cafeteria and teaching building, even the dormitory building is also very interesting, with a modern art style.

Of course there is a shop.

This can no longer be regarded as a kiosk. It should be regarded as a supermarket. Even if there are some common roadside stalls here, Ma Yuan will not be surprised because the whole College Island gives himself the feeling that those things will appear.

In addition to the fact that Ma Yuan felt a little new, the Academy Island at this time also made him discover that the whole school seemed to be at the time of the school festival.

The school festival, Ma Yuan’s common sense, if there are no problems, is a school annual celebration.

Generally, the time of each school is different.

At the school festival, each class and club will have their own activities, as well as their own storefronts or other things, just to attract the attention of others.

As for those "others", of course, those who visited the school festival.

Generally, if there is a school festival in a school, outsiders will be allowed to participate, even if those schools are usually closed to the country, outsiders and even parents are not allowed to enter and leave the school casually.

"Brother Ma Yuan, there must be a school sacrifice here!"

Alice is more excited than Ma Yuan. She is indeed a child. As long as she sees such playable things as the school festival, she will be very concerned.

"is it."

Ma Yuan casually said that he had planned to take Alice around for a while, but now it seems not to be so appropriate.

Why do you have to say... Ma Yuan saw Barbara people in school.

Although I only saw Hatta and a blonde fat man, it was indeed a barbara.

What do the Barbarians do on College Island?

Ma Yuan immediately thought that in the video, the victim killed by the person who claimed to be the colorless king seemed to be called Shiduo Duoliang.

If the information given to him by the priest prince is correct, Duo Duoliang is a member of Barbara.

"The ability to fight is terrible, but it looks like a good relationship with other members."

The statue of the princes described the ten beams as many as good.

However, Ma Yuan was concerned about another thing at this time, that is, the barbara was always just a street fool, which was completely different from the orderly Scepter4.

Ma Yuan is very worried about what these fools do on the campus of middle school students.

"Ah, it's Hatta~"

However, Alice didn't seem to care about it. After seeing Hatta, she didn't walk out of the joyous atmosphere of the school festival, so she shouted.

This sound just happened to let Hatta and the blonde fat man hear.

"That, Senior Hada, seems to be calling you?"

The fat blonde said so to Hatta.


Hatta murdered the fat man with blond hair, and then looked in the direction he pointed, just to see the figure of Ma Yuan and Alice.


Ma Yuan was so pitted by Alice that she could only raise her right hand and say hello, smiling bitterly, not knowing what to say.

But after seeing Ma Yuan, he didn't expect that Hatta's reaction was greater than him, and directly made a very standard and exaggerated surprised expression, even using his hands and feet.

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