Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 41: Xiaobai

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Zongxiang Liji got up from the ground and looked at Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan could almost feel that the blue muscles on the head of the statue of Li Zong were going to burst.

It seems that he was defeated on the ground so that the Scepter 4 is the head of the blue king, but it is no matter how unhappy, this is Ma Yuan's strength.

He is different from those who only use the power of the king to fight each other. Ma Yuan's strength is composed of his own technology and magic, and then the power of the king makes the magic "real."

"I almost know your trick."

The statue prince slowed down and rushed towards Ma Yuan again.

The method of attack is like a knight, challenging his king.

Ma Yuan sighed and jumped off the high platform. This time he jumped instead of hanging upside down instead of jumping normally.

Zongxiang Lisi also kept up with Ma Yuan's pace, he used the high platform as a fulcrum, and then jumped towards Zongxiang Lisi, and he didn't hesitate to attack him with the blade of his hand.

This attack was more rapid than before. The horse couldn't respond to some illusions and directly attacked the Zongxiang Lisi. He had to directly check with him.

Ma Yuan blocked the attack of the statue of the prince with the long knife in his left hand, then waved his right hand to open the attack of the statue of the prince, and turned to strengthen the strength of the blade in his hand.

Zongxiang Lisi seems to have begun to use the power of the king to increase his resistance in the mid-air to resist Ma Yuan's attack.

The speed is almost the same as that of Ma Yuan.

Although it is almost, Ma Yuan still has the upper hand, because he only needs to accelerate himself with the power of the king, and both illusion and technology have their own abilities.

When the power of the king has become a supplement, it is easier to increase the strength of the main attack.

Zongxiang Lisi's resistance to Ma Yuan's attack was very reluctant, which made Ma Yuan know that as long as he spent it, he would definitely consume the person in front of him.

But this is not what Ma Yuan needs.

He just wanted to bring down the statue ritual quickly, so that the Night Sword God Dog Lang and the Izana Society could escape.

Of course, with myself.

Ma Yuan still has many questions to ask these two people. If necessary, Neko, who makes the black cat very disgusted, is also the subject of his own inquiry.

"It looks like you really have two brushes."

"As a person who has not been a king for a long time, although you are not very skilled in the power of the king, but your own ability has made up for your lack of it."

As Zongxiang Liji said, he wanted to show his ease of handling, probably wanting to give Ma Yuan a dismounted power, so that Ma Yuan felt that he could still cope with him, so that he was in a mess.

"Don't be brave, the smiles on your face are stiff."

Ma Yuan sighed. The person in front of him was considered to be in a state of death and suffering. If he didn't speak, he might be able to compete with himself for a while.

Maybe in the end, Ma Yuan and Zong Xiang Lisi were exhausted to the end, and they could barely draw a tie.

As soon as the prince Li Si spoke, he directly exposed another weakness.

The small movements between breathing and words gave Ma the chance to take advantage of it. He changed the direction and frequency of his attacks a little, making the spectacled sword-drawing madman directly short of breath.


Immediately, Ma Yuan waved "Li" straight to the statue of the statue at the moment when the statue of the statue was exposed.

He hasn't planned to kill the priest priest, Ma Yuan knew that this kind of force was not enough to kill a king.

Zongxiang Lisi was a little panicked by Ma Yuan's blow. He hurriedly changed the trajectory of the knife to resist the "reason" attack, but did not want to open his door. Immediately, Ma Yuan was directly attacked by the blade of his left hand. His belly.

The statue prince was hit on the ground again, and he reluctantly maintained his standing posture, hitting the ground out of a hole by the way.

Although the ground at the foot of the prince's ritual is shown to be empty, Ma Yuan knew that in reality, the ground of the track and field will not be too flat.

It hurts just looking at it.

Ma Yuan did not know whether to say that this man's ability was too terrible, or that he was too hard.

"Did you forget that Alice is still in Scepter4, and it is better for you to be an alliance with us. After all, we just want to maintain order."

It seems that the Zongxiang Lisi is a bit of a loser. Since he began to use threatening words, he intends to pull Ma Yuan into his camp.

After all, there is not much difference in the abilities of the kings themselves. Even the golden king, the foremost king, is very time-consuming to fight with the weakest king, the colorless king.

There is no definite time to win or lose.

Zongxiang Lisi doesn't want to consume with Ma Yuan anymore, especially if the result of consumption is his own failure.

"Don't worry, the black cat has taken good care of Alice."

Ma Yuan smiled and looked at the statue ritual secretary.

This man is a strategist. When he knows that he can't beat himself, he will definitely use Alice as a threat, so Ma Yuan asked the black cat to protect Alice from the beginning. It seems that this behavior is very correct.


Zong Xiang Lisi's expression suddenly changed. He remembered when Ma Yuan mentioned the black cat. Ma Yuan was a member of the clan called Black Cat.

However, until Ma Yuan mentioned it just now, he forgot about her existence.

This made Zongxiang Liji feel that the black cat's ability was more terrible than Neko.

"That, I'm sorry to bother you."

At this moment, suddenly from the edge of the grassland came the voice of Izana.

Zong Xiang Lisi and Ma Yuan looked involuntarily in the direction of the sound.

I saw that Izana Society was standing on the edge of the grassland, smiling at Ma Yuan and Zong Xiang Lisi.

After seeing the Izana Society, Ma Yuan froze in an instant.

Didn't you tell him to run away?

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