Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 46: neko's story

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Ma Yuan did not intend to harm Izana, but if he did not put Izana under his ability, he did not feel that he could know what happened to Izana.

"This is my ability."

"You probably know that with my cyan king's ability, I can directly create a barrier, create a football field or grassland, and even drag a person into a space that is both real and non-realistic."

Ma Yuan said.

Night knife **** dog Lang nodded his head here, Ma Yuan said the ability, he has seen a part, for example, in the track and field, he let the blue Wang Zong like the representative of order and imperialism completely into his magic in.

"However, the general illusion depends mainly on the brain thinking of the surgeon. To put it simply, the operation of the brain of the surgeon will be reflected in the illusion. The specific principle is too complicated, and I don’t know it myself. Even if I talk about the position of the "Spellcaster" now, and transfer it to Izana through my abilities, not only Izana's memory is restored, but we can also see this memory. "

Ma Yuan said this, Ye Dao Shen Gou Lang released his hand holding "reason".

Ma Yuan’s battle night knife God Dog Lang was seen throughout. Although Ma Yuan has the power of a king, he did not fully use the power of the king during the battle, but used it as an auxiliary.

Probably this is because Ma Yuan's own skills are very powerful, and his ability can't hurt people.

Yedao Shengou Lang chose to believe Ma Yuan.

"Eh! This is **** eh! Peep madman!"

Neko expressed her protest. Judging from her love for Izana, she would not allow anyone to watch Izana's brain casually.

"It's okay, Neko."

Izana Club smiled and touched Neko's head, Neko just stopped, then boiled water to restore Izana's memory.

All the following stories are the same as Izana, but there is only one, the only one Izana does not remember, that is, Neko began to cover up the memories of Izana and the memories of those around him thing.

It was the encounter between Neko and Izana.

"My generation is a cat."

Neko explained.

It is a cat, and it has been a stray cat. She has been alive all alone, a bit lonely and not understood.

Until one day, Neko hid in the basketball court on College Island. She seemed to be resting, and then a loud noise woke Neko.

That was when Izana fell from the sky, directly smashed the ceiling of the basketball court, and then fell on the pad.

"No, this is not right."

Obviously, he was watching other people's memories. Ma Yuan also showed that the plot was not logical.

"Neko saw Izana who fell on the pad. I accept this, but even if I don't know how high he fell, but enough to drop the basketball court ceiling, he actually is Is it intact?"

Ma Yuan's protests made Izana and Yedao's dog Golang discover something was wrong. They looked at Neko, fearing that Neko would cover up his memory with something unreasonable.

"No! This is real memory! Neko didn't think so much, but Neko's little white fell from the sky!"

Neko protested.

"Forget it, if it is false, even Neko will not make such an obvious mistake."

Ma Yuan sighed and said that he no longer considered so many things.

Of course, the main reason is because Ma Yuan seemed to have fallen from a high place. Like Izana, he may have lost his memory due to an overwhelming blow.

The next thing became simpler.

Neko was infected with the smile of Izana, and accepted the existence of Izana, and also let him accept his existence.

When the students on College Island went to the basketball court to see what happened, Neko also changed the feeling of this classmate, and even the feeling of the people of College Island, making them think that Izana has always been in this place.

Izana has indeed the false memory that Neko gave him.

"What about the previous one?"

Izana asked.

Here are the stories of Neko, after Neko and Izana meet, but Izana wants to know the content before.

Neko hesitated.

"Is it earlier?"

"Yes earlier, that is the truth we are looking for."

"So... will Xiaobai still be Xiaobai? After knowing this, won't he become someone else?"

Neko was a little worried, and this kind of worry was not without reason.

Alice had also worried about Ma Yuan. No matter how powerful Neko was, she couldn’t know the past she had given to her. She would be scared. After Izana knew the past, she became the little white that Neko didn’t know. Too.

"will not."

Izana said with a smile.

Immediately after Neko started to repair the memory earlier, it was a memory that Neko didn't know, but only Izana knew.

In the memories of Izana, Ma Yuan can see that he seems to be in a very high place, holding the edge of something with his hands, and in front of him is a man with long white hair.


The man smiled and said something to Izana, and then kicked him off this high-altitude thing. Then Izana fell to Academy Island.

And Ma Yuan is more concerned about another thing.

Beside this man, there seems to be a figure. The figure still had some unconscious feelings, standing staggeringly, and some couldn't stand it.

The face of the man is very familiar to Ma Yuan. If you want to ask why, the man is Ma Yuan himself without question!

Ma Yuan and Izana Society once appeared on the same flying object!

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