Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 60: Part ways

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When Alice recovered from the shock just now, she suddenly had a mysterious feeling, that is, she fell in love with this stimulus.

"Brother Ma Yuan, that was so good just now. Can you come again?"

Falling in the air plus jumping bed? Ma Yuan couldn't help crying, but Alice liked to find problems for herself.

How could it happen again, after all, it means that Alice is in danger again, only this Ma Yuan can not tolerate.

"Well, there is time to take you to the playground."

Ma Yuan said casually.

Immediately after that, Ma Yuan and Alice explained what the playground is like, especially the speed in the clouds, which is probably what Alice wants.

Alice nodded and came down from Ma Yuan to look around.

Not far away was the place where their plane crashed. Soon after, Izana also brought the night knife **** dog Lang and Neko and Ma Yuan to meet.

"Let's leave here first, and the members of Scepter4 will come over later."

As Izana said, he pointed to the other side, pointing out a way out.

And that place, without a doubt, is College Island.

"Alice gave it to you first."

While Ma Yuan was talking, she pushed Alice, which made Alice somewhat incomprehensible. Obviously he had arrived at this place, why did Brother Ma Yuan still give himself up.

"Brother Ma Yuan will go wherever I go, because Alice wants to be a member of his brother's clan, isn't it?"

Alice looked at Ma Yuan seriously.

Ma Yuan touched Alice's head and said with a smile.

"Since I want to be a member of my clan, I have not only followed me for a long time, you have to learn to obey, I am a king, so I will not have an accident, but if you have an accident, it will be bad."

"As a member of my earliest clan, do you have to be prepared to balance your clan?"

Ma Yuan dragged Izana to the side while speaking to comfort Alice.

"I remember now."

Ma Yuan said.

Ma Yuan is talking about his own memories. With the help of Neko, Izana remembered his own affairs and let Ma Yuan see it. However, Ma Yuan did not have the memory that Izana saw.

Until now.

"Did you remember it because the scene reappeared?"

Izana asked.

"Well, not only that, I also guess that one of my abilities is to be able to jump in time, so that it can explain why the two of us who fell from the sky at the same time did not land on the ground at the same time."

While talking, Ma Yuan glanced at the airship that was still falling slowly in the sky.

Hearing Ma Yuan said this, Izana was not surprised at all, because what surprised him was still behind.

"I suspect that the king on the airship is no longer Adolf K. Weizman."

Ma Yuan said.

From the beginning, when he saw the airship, he had a feeling that the person on the airship was not the king of silver they said, and it felt wrong.

Although Ma Yuan didn't know what the silver king should feel, he did know that at least the person on the spacecraft felt wrong.

"I need to find a man. I guess it may be the king of gold, because he has a good relationship with the king of silver, and the slate is in his hand?"

While talking, Ma Yuan looked at Yedao God Golang, who told the king of silver by the way about the king of gold.

The slate is under the care of the king of gold.

However, Ma Yuan did not know exactly where the King of Gold was. He felt that he should know. The Night Sword God Dog Lang did not say, he did not want to ask more.

"Are you sure?"

Izana asked.

"Scepter4 will definitely contact the King of Gold, but for this matter, I don’t want to bring Alice. Alice is not a member of my clan. Although she said she wants to be, it’s not yet, which means she has no ability. ."

"Even if I have the ability, I can't let such a small child go to such a dangerous place with me. I will go with the black cat, which can only ask you to take care of Alice."

Ma Yuan said, Izana nodded. Immediately after Ma Yuan called a black cat, he said he was ready to go.

It was Ma Yuan's helplessness to hand Alice to Izana, but he could not bring a little girl with no ability to the battlefield.

Known as the gold king of the strongest king, Ma Yuan did not yet know his abilities.

At least in the case that Izana can tame Neko, Ma Yuan believes that Izana still has some ability to take care of children.

"Oh, don't go back to College Island, don't go back."

Ma Yuan looked at Izana and added.

He didn't know how it felt. In short, Ma Yuan felt a little unsafe on College Island.

At this time, Ma Yuan was willing to believe his intuition.

"I see~"

Izana said with a wave of his hand.

"Meow~ My young king, is it really okay to give your high princess to them?"

The black cat obediently ran to Ma Yuan's side, waving his tail and asked.

"At least, Izana is not as complicated as Ritual, and now I can’t go back to Scepter 4 and put Alice down, as far as Barbara is concerned, although it seems that Izona has stronger force. To protect Alice, but... anyway, it’s a group of gangsters, just forget it."

Ma Yuan explained to the black cat.

The black cat tilted his head and couldn't quite understand why Ma Yuan counted Barbara. In the memory of the black cat, the relationship between Ma Yuan and Barbara should not be so good.

Ma Yuan did not explain that when Anna and Cao pheasant Izumo met in the shopping street, Ma Yuan knew that if there was something they really needed to help, the members of Barbara would not have said much.

This is Ma Yuan's future sentiment to Barbara's past. With their character, they will definitely return.

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