Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 73: Clean up the scene

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Ma Yuan enveloped the members of Barbara and Scepter4 he saw with his own cyan color. If there is a war about the kings here, these members of the clan are the most undesirable members of Ma Yuan.

They are just some cannon fodder, and they will be involved in the battle if they are not careful.

It is even life-threatening.

But they are also a group of people with high loyalty, as long as they can do everything for their clan, no matter what they will become in the end.

So Ma Yuan only closed them into his own space, at least he could save some people.

When the time comes, because of the fall of the sword of Damocles, or because of the war of the kings, even if it is involved, it will not sacrifice the price of life.

Because they are in another very safe space

"What is this place?!"

One of the members of Barbara was a little excited. He didn't know where he was.

"It's the blue king!"

Immediately, another member of Barbara responded to his companion. Obviously, he already knew Ma Yuan, probably because they first happened to be in a group with Hatta when they hunted down the night knife God Dog Lang. I've been inside the blue sphere.

Ma Yuan didn't answer them. After confirming their situation, those who wanted to leave this space were stopped by Awashima.

Awashima just waved the sword in his hand, and immediately drew a sword wind, directly attacking Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan didn't avoid this sword wind, and he didn't need to avoid it, just watched it slowly attacked himself, and then eliminated it with his blue color.

"I will stop you."

Awaji Shiri said to Ma Yuan so.

"Although I can't solve the red Wang Zhoufangzun, but you do so, closing us and Barbara also help us a lot. After that, as long as you control you, the head of the room will only face Zhoufangzun with yourself. That’s all, it’s helped us a lot.”

Ashima Shiri calmly said that Ma Yuan knew what the girl was planning.

The plan of Awashima Shiri is very simple. She hopes to be able to drag Ma Yuan. After all, in this space, members of the Barbara have been dragged. If you drag Ma Yuan again, the statue ritual can be I only have to face Zhou Fangzun and the colorless king.

Clan members were not a decisive factor in the battle of the kings.

This will allow Zongxiang Liji to act better.

" look too high on yourself."

Ma Yuan sighed, but did not expect Ashima Shiri actually laughed at this time.

"I haven't looked at myself high, and it seems impossible to defeat a king with my abilities. I haven't been proud of that."

Ashima Shiri said while attacking Ma Yuan while holding his own sword.

"However, all you can do now is to hold you back, as long as this is enough, so that you can get time for the prince of the statue."

Unexpectedly, Ashima Shiri said that not only the members of Scepter4, but also the members of Barbara also felt the same.

"Although you are very unhappy, you guys at Scepter4, but your proposal is good. It can hold back the blue king. Then let the king do the rest, and our king will definitely defeat you. Wang, revenge for Duo Duoliang!"

One of the members of Barbara shouted.

"Then you will see, whose king is stronger!"

And Scepter4 is not willing to be outdone. They are not willing to admit that their king will lose, but they are all admitting that it is the best strategy to contain Ma Yuan at this time.

Ma Yuan sighed. He glanced at the black cat outside the space he made. It was good to let the black cat come in as long as he knew it. Because this space is relatively large, the principle of the horse is scattered around himself, which was originally I felt more convenient, but I did not expect to meet these dead people.


The black cat also seemed to find something wrong in Ma Yuan's space. She looked at Ma Yuan for a while and did not enter the space. Instead, she kept up with the statue ritual.

This is a correct judgment, because the people inside are just members of some clan, and these clan members face the blue king.

Ma Yuan has transformed two tai knives in his hands. After recovering his memory, Ma Yuan will of course remember that he is a good player with two knives. He doesn’t need to worry about how many enemies he has in front of him, because he can solve them quickly .

The first is the people who barked.

Barbara, as a street gang, is more accustomed to "whatever you get" even when fighting. There is nothing in this space that can be used by them, so they are almost equal to bare hands. .

Of course, it does not include the red flame that they will ignite after they gather together.

The red flames represent the color of Barbara and their position. They are the clan of the red king, so they have the attributes of violence and blood, compared with the calm and order attributes of Scepter4 opposite, it is indeed a contrast.

Ma Yuan was the first to attack Barbara.

First of all, his Taiji didn't hesitate at all and directly penetrated the man's stomach in front of him.

Although it was stabbed in the past, but after all, I didn’t want to kill people, so although Ma Yuan showed a sword, the blade was still passivated, and it would not pierce a person directly, but it would make a person feel himself. Received a strong blunt attack.

It was painful to receive a blunt attack on my stomach.

Moreover, Ma Yuan's speed was very fast. It didn't take long for him to reach the person in front of him. Before he could react, Ma Yuan's Taidao hit him directly in his stomach.

The first person attacked by Ma Yuan instantly passed out.

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