Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 77: Ashima's attack

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Before the members of Scepter4 had responded, Ma Yuan quickly moved to them and looked at the Scepter4 member in front of him with a smile.

In the next second, the three Scepter4 members in front of Ma Yuan fell directly to the ground.

No one reacted to what had happened, except watching Ashishima Shiri from the side.

But at this time, even if someone asked what happened to Arishima Ashi, Arishima Ari would only be very at a loss to say that she saw only Ma Yuan attack, and then the members of Scepter4 fell, nothing more.

There is no gorgeous sword skills to show off, just simply hit the heavy blow on the members in front of him.

In front of Ma Yuan, a big gap appeared, which was much larger than the gap that he had just made.

But Ma Yuan still didn't plan to go out, he returned to the formation, and then attacked the other side.

But this time the members of Scepter4 have learned well, and they blocked Ma Yuan's attack.

"Hurry up and help!"

It was at this time that Arishima Ashima began to call the members of the Barbara who were watching, to help. After all, it was impossible to realize Ma Yuan's plan.

At least if only Scepter 4 is in combat.

Awaji Shiri can feel that Ma Yuan will soon break through their elaborately prepared array for the king of gold, Guo Changlu Dajue.

The leadership of Awashima Shiri is still a bit super strong, and just a few words let these members of the clan that did not belong to them immediately start to help her work.

Shortly afterwards, the vacancy of Scepter4 allowed the members of Barbara to make up.

However, this has not stopped Ma Yuan.

Because three people are directly missing, Scepter4's formation is somewhat less complete than before. When the members of Barbara are added, because the abilities are different from each other, there is some friction.

When Ma Yuan attacked the other side again, the members of Barbara feared Ma Yuan's melee attack, and the flames that fired again caused them to attack the members of Scepter 4 on the other side.

That is, when they plan to adjust their attack style again, Ma Yuan directly knocked down the two people in front of him.

There should have been a third person, but compared to the ability to attack, it is obvious that their ability to evade is stronger, so that Ma Yuan did not hit.

Although speaking of direct hard resistance, Ma Yuan was able to kill three or four more people. However, when he said that he would not use the power of the king, if he could only use swordsmanship to solve them, Ma Yuan I still hope to be more cautious.

Ma Yuan stepped back two steps, pretending to be stomping on one foot, a little staggering.

Immediately, one of the members of Barbara wanted to grab a slot and attack Ma Yuan. He took a step forward, so that to avoid mistakes, the member of Scepter4 beside him also came to help.

However, Ma Yuan just pretended to stumble, so he stopped backing without taking two steps, and then turned back to use the knife in his hand to knock down the two people who rushed to the ground, and then they did not have time to make up for the higher position. At that time, three people were killed in succession.

The formation at this time can no longer be regarded as a formation.

But a few people sparsely formed a circle.

Ma Yuan glanced at Danji Shili, and then attacked the other side again.

"All, attack!"

Awashima Shiri shouted.

Immediately all the members of Scepter4 attacked Ma Yuan in the same way.

The members of Barbara on one side also seem to be infected by the "swear to death" of the members of Scepter4, and they rushed over with them to resolve Ma Yuan.

But Ma Yuan knew that this was just desperation.

Although it seems that so many people are attacking themselves together, it seems that they are not very good at defending and attacking, but for Ma Yuan this is nothing.

As long as the time is correct...

That's right now!

Ma Yuan grabbed the knife in his left hand when they were no more than a knife away from him, and then began to spin up.

Ma Yuan's rotation speed is very fast, and the best time is also grasped. Just a blow, dozens of people who have been attacked are knocked down by Ma Yuan.

Even if there were one or two fish caught in the net, Ma Yuan stepped forward to make up the knife.

Now all the members of Scepter4 and the members of Barbara have fallen under Ma Yuan.

Except...Awashima Shiri!

At the moment when all the people fell from Ma Yuan's front, Awashima Seki attacked.

As usual, she just waved her sword, and then the sword style attacked Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan thought of the Awaji Shili Association's move, because she didn't look like someone who would be willing to gamble and lose because of a gamble, and stay quiet in this space.

She will fight to the end for the statue ritual.

And as Ma Yuan thought, Ashima Shiri will indeed fight to the end.

The moment she thought Ma Yuan attacked, Ma Yuan anticipated this, and then raised the knife in her hand to resist Ashishima Shiri's attack.

But what Ma Yuan did not anticipate is that there is more than one sword style of Awashima Shiri.

Because Ashishima Shiri just draws a "line" every time, it is easy for Ma to have the illusion of only one. In addition, at the beginning, he could not actually see Ashima Shiri behind him, so he could only resist the attack of Awashima Shiri by instinct.

But when he resisted the first sword style, he reacted wrong!

Ma Yuan immediately turned back and wanted to resist the second sword wind, but the sword wind flew towards Ma Yuan so quickly, after all, it was the wind!

When Ma Yuan resisted the second sword style, he knew that when he attacked the members of the clan that threw over, Awashima Shiri had issued countless sword styles one after another.

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