Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 79: Cunning king

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When Ma Yuan and the Black Cat arrived at the place where they made a cry for help, they only found out that it was a member of Barbara who made the call for help.

Because the man was wearing a hoodie, not a school uniform, or Scepter4 uniform.

It is only possible for members of Barbara.

What he encountered was also not such a powerful opponent. Instead, the house collapsed due to the explosion, and the broken wall was flying towards him.

However, this is not the time when Ma Yuan is needed, because the statue ritual is already here.

Anyway, even as a member of Barbara, it is impossible for Zongxiang Lisi to watch him die in front of him.

Zongxiang Lisi just stretched out his hand and used his ability a little bit to stop the broken walls and protect the barbara member who was almost hit.

"Are you OK?"

The statue ritual secretary asked.

"and many more!"

Before waiting for the barbara member to say anything, Ma Yuan seemed to feel wrong.

He felt an ominous breath from the member of Barbara. Ma Yuan just had a fight with the people of Barbara and Scepter4. He can be sure that the breath is not the member of Barbara. .

"You are leaving from that place!"

Ma Yuan shouted that he wanted to remind the statue priest.

The sect statue ritual heard Ma Yuan's voice, did not listen to him leaving this place, but turned his head and looked at Ma Yuan, not knowing what Ma Yuan did.


Suddenly, the members of Barbara made a strange laugh, and then he suddenly picked up a broken glass from the ground and stabbed the kidney of Zongxiang Lisi.

Ma Yuanguang felt his kidney pain when he looked at it.

Hey wrong? !

Ma Yuanke did not have time to look at himself and watch others feel his kidney pain. There is no doubt that the member who yelled for help was the member of Barbara. But now it is obvious that he is not a member of Barbara.

He was possessed by the colorless king.

Otherwise, why would you directly attack the statue ritual?

Even if they are members of the Barbara, wouldn't they do such an indecent thing? After all, the theme of barbara is still blood and violence. How could a **** person do such a sinister thing? Not to mention that Ma Yuan felt that he seemed to have an awkward breath.

Without thinking, Ma Yuan rushed to Zongxiang Lisi. Before Zongxiang Lisi hadn't reflected what happened, he kicked on the stomach of the barbara member.

The members of Barbara immediately fell to the ground.

Ma Yuan's absolute attack did not use much force. After all, it was anxious, so that the other party would not fall to the ground, right?

But this person fell to the ground, and the strange feeling on his body disappeared. Ma Yuan guessed that the colorless king had left this place probably just now, so he fell down.

Ma Yuan looked around, originally trying to find some clues, but unexpectedly saw two members of Scepter4, just saw the scene just now.

Oops. Doesn't this seem like a member of Barbara's secret calculation of the statue ritual?

Ma Yuan suddenly had a bad hunch.

"Cat, how is it going here?"

Ma Yuan looked at the black cat, and the black cat quickly climbed to a high place, probed and returned to Ma Yuan to tell him the situation.

"The members of Barbara seem to be in the building over there."

As the black cat spoke, he pointed to the building on the other side.

It was not a building far away, but Ma Yuan remembered that it seemed to be the student union room.

The place where the College Student Union is located can't be better used as a base.

Ma Yuan can probably guess who he will be in which place, most of which is the pheasant Izumo, because he is like a mother in the barbara. Although he has not seen it a few times, Ma Yuan can decide that he is reliable .

Not physically strong and reliable, but mentally strong and reliable.

Such a reliable person is probably the person in charge when the Barbara King basically does not matter.

Ma Yuan thought so.

But what Ma Yuan cares more about is that if the pheasant Izumo is there, then another person should be there.

Barbara has almost no fighting power, Princess.

Capable, Anna.


Ma Yuan suddenly understood what was probably the reason why the colorless king attacked the statue priest here. He had to be in this place, because he had to leave here after the attack, that is to say he had to go down A place where he fights!

If his purpose is to cause chaos, then the best way is to attack Anna!

Barbara is a very united clan, more united than Scepter4. Although there is no order, they are brothers to each other, so naturally it is easy to think of Anna as her own sister.

Will not let her go to the battlefield-because Anna is still a child-also will not allow anyone to hurt him.


That's when Ma Yuan heard a shot in that direction.

Ma Yuan hurried towards the place where the gunshot was made. He had to catch the colorless king when he shifted his body again.

Otherwise, Ma Yuan really does not know where he will go next second.

Ma Yuan, the enemy who can change his body easily, hates the most. If Ma Yuan hopes that this colorless king can come over and attach himself quickly, does he want a king to be his body? How good it is to attach yourself.

In this way, Ma Yuan can immediately lock the colorless king in his body. He heard from the words of Zhou Fangzun before, after the colorless king entered the body, it seemed to enter your heart. The world, he may not necessarily occupy.

Zhou Fangzun drove the colorless king out, but Ma Yuan would not chase him, he would lock him up and catch it.

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