Thousand Face Demonic Concubine

Chapter 141: Ghost claim

"Impossible!" Ruan Zhen's angry shout broke out behind him, sharp and harsh, Lou Qingwu rubbed her eardrums, and pulled the corner of her mouth indifferently.

Until standing in the empty courtyard, I raised my hand inadvertently, ticked my index finger, and immediately a black figure flashed into the second wife Ruan Zhen's room and waited.

Not long after, Ruan Zhen hurriedly came over from the hall, Liu Mei's eyebrows were deep, his hands were twisted in a handkerchief, his mood was up and down. Her only chip now is the female maggot, and if there is an accident, she will have nothing.

Ruan Zhen pushed the door anxiously, glanced alertly, and then stepped into the room.

I patted my chest to calm myself down. I hid in a place so hidden that no one could find it.

After another inspection of the box room, it was determined that there was no one, and she walked to her bed and pushed all the quilts on it to the side. Then she groped with her thumb on the side of the wall and waited for her belly. When I bumped into a protrusion, my eyes suddenly lighted, and I pushed the protrusion inward. Then, half of the sandalwood plank of the bed was lifted up, revealing a half-man's secret. She turned around and glanced into this secret passage. After a while, when she came out again, she was holding a dark black jar in her hand, and there was a sound from inside.

Ruan Zhen got out of the secret passage, walked to the table next to him, put the jar on it, and slowly opened the jar. After a while, a dark red maggot crawled out of the jar.

During the walk, there was a layer of blood red, slowly crawling, and a tiny silver needle tied on his back, it looked both disgusting and horrible.

Ruan Zhen saw that the female tapeworm was safe and sound, so she was relieved, and hammered the table next to him, "Damn Lou Qingwu, even lied to me! This silver needle is still on the female tapeworm, how could that woman wake come?"

After biting his teeth, hate grinned.

Put the tapeworm back into the jar, seal it, and re-enter the tunnel.

When she came out again, she was relaxed, proud, and laid the bedding again. When she noticed nothing unusual, she went out and locked the door.

The sound of her footsteps drifted away, a black figure fell from the beam of the room, a silent figure, hawk-like eyes fell on the bed, squinted, and walked towards the soft bed ...

Half an hour later, in Yifeng Pavilion, Lou Qingwu slouched on the soft couch, and a shadow fell behind her.

"Have you got something?" He didn't lift his head, and Lou Qingwu just lifted a volume of books leisurely.

"Have it, swap the female tapeworm. Madam Er will not notice the difference." Tang Er handed the tapeworm pot and placed it on the short side of Lou Qingwu's side. As soon as it was lowered, the tapeworm inside was light. Touched the jar, causing a glimpse of Lou Qingwu.

"Very good." Put down the book in his hand, sit up and bully, lazily pinching the tapeworm pot with his fingertips, and the tapeworm inside hit the wall of the tank.

Lou Qingwu opened the jar, and the reddish maggot crawled out of the jar.

"Master, this tapeworm is poisonous."

"Um." Lou Qingwu responded, took the handkerchief handed over by Tang Er, pinched the maggot and squinted for a while, then threw the maggot into the jar again, and heard a "squeak", Slowly closed the lid.

Wave your hand: "Find a place to put it first."

"Yes." Lan Bai, watching from a distance, heard this, walked over quickly, carefully picked up the jar, and put it in a dark grid in the room. However, there was still fear in the maggot just now. I did not expect that there was such a horrible thing in this world, and the thought of the larvae of this thing now existed in Mrs. Nine's body, and she felt creepy.

"Master, when is the larvae put in Mrs. Er?"

"Wait a second." Now is not the time. Since this matter is seamless, there can be no deviation.

Otherwise, the effect may be reduced by half.

"Yes." Tang Erji headed away quietly again.

Qiannian walked in from outside, his eyes fell on the figure of Lan Bai standing beside the dark grid, and he looked down at the building and danced softly.

"Master, have you succeeded?"

"Well, the female tapeworm has been replaced. Has the news spread?"

"I've already gone for a walk, but I don't know if the people under Li Jingsheng will be hooked? After all, things have passed for so many years. Those people were distributed by Li Jingsheng to Tiannan Haibei. It is difficult to bring them all together. . "

"Then catching one is one, follow the vine, and one does not stay!" Lou Qingwu's eyes flickered with dark light, his cold eyes were deep, and almost no light could be seen. Suddenly the atmosphere around them suddenly swelled, Lan Bai's curious eyes fell on the two, "Master, what news do you want to spread? And, who do you want to catch?"

To the sight of Shang Lanbai, Qiannian turned his head and looked at Lou Qingwu, who turned his head to Lan Bai again.

The whole man was lazy, but also brought the dark air of silk evil evil.

"Isn't Li Jingsheng going to get married? How can the master not give him a big gift?"

"Li Jingsheng? That sam general?"

"Not just him. He owed his master several lives several years ago? His three younger brothers fell in love with Rouge Xi Shi, causing his tragic death. Later, he killed 15 people in succession, and one of 16 people in Rouge Store. No one left, and no one wanted to run away at that time. According to the instructions of the master, the news has been released, and Master Li Ziqing, the third master of the Li family, was ordered by an unjust ghost and is dead. Those people got the news and would come back in panic. Kyoto, then we just have to wait and see. "

"Abominable! Add me!" Lan Baimei was about to spit fire. What she hated the most in her life was the bully and the evil, especially those who bullied or master, and were even more sinful.

"Oh? You hate and want to participate?" Chimian didn't know what came to mind, and a meaningful smile arose at the corner of his mouth.

"Of course!" Lan Bai slaps his chest sharply, daring to look down on her?

"I'll let you get used to it in advance!" Chin-myen finished, Yingmei's eyebrows fluttered, and evil spirits were popular. A mask of a man's hide on his face was a bit of a heroic gesture. Xu Xun, Lan Bai saw Qian Nian touching it from his arms, and for a long time he pulled out something like magic, and threw it to Lan Bai.

Lan Bai didn't find out what it was at first, and he held it in his arms when he raised his arm.

The light-colored fingers spread out a weird-looking ball, and the touch of the hand was a little greasy, like skin.

When it finally started, Lan Bai stiffened.

"Ah-" In the Yifeng Pavilion, a shrill scream came from behind, ringing throughout the courtyard.

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