Thousand Face Demonic Concubine

Chapter 171: Missing rivals

"Insignificant person?" Zi Li touched her chin, but how did she think it wasn't? The anger that flashed in his eyes just now didn't hide from her sight. It made him so angry but still forced the woman who was angry and refused to say a bad word, which was very wrong.

Ye Ji and Xia Hou Qing left Ye Wang Mansion. Ye Ji had not recovered from the fact that Feng Yege had helped her just now. Xia Hou Qing had a bad look from the moment she came out. The two got on the carriage, and Xia Houqing leaned on the carriage, covering her heart, sweeping her face and scanning Ji Jihong's little face overnight, couldn't help but sneer: "But it's easy, do you really think he will like you?"

Ye Ji was poured a cold water, and her face suddenly cooled down.

"I like it or not. Does it affect your plan? You control me!"

"But you are so foolish that I have doubts about the IQ I chose?"

"What do you mean?"

"literal meaning."

"Really? Even if I have a problem with IQ, you are not so high, aren't you still rejected by Brother Ye? He doesn't want to heal you at all." Ye Ji was stunned by him, who was suddenly caught by that The woman who appeared to suppress was already very uncomfortable. I didn't expect that this man would also fall into the rock, Ye Ji's face became colder and colder.

"Well, I didn't plan to help him today."

"Then what do you mean?" Gaze fell on Xia Houqing's chest. The bleeding on the upper part of the wound seemed to be miserable. He looked up and down and pulled the corner of his mouth. "You pretend to be a patient. Quite like it. "

Xiahou Qing narrowed his eyes coldly, "Do you think I'm pretending?"

"What do you say?"

He really thought she was stupid. Who was he and how could he give someone a chance to come and assassinate him? She was just too lazy to ask, and wanted to see what he was paying attention to. Just the next moment, when Xiahou Qing pulled down the chest placket, exposed the white gauze wrapped chest, his brows frowned, "What on earth do you want to do?"

"Nothing, just want to try Lou Qingwu's heart."

"Yeah?" Ye Ji's face was even worse, "Can you try it out?"

Since it is the tentative dance of Loulou, why should you come to Yewang Mansion?

"Naturally, I was still worried about this trip. In case Night King promised to help me healed, it was really difficult. Since he didn't promise, then continue to follow the original plan."

"Oh? What was the original plan?"

"If she really thinks about me, if I'm going to die, can't she think of a way? I'll see if she's on the second brother's side, or on my side?" If she's standing The second brother was anxious for him to die; but if he was interested in him, he would try his best to save him.

"Do you think she won't see this trick?"

"Rest assured, I have specifically found someone who punctured in person, the position is very tricky, she can't detect anything, and the poison is uncommon. I deliberately controlled the seven meridians and eight veins when she took the pulse, she had no internal force , Naturally can't detect anything. "

"You're so confident that it's just that she'll be attentive to you in this short time?"

"Then you can wait and see. She is a clever person. Since she was not willing to marry the second brother, she can only stand by the other princes." But all the recent events are in favor of the second brother. Let him have doubts, and whether it is what he suspected, as long as the temptation results. If Lou Qingwu stood by his side, he would naturally save his life to save him, but if she did not do her best ... then he would not leave an enemy.

Not a helper, it can only be an opponent.

The opponent's end can only be quick to remove.

Although to be honest, he was really reluctant to dance that little face upstairs, but it was really recruiting.

"You're really cruel." Seeing Xia Houqing's murderous intentions, Ye Ji narrowed his eyes, understood his thoughts, and sneered, "If it was earlier this way, you shouldn't hesitate to send her to the palace . "

Xiahou Qingliang glanced at her, "Can you compare it with now? If she is not Xiahourui's person, I can't bear it ..."

"Ha! Now watch Lou Qingwu's own life. But I'm looking forward to her rejecting you!" So she can watch Xia Houqing completely remove the woman, and even if Ye Ye is held accountable by then, she won't Blame it on her head, so that she has one less love rival.


"Who is the woman who appeared in Yewang Mansion today?" It was definitely not easy to get Ye Ye's approval to live in Ye Wangfu.

"I will naturally find someone to check."

Looking at the side darkly, Xiahou Qing raised a cold arc at the corner of his mouth.

As long as it is determined that Lou Qingwu is on his side, it will be easier for him to want to win the throne in the future. As long as he uses it a little, he can use Xia Hourui's mind to let Lou Qingwu approach him. Isn't it time to get his inside by then?

"Tell me quickly after checking! I must find a way to drive that woman out of Yewang Mansion as soon as possible." She couldn't stand the woman now appearing in front of her as a hostess, which made her want Destroy people completely. Damn woman, who is she? Why did Ye Ye let her shine in Ye Wangfu?

Xia Houqing gave her a cold look and did not speak.

The carriage was moving slowly, and the wind rolled up the curtain, just to see a carriage passing by.

There was a glimmer of light in his pupils, and he immediately whispered a few words towards Yeji who was on the side. Yeji first froze, then he froze, "What do you want to do?"

"Just do what I say!" What a word, this stupid woman!

"I see." Ye Ji's face was not good, but he also knew that it might be related to his future plans, and he defaulted to it. When he reached the curtain, he opened it slightly, and saw that no one noticed them, and slowly Raised my hand and put the palm to the place where the gap was exposed. The other hand picked up a whistle and blew sharply. Suddenly, a dark and black thing crawled out of her cuff. It disappeared without a trace.

Ye Ji turned her head and smiled happily at Xia Houqing, "You just look at it."

That is to say, the horse of the carriage suddenly seemed astonished. With a long roar, they began to spread their hoofs and rushed forward.

A bang hit the carriage just before.

On the other carriage, Lou Qingwu was closing her eyes and meditating. The carriage suddenly turned upside down. The huge collision suddenly opened her eyes and heard a loud noise from outside. Lan Bai quickly opened the curtain. When I saw the two carriages collided together, I just wanted the driver to stop the horse.

But when he suddenly heard the driver scream, he was thrown away by the horse that was also crazy. At the same time, the frightened carriage took Lou Qingwu and Lan Bai to start desperately ahead Rushed out.

Lan Bai's face changed slightly: "Master, the horse is shocked!"

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