Thousand Face Demonic Concubine

Chapter 335: Think behind closed doors

Humeizi? Lou Qingwu raised her eyebrows carelessly, opened her eyelids and looked at her lazily. The slow movements gave a dignified majesty: "Humeizi called me?"

Ling Fei was shocked by the pressure emanating from her whole body, even for a moment, and felt that her whole body made her ignore the bland face. She clenched her hands, and heard Lou Qingwu's words, and returned to her mouth: "Xu Meizi called you!"

"Oh?" Lou Qingwu smiled. "Fu Meizi is calling me."

The anxious guard heard this sentence, tasted it, and couldn't help but hold his mouth shut: "..."

Lingfei frowned strangely.

At this time, I heard a sentence: "Fu Meizi, what do you want me to do?"

Lingfei knew that she had penetrated into the woman's circle of words, and a pretty face suddenly became ugly: "You ... Do you dare to call this palace a fox?"

Lou Qingwu waved his hand and was extremely innocent: "This is something you admit, and the word" Fu Meizi "was not the first one I proposed." The eyes were disgusting, the child had been four months, These days, she is not energetic, she is often sleepy, and after looking at her for a long time, she feels that she is lazy.

But Lou Qingwu's attitude became provocative in Ling Fei's eyes. Her face was dark and dark: "Come here, drag this woman up to the palace ... Palm, palm!"

It was just her words, but no one dared to move, Ling Fei was annoyed: "Are you all eating rice?"

But where are the guards dare to move the floor and dance lightly, they have lost their responsibilities when they are invaded by Ling Fei, and then they dare to do it, unless they really do n’t want a small life, and drop their heads: "Mother Ling Fei, you leave There is an order from the king here, no one except him can enter! "

"This palace is strange to believe you!" Ling Fei, relying on her queen mother, was used to her uncle's uncle, and did not believe the words of these guards at all, and waved her finger to her niece: "You go! Give her palace her palm ! "

The two nieces narrowed their necks, but Ling Fei's eyes were too fierce, they looked at each other and decided to step forward.

Lou Qingwu glanced at the hourglass not far away, sitting on the king's couch, without moving.

How dare the guards really let her succeed, but Chun Yuhan had orders. No one except him could enter the palace. They stood hesitating outside the door. In this distracting time, the two nieces have reached the king's bed, Lou Qingwu lifted his eyelids, and the lacquered eyes reflected the clear reflection of the two. Obviously she didn't have any other movements, but the two nieces shook their bodies and sweated their palms.

"Not yet ?!" Lingfei roared.

"Slave ..." One of the nieces shook harder, and the other niece gritted her teeth and raised her hand. If she disobeyed the maidens, it would not be as simple as a mouthful to wait for them after returning.

It was just that her hand failed to hit Lou Qingwu's face. When the sand in the funnel just dropped, a tall figure stepped into the palace, with her long legs stepping out of the palace, and glanced coldly at the palace. His face suddenly sank: "Is everything reversed?"

The majestic and cold voice immediately made Ling Fei, who was still proud in the last moment, become Xiaojiabiyu in the next moment: "The King ..."

Chun Yuhan simply ignored him and stepped into the dormitory, and went straight to the king's couch.

The two nieces were so scared that they immediately knelt on the ground: "King, King!"

Chun Yuhan didn't even look at the two of them, one in each hand, but he threw out the door directly: "Dragging out and hitting the 30th board, Ling Fei closed the door into the Buddhist temple and thought for a month. There was no solitary order and she was not allowed to let it out . "

Ling Fei's face changed: "King!"

Chun Yuhan swept over with an eye knife: "Go!"

Lingfei's eye circles immediately turned red, her lips froze for a long time, she didn't dare to say a word, and her face was taken away pale.

"This time is a solitary mistake, and there will be no next time." Chun Yuhan stepped forward, leaning over to determine if Lou Qingwu was injured, and Lou Qingwu tilted his head to avoid: "The hospitality of the barbaric palace. It ’s really special. "

Chun Yuhan's hands were avoided and it was not annoying, as if he had not heard the irony in her words, straightened up: "She is an exception."

Lou Qingwu dropped his eyes and said: "..." Lie down again and roll over.

Chun Yuhan watched the meeting behind her, walked out of the dormitory, closed the door, and saw the guard at the door froze with a face: "Go get the penalty by yourself and get another guard."

The accompanying guard commanded the head and jaws: "Yes!"

When Ling Fei left the palace, she did not go to the small Buddha hall, but went to the large Buddha hall where the queen queen often went. When she was outside the door, she usually knelt beside the threshold: "Aunt ... Ling Lang came to see you!"

The sound of Muyu in the Great Buddha Hall stopped, and the well-maintained queen mother was slowly lifted up to the outside and sat on the main seat. Then she opened her eyes and looked at her niece: "What's wrong?"

"Auntie, cousin was fascinated by Humeizi. He had to close Linglang for a month in the little Buddha hall for that woman. Linglang was sad, auntie, you have to decide for Linglang."

"Humeizi?" The queen mother was displeased with the title, but she saw that Lingfei was crying out of breath, or she raised her hand and let me help people in: "Tell me, what is going on? Why doesn't the Ai family know that Wang Er brought back a woman? "

Ling Fei cried crying, "Auntie, naturally you don't know, that fox charmer was left in the dormitory by his cousin."

The queen mother frowned: "Huh? Is this true?"

"Natural is true. Linglang just went to see it, but she was scolded by the woman. Where did Linglang suffer this crime, she was asked to give the woman some color to see, but her cousin did n’t even ask when she came back. The reason was that Linglang's servant was dragged out and beaten to death for a while, and Linglang was closed for a month. "Lingfei cried and threw herself into the arms of her queen mother." Aunt, that woman can't stay! "

Although the queen mother hurts the niece on a weekday, she has a different priority. She now says that she is a queen mother, but after all, she has to rely on the king. If it is only one or two women, it is not harmful. Her own son knew that she was not greedy for women, "Linglang talked about it, why can't she stay?"

"The woman is pregnant."

"Huh?" The queen mother's eyes lightened, and she calmly converged the next moment: "how?"

No prince has been born in this harem. She has long wanted to be a grandmother, but there is something in Linglang to hear.

Before Linglang came, naturally thought of the idea, tears lingered: "The woman seems to have been pregnant for more than four months, and the cousin has left the palace for less than three months. How could that child be a cousin? Auntie Ling Ling was anxious for the royal blood. "

As soon as the queen mother heard this, her face changed immediately: "Well, go and invite the king to the Buddha Hall."

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