Thousand Face Demonic Concubine

Chapter 371: Prince Concubine

Feng San scratched his head: "Isn't this meeting with Ligong, please wait for Ligong to let me go to his room, ma'am, then I will go back first."

Lou Qingwu took the needle and threaded his hand, "Liyuan went out?"

Feng Sanyi: "Oh, ma'am, how do you know?"

Lou Qingwu lowered his eyes, covering the emotions passing by his eyes, "It's all right, Fengsan, you go, remember to close the door."

Feng San smiled: "Okay." Lou Qingwu looked at Mei Yu when he went out. She was spreading out the cloth and was going to cut it off with scissors. Lou Qing Wu put down her half-sewn clothes: "Mei Yu You go to bed first, and sew it up tomorrow. "

Mei Yu stunned: "Ah?" But thinking that it was so late, the rare lady would take a break earlier, so she walked over and planned to serve Lou Qingwu and rest. Lou Qingwu let her go back to rest: "I can do it myself , Time is running out, come back to the room soon. "

Mei Yu really did not want her to watch Lou Qingwu, so she obediently went out to rest.

When the candlelight in Meiyu's room went out, Lou Qingwu blew out the candlelight, but opened the door and went out.

-Xiliang Palace, East Palace.

In the large hall, there was a cold and majestic, icy soft couch, with a long figure lying on the side. Feng Yege lay there with his eyes narrowed, wearing only a thin bright yellow brocade with a mask on his face. , Covering a handsome face, showing only perfect jaw and thin lips.

One hand supported the forehead, and the other hand held the gold bottle, drinking sake like tea.

The little **** serving him did not dare to approach him, but straightened his back, completely regarded himself as invisible, but refilled Feng Yege when Jin Jin was empty.

I don't know if it is an illusion. I always feel that the prince is coming back this time, so cold that people can't help it.

Therefore, the people in the entire palace did not even dare to breathe for fear, and they suddenly angered the prince who was uncertain and prone to anger.

It's just clear that today is not a stable day.

There was a sudden messy footsteps outside the palace, and then the voice of the guard came: "Side concubine please stop, Prince, no one?"

A woman's petite voice sounded, "Why don't you see me? It's so easy for us to come back. The prince can't see us! Dog slaves, let it go!"

The guard refused to give up: "Please ask the concubine to not be under embarrassment!"

The woman was annoyed: "Get away!" After that, I pushed the guards away. Where did the guards think that she would break through, plus I was afraid to move with her, I could only watch the woman push away The door of the palace just shouted, "Prince ..." But when he saw the man lying sideways on the soft couch, he froze for a moment, wondering if it was an illusion, and always felt that the person seemed to have changed. But looking at her body, it seems that she hasn't changed. No matter what, she still wants to talk about it today? Why did you suddenly choose a princess?

Originally, there was only one side concubine in the East Palace, and the other was only a concubine. If she chose a princess, she would be crushed for nothing. How could this be done?

Staggering on the ground, he first stepped forward, and stood there: "Prince?"

Who knows, the eyes of a man who closed his eyes were not open. If it wasn't for the occasional drink of the wine in the gold bottle, she really thought he was just asleep. Cui Ying'er was anxious and shouted again, "His Royal Highness has seen His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness Chitose Chitose!" Annoyed in his heart, what is going on with this sick ghost? She used to be respectful and respectful to her before, but now she's better. She's a fool.

But after all, she was a prince, and she didn't dare to mess around, she just shouted again, "Prince?"

The little **** next to Feng Yege was so scared that his soul was almost gone, but Jin Er's and concubine winked, but where could Cui Yinger give these people extra eyes, but staring at the man, his eyes fell on his thin On my lips, how did I suddenly seem to look better?

Feng Yege still ignored her, just raised her wrist, even though she did not open her eyes, she still drunk the wine in the gold bottle accurately, raised her wrists accurately and powerfully, and the texture of her wrists, so that she could see her He was stunned, and suddenly blushed.

The **** watched the wine and went to add it quickly. The prince side concubine saw this. He hurried forward and grabbed the jug in the hand of the eunuch. When he pushed the person, he was squeezed beside Feng Yege. He snuggled up to him: "Prince, I'll give you my body." After that, I raised my wrists and estimated that I could slap the soft body on Feng Yege, but her concentration was on Zhan Feng Yege's cheap. So I didn't pay attention and spilled the wine, and several eunuchs around him took a mouthful of cool air while covering their mouths at the same time: finished.

Sure enough, the cold touch fell on the back of the hand, and Feng Yege's originally closed eyes suddenly opened, revealing a pair of blood-red eyes, sharp and cold, as if bloodthirsty Shura generally made people feel shudder at first glance, Prince Edward The smile on the corner of Fangfei's mouth suddenly froze, but for some reason, she straightened up suddenly, her whole body trembling slightly because of this eye.

But because he was too nervous, he shook his hands and spilled wine on the ground. Suddenly, he only heard the sound of "Dangdang" in the hall, and there was no other sound.

Cui Ying'er was terrified: "Prince, prince, sullen body ... not intentional."

Feng Yege sat up slowly, the large brocade exposed large chests, and the strong and powerful relaxation seemed to be the danger of an outbreak. Cui Yinger's feet were soft and suddenly she regretted coming here. Seeing how she couldn't think of it was only a few days. Kung Fu, why did the Prince become so ignorant?

Feng Yege's eyes were chilling: "Prince Prince?"

Cui Yinger nodded quickly: "Yes, yes!"

Feng Yege's mouth twitched a smile, but Sen Han made Cui Ying'er's teeth tremble up and down: "Very good, it has caused the cleanliness of this palace, and you are ... it's good. Since you want to pour wine, so go Let ’s go to the palace. This palace gives you this opportunity to serve others well. "

A nice but cold voice came quietly, and Cui Ying'er's face changed: "No, no! Prince, the body was wrong. Give the body a chance ... please!" After finishing, she rushed forward, I hugged Feng Yege's wrist, but I just didn't know it was a coincidence. The wrist just touched Feng Yege's fingertips. The slippery skin swept gently, but the coldness in Feng Yege's eyes became stronger.

He sat there, his eyes cold, "Go!"

Cui Ying'er doesn't know the danger is coming again, she doesn't want to be a maid, don't!

Feng Yege's patience was finally polished, and his emotions became irritable.

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