Thousand Face Demonic Concubine

Chapter 440: She went crazy

Xi Liangli chuckled, looking extraordinarily solitary in the solitary dormitory, and slowly said a name: "... Ye Ji."

Hearing this name that seems to have been separated for a long time, Lou Qingwu's face paled whitely: "How did you get involved with Ye Ji? What did you give Xiaoshi to her ?!"

"What?" Xi Liangli's eyes were fierce: "You're forcing me! You're forcing me!"

Lou Qingwu laughed angrily at her: "We forced you? Did we do anything to you?"

Xi Liangli's eyes gathered with a touch of crazy color: "Don't you force me? If he was in Dong Yuguo, he could help me withdraw my marriage contract earlier, and I wouldn't come here with Leng Yichen step……"

Lou Qingwu's eyes cooled down: "But in the end, you ruined the marriage contract yourself. Who can you blame? In the end, even if it wasn't for you to give him a" leaving heart ", Leng Yichen would not be completely disappointed!

Xi Liangli froze, panic quickly flashed, but calmed down quickly.

"No, I don't believe it, you are the ones who do it!" She didn't admit it was her fault, or she just didn't want to admit it. Otherwise, she felt that she couldn't bear it. She let him go. You can't walk, it's all your fault! "She growled, as if only to make herself feel better.

Lou Qingwu's eyes were getting colder and colder with her paranoia: "I didn't really walk so badly at the beginning, and left a trace of good thoughts. I was blind!"

That's why she was given the opportunity to let her harm her child. Lou Qingwu walked quickly, his eyes darkened a little: "Where is the child ?!"

Xi Liangli smiled lowly: "I won't tell you, even if you kill me, I won't tell you! Leng Yichen doesn't want me anymore, my mother and concubine were also killed by my father, I am not happy Do n’t even think about it one by one! ”

Lou Qingwu's fists hanging sideways creaked, the figure dazzled in front of her eyes, Feng Yege held Xi Liangli's jaw to lift her, and quickly threw something in her mouth.

Immediately, he let go of his hand in disgust.

Xi Liangli slipped on the ground, her face fainted, and her throat was about to vomit, but her mouth melted and she vomited: "What did you eat for me?"

Feng Yege's eyes sank a bit: "Don't you think we are too kind? Since you got back up and you don't appreciate it, then this palace will complete you!"

Xi Liangli's eyes widened, and an ominous premonition rose: "You ... you ..."

She only spit out two monosyllables, and felt the effect of the medicine, and instantly lost all consciousness beneath her. She stared in horror at her legs, trying to sit up on the ground, but slipped back to the ground again and again. She seemed to be back when she could not walk a few months ago, and her face was "brushed" pale: "Feng, Feng Yege! You can't ... you can't do this to me ..."

"But what did you do to us? Tell me, where is Ye Ji? Otherwise, this time is not as simple as the last time! You said that Princess Xin was killed by us, but why didn't you ask her, she again How many things have she done and how many people have been harmed? She has so much blood on her hands, and now she is responsible for all this! "

"No--!" Xi Liangli was completely panicked, and did not want to return to the appearance of being indifferent to ghosts in the previous months!

Feng Yege looked at this scene expressionlessly, his eyes grimly: "I'll give you another chance, where is Ye Ji?"

Xi Liangli's eyes fluttered a little, and she shook her head desperately: "No, I don't know ..." She pressed her leg as if she was scared. "I don't want it either, but this is what you forced me to, I do n’t want to promise her, but I do n’t know what happened to me. When the brain was hot, I reported the child to her. I did n’t know how she left, I did n’t know anything… ”Shaking her head, The expression on Xi Liangli's face was very confused. She suddenly raised her head, and fell on Feng Yege, and suddenly laughed: "Achen, have you forgiven me? Have you come to see me?" I knew you didn't really want to get married ... "

Feng Yege frowned, trying to step forward and was caught by Lou Qingwu.

She was so scared that it was like the last time, so she no longer believed in her. She frowned tightly: "Brother, she may not really know." With Yeji's temperament, it is impossible to leave her Trace to Xi Liangli.

Feng Yege also seemed to think of it, and her thin lips pressed tightly: "Come!"

The Guard entered the palace and knelt before him: "Prince!"

"Seven princesses can only stay in this palace from now on, no one can let go!"

Guards: "Yes, subordinates!"

Feng Yege helped Lou Qingwu turn around and walked out. Xi Liangli smiled behind him, sounding creepy.

After walking out of Xi Liangli's palace, Lou Qingwu was not in a high mood. She frowned with anxiety because of her concerns. Feng Yege distressed her brows: "Since Ye Ji grabbed the child, she must have requested something. She will send a message soon ... "

Lou Qingwu turned around and gently pressed his forehead against his chest to prevent him from seeing his red eye circles: "Brother, am I doing something wrong? It would be nice if I didn't leave Yaowanggu." "

There would not be so many things now.

Feng Yege touched her head: "But if you do n’t go this way, even if you stay there, you will only be trapped by the resentment of the previous life, and you will not be relieved in your life. I would rather you come this way, at least Only when you untie the knot in your heart can you be truly free. "Not physical, but spiritual. "The child will be fine, I believe in brother."

Lou Qingwu refocused his head and murmured: "It will be fine ..."

Otherwise, she was afraid she would not be able to hold it.

The Guards turned the entire palace upside down, but Yeji and the children were still not found. Lou Qingwu guessed that Yeji had already left the palace. Feng Yege expanded the search and surrounded the entire city. But if you look for it, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. There are too many children over a month old in the capital, and Ye Ji must have changed her face. Otherwise, she could not hide in the palace for so long without being found.

When Xi Liangdi knew the news, he almost died of Xi Liangli, but after all it was his bones and blood, but he defaulted to Feng Yege's practice and trapped her in the dormitory completely.

When Lou Qingwu and Feng Yege returned to the dorm, their moods were completely different from when they left. Looking at the empty bed, Lou Qingwu sat weakly on the quilt, and there were fourteen little legs on the quilt when they were playing. Folds. She looked at these folds and thought of what she looked like when she was giggling with her mouth open.

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