Thousand Face Demonic Concubine

Chapter 454: Three people entangled

Lou Qingwu went to see Lan Bai. She still stared blankly at the fringed head on the bed. Her wounds had been cleaned up, and she wore a white lining and nestled inside. Bones.

If Lan Bai had her own consciousness a few months ago, today, a few months later, her consciousness is likely to be devoured by the tapeworm, and she can only take orders from Ye Ji. However, she believed that Ye Ji would soon be unbearable. She did not kill her, but had more ways to torture her.

Lou Qingwu provisioned Lan Bai with a lot of soup medicine for a while. When fed to her, she also obediently drank, but her eyes were still dull.

No one knows.

When she went back the next day, she walked in and saw Eleven sitting by her bed and chatting with Lan Bai.

Eleven said that the voice was very light. When Lou Qingwu walked in, he immediately stopped and stood up, with an awkward figure on his face: "Husband and wife."

"I'm here to send medicine to Lan Bai." Lou Qingwu didn't know what to say, walked over, and eleven took over from her, and then set Ma Liuer aside and then helped Lan Baifu She got up, raised her back, then lifted the soup and looked at Lou Qingwu.

Lou Qingwu nodded and responded. As soon as Eleven's eyes brightened, he began to feed.

After the soup was cooled down, it was fed to Lan Bai, and Lan Bai drank it obediently. Lou Qingwu looked for a while, knowing that there was nothing wrong with her here, he went out of the door, but when he went out, he couldn't help but glance at it again. When the door was closed, Yu Guang inadvertently glanced at him, but unexpectedly saw someone.

When Feng Qi saw Lou Qingwu, he had to hide under a dead tree. Lou Qingwu looked moved and walked over: "Feng Qi."

Feng Qi came out now, and there was a stunned expression on his always capable and indifferent face: "Madam."

Speaking, he narrowed his eyes, covering the gloom of his eyes.

Lou Qingwu stood here, but didn't know what to say. He paused and said, "Lan Bai is sick now, so I take care of more than eleven, you ..." But after that, I felt wrong. Lan Bai was her close person, so she was in favor of Lan Bai, but when that eleven and Feng Qi knelt in front of that day, the kind of tacit and eye contact let her know that in the past few months It must be what happened.

But anyway, "Wait until Lan Bai is awake, let's talk."

Feng Qi blushed: "... Madam, I'm sorry."

"What did Eleven think?"

Feng Qi bit her lip: "I don't know. When Girl Lan Bai wakes up, I will leave. Eleven was originally with Girl Lan Bai ... I broke this balance."

Lou Qingwu rubbed his eyebrows: "... let's talk."

But she could foresee Lan Bai's reaction when she knew that she could not rub a sand in her eyes.

These three people are the closest ones around her, so that she only felt that a stone was pressed on her heart, and no way of reconciliation could be found.

Lou Qingwu returned to the room with Lan Bai's godless eyes in his head, and the sadness of his eyes when Feng Qi finally left. She sat next to Feng Yege and bumped his shoulder with his forehead lightly: "Brother ..."

Feng Yege sat up and embraced people: "What's wrong?"

"I went to give Lan Bai medicine just now, and met Eleven in her room."

"This is not a normal thing. They are lovers. Lan Bai has finally found it. It should be eleven to take care of it."

"But Feng Qi she ..."

Feng Yege froze for a moment, then thought, "Do you want to say Feng Qi and Eleven?"

"Well, when they came back that day, they obviously felt different, so I was worried ..."

Feng Yege also frowned: "Feng Qi is interested in Eleven, in fact, for some years, they were adopted together, and they stayed together for a long time before adoption. It was just that there was a gimmick in Eleven, and they never noticed it. Later, Feng Qi took the initiative to request to be transferred elsewhere, so they rarely met. "

Lou Qingwu leaned back: "What now?"

Lan Bai is her person. She can't make her suffer, but it is obvious that Eleven's mind has a subtle change. If Lan Bai, who can't rub the sand in her eyes, knows, she will definitely cut off all the feelings directly.

But Feng Qi also got along with these days, and her temperament also knew that she would never do anything to spoil the relationship on her own initiative.

Feng Yege saw that she kept rubbing her eyebrows, put her hand down and rubbed her: "Feng Qi will not stay here."


Lou looked up puzzledly.

"You also know that she is a boring person. Shiyi knows her mind. It must have been accidental, but if Shiyi wanted to move, she would have moved early, but after so many years, it was only because of the death of Lan Bai that time It was almost overwhelming, so I took Feng Qi's affection as the last straw. With Feng Qi's intelligent nature, I can quickly understand it myself, and then leave like I was then. "Just eleven gave her hope again , But destroyed it again.

This pair of Feng Qi is cruel.

Lou Qingwu choked for a moment, and finally answered: "I hope Eleven can handle it well."

Otherwise, she could almost predict the final outcome.

Yeji could n’t stand the next day and could n’t stand it. The medicine that Feng Yege gave her would n’t hurt her body, but she was tormenting her nerves all the time. She felt Ling Chi ’s pain as if she were there. , One sword after another, she almost collapsed, but she was not willing to compromise so much, but the thought that Lan Bai had been rescued, even if it was useless, told Lou Lou Qing dance.

After getting what he wanted, Lou Qingwu immediately started to prepare the antidote. After verifying that there was no problem, he started feeding it to Lanbai.

But Lan Baizhong's time was too long and recovery was slow.

And all this time was taken care of by eleven.

After solving the matter of Lan Bai, Lou Qingwu went to see Ye Ji again, but she knew this time, I'm afraid it's not so easy to know the whereabouts of Xiao Shi. Ye Ji is willing to compromise because Lan Bai has no value for her, but Xiaoshi is different. She stood in front of Ye Ji, staring blankly at her nerves that had almost collapsed from hallucinations.

Ye Ji stared at Lou Qingwu, her voice was weak, but her eyes were vicious and vicious: "Lou Qingwu, you torture me like this, you must not die ..."

Lou Qingwu didn't seem to hear her say: "The emperor has planned to seal Xia Houqing as the king, but there can only be one princess."

Ye Ji's face changed.

Lou Qingwu laughed and continued: "So, when you are the king, if you don't show up, Xia Houqing will directly make Xiliang Feiyue the princess."

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