Thousand Face Demonic Concubine

Chapter 471: Have an accident

Feng Yege: "Feng San, get them horses."

Feng San opened his mouth hesitantly and closed it again. Immediately, staring at Lou Qufeng, "Xiangye, can there be horses in the house? I'm tired of preparing five." Lou Qufeng was just scared to a standstill just now. Alas, went out with shaking feet, but waited for a long time, but didn't wait for people to return.

"Why isn't the horse ready ?!"

The men in black began to get anxious, and the panic in his heart was expanded indefinitely by this long wait. Lou Qingwu saw that the strength in his hands had deepened a bit, and couldn't help panic: "Don't worry, I Find someone right away! As long as you don't hurt the child, I will definitely let you go! "

Feng Yege lifted his chin towards Feng Er, Feng Er took the knife and walked quickly, but the film came back with a black face and attached ears to Feng Yege and said, "Ye, Xiang Ye softened his feet , Didn't tell me at all, even now I dare not come in! "

Feng Yege's fists clenched: "Go straight to the housekeeper in the house and ask, to find five horses as soon as possible, faster!"

"What do you say secretly? Are you thinking about how to catch us?"

People in black still didn't see the horses. The cold sweat on their foreheads fell and their mood became worse and worse.

"No, but you also know, Xiangye has never seen such a big scene, so he was scared. The king has been asked to do it, just need to wait for the incense." Xu Yefeng Yege watching It was quite credible, and the emotions of those black men were gradually calmed down. Feng Yege's head turned quickly. Obviously, these men in black were not strong enough, but there was no guarantee that they would not hurt Mrs. Xiao and Mrs. Mei before dying. If you want to save people safely, you need to be more Careful plan.

Feng Yege thought about it and said, "Several don't be nervous, as long as you don't hurt my little son, everything is easy to say. You follow Ye Ji, don't you run somewhere these days?"

Those black men didn't dare to say anything with their lips pursed, but Feng Yege's words reminded them of the almost innocent life in the past year, especially these two months, first from Xiliang I ran for more than a month and hid in Linyang Town, but later I hid.

To tell the truth, they would have had enough of this inhuman and ghostless day. If it wasn't for Ye Ji's hold on their lives, they would just slap their stalls.

But for the sake of small life, at present, we still have to find a way to smuggle this little child safely.

But it's not easy to leave under the eyes of the night king.

Hao Meier was still hoping on Lou Qufeng. She was an adult after all, and it was not a wise move to flee. Therefore, these people in black may not bring her the burden at the door of the house. But she did not expect that Lou Qufeng had softened her feet at this time, her face was extremely ugly. Especially seeing Xiao Bao in the arms of Lou Qingwu, her eyes were red. She was horrified to keep Xiao Shizi in the past two days, she just wanted Xiao Bao to be safe, but now she has a little heart because of Lou Qufeng's actions. cool.

Feng Er's work efficiency is very strong, but half a censer time, pulled a few horses: "Dear everyone, the horse is already outside the Loufu."

Several black men were relieved.

At the same time, I was more vigilant. As long as I was able to leave the house, Wang Ye did not dare to do anything on the street. After all, there were innocent people on the street. I believe that Night King will not hurt innocent people. Holding on to this, several men in black were back to back, moving a little bit out of vigilance.

However, in the process of moving, I found it really inconvenient for Mrs. Mei to carry it.

First, she softened her feet, and then almost fainted, making them want to take care of her, and her eyes were a little cold. I saw Feng Yege and Lou Qingwu staring at each other, his eyes darkened a bit. Hao Meier obviously wanted to make herself a kind of burden, so that they let her go, but she forgot that these people were killing and not blinking, and it was likely to kill her directly.

However, Hao Meier was clearly unaware of this and was still experiencing problems, which was extremely detrimental to their plans.

Feng Er had already arranged his staff when he went out, and the house was just outside the house.

There are a lot of archers out there. As soon as they go out, they will be able to catch people if they get a chance.

Thinking of this, Lou Qingwu took a deep look at Hao Meier: "Mrs. Mei, didn't bother you in the house for the past 14 days?"

Hao Meier did not expect Lou Qingwu to talk to her suddenly. The movements on her feet were two steps slower. She was mentioned by the man in black and walked up again, but those thoughts were also interrupted by Lou Qingwu. Hesitated, whispered Response: "No, no trouble, Xiao Shizi is very good, not noisy or noisy."

Lou Qingwu's eye circles were a little red, and her hand holding Xiaobao was tight, but thinking that there might be chaos in a moment, she gave Xiaobao to Fengsan and let him take good care of the child. This is how Hao Meier returned: "Xiao Bao is also very good, but today it caused the cold."

Hao Meier was anxious: "Is Xiaobao okay?"

"No, but I fell asleep after drinking the medicine." After speaking, Lou Qingwu took a deep look at her again. After several times, even if Hao Meier was still slow, she also found Lou Qingwu's intention. Talk to her, she has no heart to think about those careful thoughts, and at this time, almost approaching the door of the house.

Hao Meier also recollected at this time, I am afraid that the night king and night princess intend to rescue them outside the house.

Thinking about this, Hao Meier was relieved, and did not dare to shoot again for the next section of the road. Feng Yege and Lou Qingwu looked at each other. They planned to get into the neutral position of a few men in black, holding the child in one hand, and pulling the stables in the other. By then, there would be a momentary opportunity. , You can shoot these black men directly.

When they were outside the door of the house, the men in black were also relieved, but they were still vigilant, slowly moved to the horse, their eyes lit up, looked at each other, and let Lou Qingwu wait for others to step back and turn around and plan to Get on the horse, and the surrounding archers are ready.

When the timing is right, they will start, but when the hands of the men in black were about to be vacated and pulled into the stables, the accident still happened.

A carriage stopped outside Loufu. Lou Yuner came out of the carriage and saw this scene, screaming in shock: "Ah-who are you ?!" This scream made the few The man in black immediately released the knife with caution again across Xiaoshi and Hao Meier's neck.

Lou Qingwu was so angry with this scene that she was kicked by Yun Lou Yuner. When it is not good to return, she wants to return at this time. But even if she was angry again, the plan still needed to be changed. She turned to look at Feng Yege, and the latter waved her hand calmly.

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