Thousand Face Demonic Concubine

Chapter 481: Recognize her

Feng Yege stretched out his hand to smooth his folds of brows: "She cannot never appear. Ye Wang Mansion is now a copper wall and iron wall, and she does not mean that she can come in and come in." Feng Yege's words made Lou Qingwu relieved. I don't want to mention Ye Ji again, what do I think of, and asked: "Xia Houqing is dead, then the three princes' house is finished? Lou pity?" With Lou pity, it is absolutely impossible to give up .

Feng Yege thought for a moment: "When Lou Qingxin had an accident in Xia Houqing, he returned to Loufu."

Lou Qingwu said for a moment: "Will she ..."

"I have sent someone to pay attention, she has no place to go now, and Loufu is regarded as her only home. I believe she should not be so stupid and cause trouble in Loufu." Otherwise, once she was kicked out, what is she doing now? I don't have any identity, I'm afraid it will be a miserable life.

Lou Qingwu nodded, but she always felt that Lou compassion would never give up like this. Her paranoia in her heart was too heavy. In addition, in this life, she had to start first, and then the resentment in her heart would only be more or less. I'm afraid she will find a way to get rid of moths again.

But if she dares to make a move, she dares to take it.

Lou Qingwu did not expect to see Lou compassion again so soon. On the day before the Laba Festival, Lou Yuner visited the King of the Night again, but this time she did not come by herself. But came with Lou compassion.

When Feng came to the obituary, Lou Qingwu was silent for a while, and her right eyelid had been jumping since the morning, and her mind was not quiet enough. Xiaoshi noticed her mood, lay there, stretched her arms towards her babble, and Lou Qingwu leaned over and hugged her. Regardless of whether or not you are careful, it is always better to be cautious.

Feng looked that she wasn't looking right: "Madam, if you don't want to see, just drive people away."

Lou Qingwu shook his head: "Feng Yi, you have people welcome them into the lobby, and then no matter how many nieces are following Lou Yun'er and Lou's pity, they are all under surveillance."

Feng Yi's face changed slightly: "Ma'am, are you skeptical?"

Lou Qingwu's dignified head and jaw: "Ye Ji hasn't appeared yet, so she must have changed her face and hid. If she wants to get revenge on me, or if she wants to catch Xiaoshi and threaten us again, then She must first be able to enter the Night Palace, and today is a good opportunity. "

Feng Yi listened to her words, with a solemn expression: "Do you need to notify Grandpa?"

Lou Qingwu shook his head: "No need to avoid grass and snakes, you should let Feng San be careful of them, Ye Ji may have hidden poison, let them eat these antidote first." At least not when the time comes to the other party Unexpectedly. When everything was properly prepared, Lou Qingwu went to the lobby holding Xiaoshi directly, to protect her on one side, and to protect Xiaoshi on the other side, she would only disperse Fengsan them. It would be better for her to focus on everyone together.

Mind sinking for a few minutes, Lou Qingwu went to the lobby, but had not yet walked in. He glanced around. There were four nieces in the lobby except Lou Yuner and Lou compassion. Lou Qingwu's eyes swept over the four nieces one by one and did not notice any abnormalities, but she still did not dare to take it lightly.

Walked expressionlessly, surrounded by fourteen people, Feng Yifeng, Fenghuang and Fengfeng, and were surrounded by dark guards.

Lou Qingxin first saw Lou Qingwu, then she saw the little fourteen in her arms, her eyes narrowed, but she could see a group of people later. When Lou Qingwu approached, her mouth could not help but evoke a touch. A mocking smile: "Sister, are you afraid you and I will assassinate you with so many people?"

Lou Qingwu walked to the main place with no expression, Feng Yi several people guarded her.

She smiled and glanced at the niece behind her: "Sister, don't you also bring a lot of people?"

Lou Qingxin was blocked for a moment, but there was a touch of disappointment on his face, but he calmly gathered all the emotions, and squinted and smiled: "Sister really said, we people, where can I talk to Sister compared to these masters? "

Lou Qingwu's eyes glanced at the four nieces inadvertently, meaning he smiled unclearly: "Is it?"

The conversation turned around: "I don't know if you're here?"

When Lou Qingxin heard this, he immediately picked up the papa and began to cry. "I believe you know that, after the accident of the three princes, the three princes' house also collapsed, so the younger sister wanted to come to the sister's house For a few days, I wonder if it's okay? "

Lou Qingwu smiled at the corner of her mouth: "Sister Poor, don't you live well in Loufu?"

Lou pityingly teased the corner of his mouth: "How can Loufu compare with Yewangfu? Just as Yun'er didn't stay overnight in Wangfu, we both lived together for a while, just close to Xiaoshizi. After finishing speaking, Lou Piao narrowed his eyes, his gaze fell on Xiao Shi, his eyes were very bright, and he saw his eyes lighten a little when he saw Lou Qingwu.

But she pretended not to see it at all, and after listening to Lou's compassion, she did not say agree, but did not say disagree.

Lou Qingxin's sarcastic smile was even stronger: "Do you want others to say that you ca n’t even tolerate your own sister-in-law?"

Lou Qingwu's eyes glanced from her cold and dangerous eyebrows: "It's intolerable, Princess Ben doesn't know, but Princess Ben knows, sister Sister You and the wanted criminals are mixed together, this It is a felony! "Lou Qingwu's voice fell and he waved his hand. A lot of dark guards poured in immediately in the room, surrounding Lou Yun'er and Lou's compassion, as well as the four nieces.

Lou Qing's face changed: "You ... what are you talking about?"

Lou Qingwu smiled softly: "Are there any nonsense, just ask Yuner around you?" She finished, looking at Lou Yuner who had not spoken from entering the lobby, "Yuner, Don't you think the niece behind you is too close to you? "

Lou Yuner's eyes that had been hanging suddenly suddenly looked up at her, and the exposed eyes were frightened and uneasy, and then she cried out: "Sister help!" Before she finished, she felt the neck was horizontal. With a knife, the maidservant behind her slowly raised her head, revealing a very ordinary face, but her eyes were vicious and vicious, and she laughed insincerely: "Lou Qingwu, I really underestimated You ... how can you recognize me? "

Lou Qingwu sat there expressionlessly: "I didn't recognize you, but don't you think that Lou Pingxin would stay at Yewang Mansion today if you four stayed, and it would be close to me. Great opportunity? After staying, try to find a way to replace the maid in the house, and then get closer to Xiaoshi. Do you think the plan is seamless?

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