Thousand Face Demonic Concubine

Chapter 90: Very wrong

Lou Qingwu did not finally step forward, she helped Su Sheng, who was already crumbling, out of the alley and stood on the lively street.

The crowd came and went past them, the sunlight above her head was very hot, but Su Sheng held her arm tightly, but it was cold and ridiculous. Such Su Sheng reminded her of her time, and she was so stupid, thinking that she was married to a good person, but in the end, everything she did for Xia Houqing could not meet the pity and pity of Lou.

Beauty is like jade, but she is old.

I do n’t know how long it took before Su Sheng returned to the tea house, but he could n’t help but spit out blood, and Lou Qingwu's face changed dramatically: “Su Sheng!”

Pulling her wrist, checking it, her expression changed.

The heart disease that had been raised more than half a month ago has recurred, even more severe than before.

She took Su Sheng's hand: "Follow me, your body is not right now."

Su Sheng stubbornly pushed away Lou Qingwu's arm, shook back a step, shook his back against the door of the tea house, slowly wiped the blood off his mouth, and stared blankly at the building with a blank look. Qingwu, "Girl Lou, you don't care about me. I know that this is a heart disease and cannot be cured." Even if she could be cured, she would not want to be cured anymore. . It was her delusional wish that she still had charm and could impress that person, let him fall in love with him, and let him regret it.

In the end, I just pushed myself into **** again.

——Find her farther away and sell her.

"Ha ha ha ha ..." Su Sheng burst out laughing frantically, but with tears in her eyes, she closed her eyes tightly, her hoarse low cry sobbing out of her throat, and slid slowly like a child On the ground, crying and laughing, looked a little scary.

Lou Qingwu squatted and touched her head. "Anyway, live well."

Su Sheng leaned her head against her knee and shook her head.

There were many people around, pointing and pointing, as if they couldn't see it, Lou Qingwu wanted to untie her knot, but she couldn't even untie her knot, how to untie her?

Su Sheng slowly stood up after a long time, wiped away the tears in the corner of her eyes, and smiled softly towards Lou: "Girl, Lou, I should go back."

Lou Qingwu frowned, "You still want to go back?"

"Yes, my enemies haven't been reported yet. How could he be so cheap?"

"But your body ..."

"Relax, at least I will come to Lou Girl before death. Mu Yunqing is not dead yet, how can I die. Lou Girl, I have to sacrifice my life than you think." After that, waiting for Lou Qing Wu replied, and staggered and turned away.

Lan Bai and that girl waited upstairs for a long time, but did not see them return.

After walking downstairs, she found that Lou Qingwu was standing alone with her eyes down, unable to see her expression, Lan Bai walked to her in anxiety, "Master, what's wrong? What about that girl?"

Lou Qingwu turned silently, "Let's go."

As she passed by that girl, she said, "Girl Wan'er has already returned, so please go back."

The maidservant hurried away in a direction opposite to them.

The pool of blood outside the tea house slowly turned dark until Lou Qingwu and Lan Bai's figures were no longer visible. The original maid who had left had even returned, standing outside the tea house and looking at Lou Qing In the direction of the two, a mocking smile aroused in the corners of their mouths. With her smirk, a woman came out from behind her, it was Li Xiangyu who was still in the alley not long ago.

"Miss, the woman really followed, presumably I heard those words from Miss, the blood was vomited by her, and it seems that she will live shortly. No one and Miss will grab the aunt in the future."

Li Xiang flashed a mockery on his charming face, "Only she? Deserve it!"

Humph! Turning around, Shi Shiran headed for Mu House. No matter who she looked at, she couldn't **** it!

Lou Qingwu re-sit on another carriage, but the picture of Su Sheng vomiting blood has been repeated in her mind. The voices of Mu Yunqing and Li Xiangyu also rang through her ears, and the strangeness she felt at first, It became more and more obvious that what made her feel blocked was always wrong.

Seeing her discomfort, Lan Bai couldn't help but whispered, "Master, what happened? Why did you suddenly rush out with the girl Waner?"

Lou Qingwu heard her voice and turned her head, but she did not answer the question: "Lan Bai, can you say that a person can change a lot before and after?"

"Well, what do you mean, Master?"

"For example, if he really hates someone, and hates that person, he will wear the rosary she gave him for several years?"

Lan Bai was dumbfounded, "unless he was dumb." Otherwise, how could anyone wear something disgusting?

If she did, I wish she could throw as far as she can.

Lou Qingwu's brows frowned even more, yeah, this is also what she felt strange, Mu Yunqing was so nervous that Su Sheng's beading, how could she say those words again?

But the man I saw just now is clearly Mu Yunqing.

She had seen Mu Yunqing so many times, and her face was exactly the same. How could she be wrong?

and many more? !!

Exactly the same?

Lou Qingwu's face suddenly changed slightly, she sat upright and straightened her body, and said to the driver, "Hurry back home!"

When the outside driver heard it, he immediately raised his whip. After a while, the carriage stopped outside the building, but there was another carriage at the door of the house.

Lou Qingwu jumped down from the carriage and took Lan Bai towards the house, but just outside the door, he encountered Lou compassion walking from inside to outside.

When they met, they were all stunned.

Lou Qingxin had a pale and scary face. When she saw Lou Qingwu, her pupils shrank suddenly, her expression was scary and scary, but it was only an instant. She swallowed all her anger back, it was a rare dynasty. Zou Qingwu Yingying gave a gift with a respectful and polite expression: "Sister."

Lou Qingwu raised her eyebrows, and glanced away from her, if not to see her nails that were almost embedded in the palm.

She really thought Lou's compassion had changed.

Since she is going to act, she will accompany her, "It's my sister, you want to ..."

Lou Qingxin lowered his eyes, revealing only a white neck. "My sister has been feeling unwell recently. She will go to Jingxin Temple for a few days."

"So, my sister, go home and return." If it is usual, she must say a few more words, but today is different. She was anxious to find Qiannian to answer the questions in her heart, so she hurriedly brought Lan Bai to continue go.

Lou Qingxin turned her head, looking at her back, her hands clenched tightly, and the niece beside her, reminded in a timely manner: "Miss Er, Madam let you remember a word, forbearance."

Lou Qingxin gave her a hard look and took a deep breath.

Then he closed his eyes and closed his eyes, Lou Qingwu, and waited for me to come back, you waited for me!

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