Thousand Face Demonic Concubine

Chapter 94: Three counts

Two days later, Lou Qingwu stood outside the criminal department.

Walked directly outside the lobby of the Ministry of Justice, and sounded the drums outside the door.

Hearing the drumming, Zhou Chengtian, who was a prisoner, immediately led someone to the lobby, but when he saw Lou Qingwu, he still hesitated.

"Girl Lou, what are you doing?"

Lou Qingwu stood there, in white clothes, gentle and gentle, unlike people who would appear here.

Just the next moment, when Zhou Chengtian heard the person she was going to sue, she stayed completely, as if he didn't believe it, and asked: "Who do you say you want to sue?"

Lou Qingwu stood upright, and his cold eyes fell on the superior. Zhou Chengtian, the prison director, said, "I want to sue right-hander Li Miao and eldest daughter Li Xiangyu. There are three major counts! First, the betrayal of good women; second, the betrayal. Third, bribery of Dali Temple Qing Zongping's private use of torture caused death. "

Zhou Chengtian was stunned by these three, "What are you talking about? Where is the victim?"

Lou Qingwu's lips were slightly sloppy. After hearing this, he turned around and shouted towards the outside.

The four people carried a stretcher covered with white cloth to the lobby. After lowering the stretcher, they quickly retreated. Lou Qingwu looked at Zhou Chengtian. "This is the bitter master I want to represent for justice today. Daughter Su Sheng, also the fiancee of Shaoqing Mu Yunqing of Dali Temple six years ago. "

Lou Qingwu mentioned several people who were not small in office, and Zhou Chengtian also froze.

Immediately instructed people to go to check, before the stretcher, opened the white cloth, and saw a blood-stained woman lying there silently, no breath, apparently dead for a long time.

The close man returned to Zhou Chengtian, whispered in his ear, Zhou Chengtian looked down, patted the gavel, "Hurry up and ask Mu Shaoqing and Mrs. Mu to come."


Not long after, Li Xiangming and Mu Yunqing who were pale after just waking up were brought back.

It was just after them that they were right-mover Li Miao and Li Jingsheng.

Zhou Chengtian was originally on the theme. When he saw Li Miao, his face changed. He immediately got up from the theme. "Right phase, why are you here?"

Li Miao glanced at Lou Qingwu with an expressionless expression before looking at Zhou Chengtian: "I heard that someone is going to sue Ben Xiang's daughter, but Xiang Xiang has to see who is so brave. It turned out to be the eldest daughter of Lou. , Niece Lou, is your father okay? "

Lou Qingwu did not seem to see the coldness in his eyes, "My father is very good."

"Really? But this is not good at all."

He shook his sleeves fiercely, and Li Miao sat expressionlessly in the position prepared by Zhou Chengtian. "Xiangxiang sits here today and listens well. What crime did his daughter commit? My lord, you've caught everyone here! "

Zhou Chengtian gave a stare at the criminal service. The latter was very innocent. They found no one in Mu's house. Later, they heard that Mu Shaoqing and Mrs. Mu were both in Xiangye's house. They arrested him.

But who knows what happened to the right.

Zhou Chengtian laughed twice: "This ... hehehehe."

Just looking at the standing Lou Qingwu, the laughter couldn't help but suffer three points. Is there another one?

This really made him a dilemma. In the end, he could only follow the itinerary and slammed the gavel. "Who is the audience, report the name."

Lou Qingwu: "Little girl Lou Qingwu, the eldest daughter on the left."

Li Xiangyu: "The official woman Li Xiangyu, the wife of Shaoqing Mu Yunqing of Dali Temple."

Mu Yunqing's expression was a little dull. A handsome face was a little pale, and his chest was still wrapped in white gauze. He was barely supported by the servants in the house to stand still. For a long time, the thin lips moved. The voice was very loud Qing Qing: "Shaoqing of Dali Temple, Mu Yunqing."

Zhou Chengtian breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Li Miao carefully and saw that he didn't respond, so he coughed aloud and continued: "Lou Qingwu, you can tell what you have to sue just now."

Lou Qingwu raised his head, his eyes were very dark, and he looked a few more, inexplicably giving a subtle sense of coldness.

"Little girl sues right-hand-sister Li Xiangzhen for three major counts!"

Li Xiangyu heard this, his eyes flashed, and he tilted his head to look at the building on the side and dance lightly.

Mu Yunqing didn't seem to hear it, his expression still sullen, his eyebrows narrowed, and he looked at the ground in front of him quietly.

Zhou Chengtian: "What three counts are you talking about?"

Lou Qingwu didn't seem to see the sight that Li Xiangyun glanced at, word by word, powerful: "... one, betrayed good women; second, force goodness; third, bribe Dali Temple Qing Zongping's private punishment, causing death. "

As soon as her words fell, everyone looked at her violently.

There was a panic in Li Xiangyu's eyes, Li Miao frowned, and Li Jingsheng looked at her with a complicated look.

And Mu Yunqing was still stunned, half-dead, making people look like a puppet.

Zhou Chengtian secretly wiped the sweat on his forehead, and always felt that what horse honeycomb was stolen today, and there were so many difficult characters to deal with.

But since some people have settled their grievances, as a prison officer, the case still has to be tried.

"Cough, who knows who died."

Even if you know, according to the charter, you have to ask again.

Lou Qingwu lowered his eyes at this moment, Xu Xu, raised his head again, but looked at Mu Yunqing, and slowly said: "The person who died ... Su Sheng, the daughter of Jiang Yin Su family, that is six years ago Mu Shaoqing's fiancee. "

Because she has been looking at Mu Yunqing, Lou Qingwu clearly sees Mu Yunqing's original look of apathy, ranging from stupidity to stiffness to incredibleness, and then approaching madness.

He looked at Lou Qingwu suddenly, and his low mute voice flustered: "What did you say? You said Shenger was dead?"

Looking at Mu Yunqing like this, Lou Qingwu clenched his fists, and barely left any flaws on his face. "Yes, Su Sheng is dead. Didn't Mrs. Mu tell you that she was stabbed in Su Sheng? After you slashed, you threw someone into the dungeon of Dali Temple, and sent someone to whipped her to death tonight? "

Mu Yunqing trembled suddenly, eyes almost cracked looking at Li Xianglian who barely maintained his calmness: "Did you not tell me that you sent her away? Ah, why did she die? Li Xianglian, what did you do? What? How did you promise me before I fell into a coma? You said you would make her good! That's how you made her good ?! "

Li Xiangming bit his tongue sharply before calming himself down: "Yun Qing, this is not what I did."

"Really?" Lou Qingwu gave her a cool look, turned around, and walked slowly to the stretcher, and opened the white cloth on Su Sheng's head a little, "So, do you recognize this face?"

As the blood-stained corpse appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Rightly indifferent rightist Li Miao sat upright, and Li Jingsheng frowned at Li Xiangyu.

Sister really killed that woman?

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