Thousands of Hearts

Chapter 152 Distortion 2

Chapter 152 Distortion 2

after eating.

Wang Yiyang asked about the handling of the car accident of his parents, and asked about Xue Ruihua's recent study.

His parents also asked him what he meant by buying a guzheng.

Wang Yiyang replied that he was suddenly interested and wanted to learn some extra hobbies. I just started learning and haven't played yet.

Wang Songhai and Xue Ningwan didn't say anything, the conversation at the dinner table changed and they talked about Xue Ningwan's cousin.

After that incident, his cousin Xue Shaodong has not contacted them all the time, and it seems that he is completely planning to break up.

The more Xue Ningwan talked, the more sad he became, and Wang Songhai had no choice but to comfort his wife constantly.

Life is as peaceful as ever, just as Wang Yiyang thought in his mind.

After eating, Wang Yiyang began to exercise his perception as usual, until eleven o'clock, and then practiced the steel breath method, and then practiced a special fusion skill that he tried to combine in the room.

Finally, do a set of radio gymnastics before going to bed, drink a cup of hot milk, keep a peaceful mood, and fall asleep in three minutes on the bed.

Guixi Town in the night has regained its original calm and tranquility.




"It's okay, wake up, wake up!"

Zhao Jieming seemed to hear someone calling him in a daze.

His previous memory was still at the moment when the flames and stones swept across the sky.

The feeling of death is very strange, the body first felt a sharp pain, and then fell into complete peace.

He immediately entered the endless darkness.

Can't see, hear, smell, touch.

He is like a ghost floating in the dark, quietly waiting for the passage of time.

At this time, Zhao Jieming understood why the thinking of many polluters became more and more extreme and extreme with the passage of time.

It turns out that although polluted bodies will not die, they will fall into this situation of being completely out of the world during the process of death and recovery.

Staying in this situation for a little longer will make people lose themselves and become crazy and extreme.

Fortunately, this is his first death.

It doesn't matter, he still has a chance, he's still young.

"Wake up! Wake up!"

A soft calling sounded continuously in my ears.

Zhao Jieming slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was a ceiling painted with strange red patterns.

The ceiling has an inexplicable attraction, firmly attracting his sight.

After a few seconds, he came back to his senses and began to look around.

This is a rather succinctly furnished ward. Although there are a lot of bloody patterns painted on the ceiling and walls, everything is normal.

Yes, that's what Zhao Jieming's senses told him.

The ward was very large, and he and the rest of the pollutants were placed on simple beds.

Several doctors and nurses kept shuttling beside them.

A black-haired man with a beautiful and delicate appearance stared at him with concern.

Zhao Jie clearly believed that the man was watching him.

He hesitated for a moment, not sure whether the black-haired man was a man or a woman. Because the other party's appearance is a bit too beautiful.

"It's a miracle. With such serious injuries, I thought they were dead. They all survived." A doctor exclaimed.

The corner of Zhao Jieming's mouth twitched, he felt that he had returned to his physical body.

It is estimated that other pollutants are the same. Otherwise, these ordinary doctors would not be able to see them.

"It's good that people are fine. I passed by there and saw everyone inside passed out. I was really scared at the time." Wang Yiyang said solemnly.

"You really have to thank Mr. Wang. If he hadn't called the emergency call in time, none of you would have been able to survive." A little nurse on the side looked at Wang Yiyang with wide eyes and reverence.

"Where is it, I just did what an ordinary person should do. If someone else saw this situation, he would definitely do the same thing as me." Wang Yiyang said modestly.

"You are too polite. Not only did you send someone here, but you also paid such a large amount of medical expenses in advance." The doctor said with emotion, "These days, there are fewer and fewer people with such a heart like you."

"It's just that many people have no chance to express themselves." Wang Yiyang smiled shyly.

Looking at the exquisite faces, Zhao Jieming and the other polluted bodies were a little dazed.

"You saved us...?"

Zhao Jieming was already sure that he had automatically returned to his physical body, probably because his physical body passed out and his consciousness was still in the period of death, so he was rescued by the phone call of the passing person.

"It's not a rescue. I just did what I could. The doctors and nurses here rescued you in time." Wang Yiyang declined.

"You are too polite." Zhao Jieming slowly supported his body, feeling that his body was still weak, but he had initially recovered a little physical strength.

He knew that the people from Sanling Palace must have searched the town. If he had stayed in the Black Tree estate, he would have been arrested by now.

And in this hospital, perhaps it just happened to avoid the hunt of the Sanling Palace. From this point of view, the person in front of him has indeed saved their group of pollutants.

Once he figured this out, Zhao Jieming felt a deep sense of gratitude towards Wang Yiyang.

With such a mood and association, the more he looked at Wang Yiyang, the more cordial he felt. My heart is closer to trust.

It's just that he didn't realize it at all.

In the ward, there were no doctors or nurses at all, only Wang Yiyang stood in the middle indifferently. The lips moved slightly, making a small and strange vibrating sound continuously.

The voice was faintly present, as if gradually drifting from a far away place. Like silky lines, it penetrates into the hearts of all polluting bodies present.

The 17 polluted bodies headed by Zhao Jieming all smiled gratefully and obsessively at Wang Yiyang.

Their expressions are constantly changing, everything is like a silent pantomime, weird and cold.

Time passed little by little. About ten minutes later.

Wang Yiyang glanced at his watch.

"Almost." He hypnotized the group of pollutants for so long.

Let them see him as the most grateful benefactor, and then hypnotize him a few times, and this group of polluted bodies will probably see him as the most trustworthy and loyal master.

This is the horror of special hypnotists combined with string talents.

The perfect level of string music talent has made Wang Yiyang's attainments in sound hypnosis advance by leaps and bounds, even surpassing any hypnotist in the entire indulgence heart.

Combined with the symbolic hypnosis that he had already mastered before.

The combination of environmental hypnosis and sound hypnosis, coupled with deliberate misleading thinking, made the group of polluters think that he really saved them.

Combining the three into one, Wang Yiyang has the confidence to train this group of polluters into his own soldiers.

After finishing the preliminary hypnosis, he ordered the hospital staff to keep an eye on the pollutants, then left the hospital by himself, and walked quietly on the interface of the town.

Yilong and Song Siyi from Sanling Palace also went to check the seal of the lower cave together after Langkiss Mountain cooled down.

Convinced that the seal inside had not been broken, the two decisively led the team back. It was Wang Yiyang who personally sent him off this morning.

The three of Su Xiaoxiao also came to life. Xie Fei didn't know when she returned to her body, and hurriedly left the hospital with the two girls. Guixi Town is like avoiding snakes and scorpions.

Before Xie Fei left, she kept persuading Wang Yiyang to leave too.

But he refused.

Su Xiaoxiao and Chris were in a daze the whole time, and they both looked baffled, so they were dragged back to Movie Star City by Xie Fei.

The two of them only remembered the moment when Wang Yiyang stepped out of the elevator.

Then lost consciousness.

Although Wang Yiyang used hypnotism to fool him afterwards, Su Xiaoxiao still instinctively felt that something was wrong.

It's fine to leave now, Guixi Town is in the center of the vortex, after the limelight is over, it's fine to invite Su Xiaoxiao and the other two over to play.

Now everything that needs to go is gone, and the plot of the polluting body is gone.

The entire Guixi Town has regained its original calm.

Wang Yiyang also planned to leave here after training Zhao Jieming and other pollutants.

After all, he only asked for leave to come back to see his family in name, and his work still had to continue.

"By the way, there is also the first layer of the introductory exercises left by the Sanling Palace. I can try it later." Wang Yiyang is also quite curious about the Sanling Palace.

This huge organization that can be used by the federal authorities to deal with it obviously has quite terrifying strength.

'In the next few days, try to practice the introductory skills of Sanling Palace. '

He made up his mind. Walk quickly towards home.

The pollution rebellion in Guixi Town lasted only a few days before being suppressed and disappeared.

The mass coma incident of Heishi Real Estate caused many people in the town to discuss it.

After Zhao Jieming recuperated in the hospital for two days, he returned to the company to restart the business of Heishu Real Estate.

This time, like a real ordinary businessman, he and his polluters honestly accepted Mister's jurisdiction.

All the forces in the town participated in the special dinner held by Mist, completing the integration of all the forces in the surrounding area.

The person in charge of this piece of business integrated all business groups and formed a local organization called the Mist United Chamber of Commerce. And preliminarily completed the unification of surrounding interest groups.

Wang Yiyang is actually not interested in these, and the people below are dealing with them.

He's been in Guixi Town these days, and it's time to go back to 'work'.

After Wang Songhai and his wife came back, they kept trying to arrange a blind date for him.

Colleague's daughter, classmate's daughter, old friend's daughter, old classmate's younger sister, cousin's classmate, cousin's best friend...

All kinds of appointments came at once.

Wang Yiyang was overwhelmed by the disturbance, but he didn't want to hypnotize his family. So I had no choice but to leave.

He planned to take advantage of these fifty days of free time to quickly complete all the remaining identity tasks, and then find a way to fill Heather's four major holes.

This is an advanced task, if he is not careful, he may have to stay at the brass level for a longer time.

And this time, the place he chose to go to was not in the Federation.

After all, there are spies from the Security Bureau everywhere in the country. Do everything under cover.

So Wang Yiyang chose to return to the Maria Islands. own territory.

Here, Bell Silkworm will inject the final medicine, and he will also complete the fusion system model he imagined.

A powerful fighting style based on string talent, combined with magic fingers and fighting skills.

In addition to these, Wang Yiyang also planned to have a quiet time, take a rest on Maria's beach, and think about what Heather's four big holes represent.

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