Thousands Of People Think That Rebirth Is A Mess, And They Are Not Happy About It

Chapter 6 It Turns Out That His Life Has Always Been Like This...

When Jiang Qin and others returned to the villa, Jiang Qin was so angry that he smashed a valuable vase on the dining table.

"How dare this kid! Is there anything we, the Jiang family, can do to feel sorry for him?!!"

Jiang Li, who was hiding upstairs and eavesdropping, was secretly happy. It seemed that Jiang He had made them angry again.

This is Jiang He's own suicide, no wonder him!

"Butler Liu! Take me to that boy's room and pack up all his things!"

He didn't believe that this kid could survive without the Jiang family!

But he seems to have forgotten that Jiang He has been an orphan since he was a child...

He still survived without relying on the Jiang family for so many years.

Although Butler Liu couldn't bear it, he could only sigh secretly in his heart, and then prepared to follow the instructions.

"Forget it, I'll go with you. This kid had dirty tricks before. He stole his eldest sister's necklace. Who knows what else he hid?"

After Jiang Qin finished speaking, he followed behind Butler Liu. Liu Ru didn't know what to say, so she had to follow them together.

When they arrived at the nanny's room in front of them, Jiang Qin and others also frowned slightly.

Jiang He temporarily lived in the nanny's room, which was arranged by him.

I originally thought about changing a room for him when I had time, but I just kept delaying.

The nanny who lived next door to Jiang He's room thought it was Jiang He who came back after hearing the noise, so she opened the door and prepared to give the bun in her hand to Jiang He.

The child Jiang He has always been very sensible and obedient, and he also respects the nannies like them. She sees this all in the eyes of the nanny.

She also knew that Jiang He had always been unpopular with her family and would often miss meals or be scolded and unable to eat, so she would often take some of the snacks for her grandson and give them to Jiang He.

Jiang He would bow to her and thank her every time. Sometimes she also thought that it would be great if such an obedient child could be her grandson.

But for some reason, the old man and his wife just didn't seem to like this child, and she couldn't figure it out.

When she opened the door, she found that the people who came were actually Jiang Qin and Liu Ru. She thought they had finally noticed the young master's presence, and she was a little happy for a moment.

"What do you have in your hand?"

Jiang Qin was indeed rude, and his voice was full of questions.

The nanny also trembled slightly and took out the bun in her hand.

"The young master often doesn't have enough to eat, so I..."

"Don't you know that the Jiang family is not allowed to eat such junk food? Or do you think the Jiang family is abusing him because he doesn't have enough to eat?"

Jiang Qin looked at the nanny in front of him with cold eyes. He would not allow his authority to be challenged.

"'s just the young master..."

The nanny wanted to explain, but was directly interrupted by Jiang Qin.

"Okay, next time, you don't have to do it."

After saying that, he led several people to Jiang He's room.

The nanny had no choice but to take back the bun in her hand angrily. At the same time, she also discovered that Jiang He didn't seem to be back yet. Could it be that he was a prostitute at school?

But when Jiang Qin and others saw Jiang He's room, they were dumbfounded.

A simple small bed, a desk with some small items, and a small wardrobe with a few pitiful pieces of clothes.

There is nothing else...

Liu Ru was also shocked and speechless. She just covered her mouth and tears kept falling.

However, as a mother, isn't it a big joke that she hasn't been to her biological son's room for nearly a year?

Until now, can she still think that she treats Jiang He and Jiang Li equally?

People who are partial will never feel that they are partial, because their hearts are partial!

Jiang Huang stared blankly at the small objects on the table. If she remembered correctly, these were all small objects given to Jiang He by their sisters at that time...

There are potted plants given by her, photo frames given by the third sister, and Rubik's cubes given by the fifth sister...

The potted plants are growing lush and green, and it can be seen that Jiang He is really taking care of them seriously...

Suddenly, Jiang Huang seemed to have thought of something and looked at Jiang Zi who was standing aside in a daze.

"Second sister, Jiang He's puppet before..."

"Yes, that's what I gave him..."

Jiang Zi remembered how she scolded him at that time, and suddenly felt uncomfortable.

So, are these so important in his eyes? Then why did he break it again?

"Master, do you still want to clean up?"

Butler Liu asked at the right time. At the same time, he felt sorry for Jiang He. It took him so long to get the attention of his family.

At this time, Jiang Qin was also shocked and froze on the spot.

He originally just wanted to warn Jiang He that even if he was from the Jiang family, he couldn't be lavish and indulge in money.

But I didn't expect that Jiang He would live like this this year...

"What are you packing?! Jiang Qin, let me tell you, if you don't get Xiao He back, I will never be done with you!!"

Liu Ru couldn't bear it anymore and directly stopped Jiang Qin.

She is going to find Jiang He now!

But what's the use of these? Late love is cheaper than grass!

What's more, the agreement has already been signed...

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