Chen Fan was extremely moved when he heard his words!

Unexpectedly, Ge Chen chose to block the golden eagle alone.

It's like giving himself all the hope of life, but he has to sacrifice his life!

Seeing his whole body glowing, his brows furrowed, his hands clenched into fists, and the veins on his forehead bulging, he was clearly enduring unimaginable pain.

Can't help but say:

"Teacher, I won't run away! I'll kill it with you! It's just a flat-haired beast, why be afraid?"

I believe that the cooperation of the two will definitely kill him.

But Ge Chen shouted urgently:

"Run! I'm going to open the door of God, sublimate it to the fullest, hold it for a while. You have to bring the city lord and the others back!"

"Otherwise, we both die here!"

"I don't regret dying, I wouldn't live long. But you have the strange Sea of ​​Bitterness, so you must not die in vain."

"I promised to protect you, but I'm afraid it will stop here. Death deserves it! Run!"

At the time of the last word, behind his body, a mighty phantom of Shenmen had already appeared.

After the endless essence of heaven and earth merged into Shenmen, it turned into countless phantoms, and finally poured into the body.

Visible to the naked eye, his disabled right foot grew out, and a long gun was pulled out from the package, and assembled into a 1.2 meter long gun.

This is his real weapon.

Grabbing Chen Fan with his right hand, he threw it viciously in the opposite direction from where the golden eagle was rushing.

Only the roar remains, filling the air:

"Chen Fan, my life, my soul, will live with you. Don't give up easily and lie about life and death!"

Chen Fan felt himself being pushed backwards by a violent force.

He watched Ge Chen burst into light all over his body, rushing towards the golden eagle swooping in the sky like a God of War.

The decisive figure and Chunchun's admonition condense into a poignant picture.

In order to have no blood relationship, he is willing to spend the last three years of his life to a student who has only been taught for three days!

Willing to sublimate as much as possible, die generously.

To be Chen Fan's Daoist is to directly contribute to one's life.

At a critical moment, there is no hesitation, no psychological entanglement, and you are already ready to die.

Only to die!

He knew very well that if there was any delay, neither of them could escape.

Thinking of all this, Chen Fan's eyes filled with tears, and he felt great grief.

For the first time, I was moved by the spirit of human inheritance.

Moved by his fearless spirit!

Perhaps it is precisely because of generation after generation of strong men like them, who protect children, that human beings can find a path of resistance.

Just because I dare to fight and kill, I stand out among the rookies.

He gave his life!

Looking at the spear in Ge Chen's hand, it turned into a blood-colored dragon and rushed towards the golden eagle.

It was like the second sun in the sky, illuminating Chen Fan's entire heart.

The bright and blood-colored figure swung Kuangba's long spear, turned into a dragon, and slammed into the golden eagle hard.


The golden eagle was annoyed by Ge Chen's blocking, and it screamed angrily, and Ji Ying came up to meet it.

The huge claws shone with a dazzling golden color, and the shadows of the claws shone all over the sky.

The entire void seemed to be torn open, grabbing humans no bigger than its fingernails.

Hoo hoo...

Between one person and one eagle, a strong wind blows, howling to and fro.

Ge Chen's clothes fluttered, and the golden eagle's few feathers quivered endlessly, spreading to Fang Yuan for a kilometer.

Chen Fan was flying in the air, his hair was blown white, and his eyes could hardly be opened.

After flying back three hundred meters, it barely landed on the ground.

"Clang clang..."

A series of ear-piercing crashes resounded in the sky.

The blood-red dragon shadow collided with the claw shadows all over the sky rapidly, blasting out shock waves, tearing apart the entire void.

The momentum of the golden eagle's impact stopped immediately.

Chen Fan secretly regretted that if Ge Chen fell on the ground, he would definitely be able to help.

There is nothing he can do now.

Against the strong wind, head towards Ge Chen as soon as possible.

Ge Chen in the sky has turned into the blood-colored God of War at this moment.

The sacred lotus under his feet took root in the mighty divine gate behind him, and his blood dyed the divine gate red.

The spear in his hand is like a dragon, and every attack must be accompanied by a violent blood-colored dragon.

"Break it!"

With a roar, Ge Chen's whole body radiated red light, merged with the spear, and rushed towards the wings behind the golden eagle.

The golden eagle was already injured, and most of its spear-like feathers fell off, almost becoming a bald golden eagle.

The movement speed was 30% worse than yesterday.

What he was facing was Ge Chen, who was fighting desperately for its life.

Regardless of himself, his body was like a terrifying red dragon shadow, rushing to the right.


With a wild cry, the golden eagle quickly evaded to the side.

At the same time, the terrifying mouth opened to form a black hole, pecking at Ge Chen's body.

Compared with the huge body of the golden eagle, Ge Chen is just a caterpillar.

Chen Fan could see clearly from a distance. Seeing that the teacher was desperate, he quickened his pace and rushed to the battle site.

In any case, I will never be a deserter!

His speed is much slower than the one man and one eagle in the war.



Accompanied by a piercing sound, Ge Chen pierced through the golden eagle's wings with a spear thrust.

And, under the unstoppable force, directly broke the bone.

The body is like a swimming dragon, rubbing the edge of the wings and flying to the sky.

Let the spear stick on the wing and not take it down.


The golden eagle suffered from pain and let out a shrill scream.

Instantly spread across the kilometer Fang Yuan.

The body couldn't keep floating in the sky and hit the ground.

The huge beak bites empty at once, and only has time to grab the spear inserted in the wing.

Ignoring the severe pain, I forcibly pulled it out.


With the sound, countless blood spilled down.

Even though he was flying with pain, because his bones were broken, he still couldn't stabilize his body and glide down to the ground.

Ge Chen, who dodged the blow, his morale soared. Although he had no weapons, he had no fear at all.

With a mighty God on his back, like a bloody God of War, he chased down from the sky with his fists waving.

Also at this moment, notice Chen Fan on the ground.

Instead of running away, he chased after the place where the golden eagle fell.

Can't help feeling anxious, shouted:

"Chen Fan, run away! King-level creatures don't die so easily, and they have a terrifying killer weapon!"

Feeling relieved, Chen Fan didn't run away alone, but he also didn't want him to die in the attack of the king-level creature.

Let the great seedlings of human beings die here.

Chen Fan didn't listen at all, just staring at it could kill it.

Even if you can't stare to death, you will definitely be disturbed, and you won't kill people easily.

As long as he can help Ge Chen, he won't come back in vain.

So, don't take the roaring seriously.

Seeing that he turned a deaf ear to him, Ge Chen knew that he would never escape alone, so he immediately decided to fight to the death.

Otherwise, neither of them can survive.

Clenching his fists tightly, countless bloody rays of light gathered on his fists, using his own Fist Technique.

"Give me violence!"

As long as the fist landed on the golden eagle, it would definitely cause a huge wound.

But at this moment, the golden eagle suddenly roared:


With the roar, all the few feathers on the golden eagle fell off.

At the next moment, many feathers shone with golden light, like spears, rushing towards Ge Chen in the sky with piercing screams.

With intensive attacks, block the most threatening humans.

The big mouth opened, and it rushed towards Chen Fan who was on the ground.

As long as he swallowed him, Shan Bao's power was still there, and he would definitely be able to keep himself alive.

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