"What advance?" Yevgeny didn't quite understand.

"It should be his propulsion system!" Larissa explained.

At this moment, the aperture behind the water droplet has become incomparably huge, and the color has gradually become deep red, and then disappears like a bubble.

Another small halo appeared behind the drop.

"If this is his propulsion system, why doesn't he move?" Zhang Heng still believed the scientists.

It's just that everyone has always believed that the propulsion system of the water droplets is anti-gravity.

Now that the halo suddenly appears, it is not very understandable.

The six scientists shook their heads in unison.

When they say advance, they are just guessing.

"Propulsion by electromagnetic vortex pulses, can it be done?" Zhao Chunliang couldn't think of it even if he broke his head.

Does this method provide thrust?

"Vortex ring of the Valsex electric field." Jia Weiguo thought of a theory.

"But that thing is just a conjecture theory." Zhang Hongbo also thought of this electric field vortex theory at this time.

"What are you talking about?" Yevgeny was going crazy.

From his point of view, the halo behind the water droplets grew larger and smaller and disappeared.

Don't know when it will disappear completely.

As a result, all their efforts are likely to be in vain.

"It's just a conjecture theory for us, but it's different for aliens."

"The surface of the water droplet is indestructible, like a neutron star!" Minako Koike also analyzed.

Six scientists, you say one sentence to me.

A terrible guess gradually appeared in everyone's mind.

"Stupid children, run!" Jia Weiguo shouted.

Zhang Heng, Yevgeny and Jones didn't know what was going on.

"The water drop is not an intelligence detector at all, he is a devastating weapon!" Gabriel shouted.

Just when they shouted these two words.

The figure of the water drop suddenly disappeared from the screen.

"What's the matter, the water droplets are gone?"

Everyone who observed the water droplets with binoculars was surprised to find that the water droplets disappeared in an instant.


"Information department, satellite locks water droplets, satellite locks water droplets!" Zhang Heng shouted into the microphone.

At this time, the information department was also in a hurry.

Quickly operate all satellite systems while locking the water droplets.

Soon, water droplets appeared again on the large screen in front of the control room.

Behind the water droplets, the electromagnetic vortex of the blue star constantly appeared, and disappeared from small to large.

Under this fast electric vortex, his speed keeps increasing.

"The current acceleration of the water drop is 120m/s2, the current speed is 1800m/s, and his speed is still increasing!"

The broadcast sound of the measurement and control center rang.


Jack is an excellent fighter pilot, and for this mission he flew the most famous B2 bomber.

At present, there are only 19 Bi2 bombers left in the Eagle Country, and all of them were dispatched in this water droplet deterrent mission.

"Jess, after today's mission is over, let's go to the Dragon Country to have a good drink, and we'll also go to see the beauties of the East."

In the communication device, Jack was chatting with another of his comrades.

In fact, this time the task was quite boring.

It's just hovering in an airspace.

At the same time monitor the movement of water droplets.

There is no need to drop a bomb all the way.

This is indeed a bit boring for him as an ace pilot.

"No problem Jack, there are a lot of delicious food in the East, but I want to tell you that we may not have time to enjoy it. After the mission is over, the above will definitely let us go back to China immediately."

Although Jace didn't want to disappoint Jack, it was a fact that there was no way.

When you come to the Dragon Kingdom, you have to leave after completing a mission.

"I really want to give the water drop a shuttle." Jack looked at the water drop lock screen.

It doesn't matter at this point, he thought he was dazzled.

"The drops are gone!" Jack shouted.

"I can't see him here either, damn it!" Jace responded to him immediately.

The optical tracking and positioning equipment installed on their aircraft can only achieve tracking and positioning at a certain speed.

Once the set speed is exceeded, the locked target is lost.

"Jack, Jack, it's in front of you!!"

Jace's roar came from inside Jack's cockpit.

"I can't see it here?" Jack stared at the screen of the plane, the optical equipment, and the electromagnetic waves were all empty, and there were no water droplets.

"Look with your eyes, ahead of you, you're about to hit!"

Only then did Jack lift his head and look forward.

He saw the huge circle of light rising from behind the water droplet, which was hitting him at a very high speed.

"Optical Lock!"

As an ace pilot, Jack has certain psychological qualities. The moment he saw the water droplets, he immediately locked the water droplets with the optical equipment on the plane.

"Speed ​​1400m/s, distance 2433m, Crash Alert! Crash Alert! Crash Alert!"

At this moment, a violent alarm sounded throughout the cockpit of the plane.


Jack cursed and pushed the plane's propulsion system to the bottom.

Start flying to the left.

He wanted to be staggered from the droplets.

But the time was too short, less than two seconds.


In the space of his breath, he felt that the plane he was driving had suffered a severe impact.

"Fall warning, fall warning! Height 4300m, height 4200m."

Jack wants to take control of the plane.

But when he looked out the hanging window, he was completely desperate.

One of the wings of the Bi2 bomber had disappeared, billowing thick smoke.

The plane was out of control and was falling rapidly.

"Fake Fake!" Jack slapped the plane's dashboard hard.

He knew that the plane could not be saved.

He made a serious mistake and destroyed a B2 bomber worth tens of billions.

You must know that there are only 19 B2 bombers left in their Eagle Country.

There may be only 18 left in the future.

Jack glanced at the eject button, he had nothing to think about at this time, and pressed it decisively.

In the end, Jack successfully ejected before the plane crashed.


"Boom!" sounded.

A mountain in the Liangshan military training base was in flames.

It was the explosion of a Bi2 bomber as it fell.

"Hi... the water droplets just crashed a B2 bomber!"

"Have you seen the huge halo behind the water droplets, it's over, it seems like another plane is about to hit it!"

"The speed of the water droplets is accelerating!"


The audience used binoculars to look at the water droplets in the distance, their mouths closed in shock.

Who would have thought that the water droplets that were originally considered to be incompetent.

Suddenly, at such a fast speed, it crashed into a Bi2 bomber.

You know it was a giant bomber, a monster in the sky.

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