Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 43 The Rising Mushroom I Cloud, The Last Hope Of Mankind

Equally quiet is the live broadcast room around the world.

The barrage that was originally overwhelming disappeared at this moment.

Some of these viewers were in front of computers, some with mobile phones, and some with tablets.

No matter how they were watching the live broadcast, they were all stunned.

In the screen of the live broadcast room, a large piece of fighter debris fell from the air.

At the same time, the pilots also fell.

Parachutes are everywhere.

This scene is human tragedy.

No one knows when the aliens will arrive.

But everyone knows it.

The dark forest strike is really heavy!

Let the centuries-old scientific and technological civilization of mankind become a joke.

Turned into a rain, drifting down.

From now on, the fate of mankind will no longer belong to itself, but belong to the alien who has not yet appeared.


The leaders of various countries watched the first battle between humans and aliens in the conference room.

They were also silent.

No one blamed the commander of the battle.

Because everyone knows in their hearts that the reason for the failure of the battle is not personal.

No matter how perfect the command is, it will not change the result in this battle.

Where the country will go in the future, no one knows.



control center.

"I think everyone can go back." Yevgeny stood up from his chair.

There was no expression on his face.

Failure is not terrible.

What is terrifying is that after this battle, the will of the Blue Star human beings was completely defeated.

"Where are you going?" someone asked.

"Where else can I go, I can go back wherever I came from."

Yevgeny looked unusually flat.

It's as if aliens never showed up.

They can go back to their country and go about their life normally.

But everyone knows in their hearts that days like this may not happen again in the future.

"This is the information center, the speed of the water droplets has decreased, and they are currently flying near Robbo!"

at this time.

There was a burst of announcements in the measurement and control center.

Everyone looked at the screen.


The speed of the droplets dropped to one hundred kilometers per hour.

Not even a car goes as fast!

And his current position is in Robbo.

Yevgeny seemed to have changed in an instant.

He came to the command microphone in three steps.

"The satellite locks the water drop! The satellite locks the water drop!"

His voice was loud, echoing throughout the control room.


The satellite information department has already locked the droplets.

There was a brief silence in the control room at this time.

The reduced speed of the water droplets is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

They have to launch a nuclear bomb, which is humanity's last hope.

"Fa!" Jones rarely agreed with Yevgeny.

Bach also nodded.

At this time, it is human beings fighting to the death with water droplets.

In the entire control room, all the staff looked at Zhang Heng.

There was determination in everyone's eyes.

This one definitely represents the entire human race.

It represents the last resistance of mankind.

Only Jia Weiguo, who sat at the back, didn't say a word.

Not a little excited about the drop in speed.

On the contrary, he felt that the end of mankind was imminent.

From one-thirtieth of the speed of light to 100 kilometers per hour, it was completed almost without anyone noticing.

What level of technology is this?

They even thought about using nuclear weapons.

Could it be that aliens don't know that Robbo is a nuclear explosion zone?

Don't they know that at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, they will be easily hit by missiles?

They are so much smarter than humans, and they have access to so much more information than humans.

Why do it.

Just because people don't care at all!

The pictures of the live broadcast rooms all over the world are also frozen in the control center.

It was fixed on Zhang Heng.

There are billions of viewers watching the live broadcast at the moment.

"There's nothing to hesitate, hit!"

"At this point, we have no choice at all."

"No matter what the outcome is, we will live and die together!"


At this moment, in the live broadcast room, all the audience actually formed a belief.

This belief seems to coalesce into the upcoming nuclear bomb.

Use humanity's strongest destructive weapon to strike the final blow to the droplets of alien civilization!

Zhang Heng looked at everyone's attention.

He nodded.

The right to launch nuclear weapons was given to him when he entered this room.

All the leaders nodded silently in the conference room.

All support his launch.

Zhang Heng came to a red telephone.

Picking up the phone, he said, "Lock the droplet, launch!"

"Yes, the droplets are locked, launch!"

Obviously, there is also waiting for Zhang Heng's order.

Prepared for it long ago, when he ordered it down.

The button to fire falls straight down.

In a mountainous area, a white fire pillar marked df rose into the air.

On top of it was a three-megaton nuclear warhead.

Everyone is staring at the flying rocket in the picture, which is truly the strongest weapon of mankind.

Although three million tons equivalent is not high.

But the droplet size is only 3.5 meters.

Even if a larger nuclear warhead is used, the difference in effect is not large.

Everyone in the live room looked at the rocket.

With the last hope of mankind, he flew to the sky.

As the first stage of the rocket fell off, it also successfully entered the predetermined altitude orbit.

"The current speed of the rocket: 3400m/s, it is expected to hit the target in four minutes and 32 seconds!"

"The attitude of the rocket is corrected, and it is expected to hit the target in two minutes and 33 seconds!"


There was not a single barrage in the live broadcast room.

Everyone was so nervous that their palms were sweating.

At this moment, the whole world was quiet, for fear that the rocket flight would go wrong because of his own voice.

Measurement and control center.

Not a single person spoke, and everyone stared nervously at the screen.

The flight of more than two minutes is very fast.

But for everyone, it was like flying over a century.

In the picture, the distance between the rocket and the water droplet is getting closer and closer.

If there is a camera on the rocket.

At this point you should be able to see the water droplets.

throughout the process.

The water droplets are always flying at a speed of one hundred kilometers per hour.

Not even the direction has changed.

About five hundred meters from the ground.

"100m from the target...distance...successfully hit the target! The nuclear bomb detonation procedure has started."

When infinitely close to the drop of water.

The detonation process inside the nuclear warhead starts, and a large number of neutrons are launched, causing a chain reaction of nuclear material.

The neutrons scattered, instantly detonating the nuclear bomb.


A huge cloud of mushrooms rises into the air, submerging water droplets in it!

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