Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 47 I Am A Messenger To Deliver The Master's Mission! (Please Subscribe)

Zhou Dao was taken to the car only to find out that his two younger brothers were also arrested.

In addition to the three of them, there were three armed soldiers in the car.

Although this time the gun was not pointed at him.

But in the face of such a scene, Zhou Dao was also drooling.

It was only then that he reacted.

These people are all soldiers, and it is simply not something that the deputy director he knows can settle.

It seems that this time he really put on a big deal.

In a very uneasy mood, the car started slowly.

About an hour passed.

On Monday, the three were taken to a place similar to a military base.

Armed soldiers with rifles were everywhere.

The strict and terrifying atmosphere almost didn't scare Yi Dao's two younger brothers.

"Brother, are we going to be shot?"

The younger brother's voice was trembling.

Although they have never killed or set fire, they are doing illegal activities after all.

In the past, it was supported by the relationship between Brother Zhou and Bai Dao.

They were having a good time.

But the current situation is obviously beyond Zhou Dao's control.

"Uuuu............ Brother Zhou............ I...... I'm afraid.

Another little brother even cried.

Zhou Yidao looked at these two useless things, how could he accept such two little brothers.

"Can the two of you be surprised? If we have committed a crime clearly, even if we uncover it all, it will be nothing more than ten or eight years of betrayal."

Speaking of Kung Fu, they have been taken to an interrogation room.

There are three tables in total, and each of them sits at one table.

After a few minutes.

The sound of leather shoes stepping on the floor came from outside.

"General Zhang?"

Zhou Yidao looked up and immediately recognized that this was not General Zhang Heng, the savior of mankind?

Now everyone knows that General Zhang is in charge of the alien affairs.

He is also the head of the National Security Agency.

After thinking about it, he didn't seem to have violated the National Security Law.

As for the aliens, they couldn't even fight with him.

He really couldn't figure out why General Zhang wanted to arrest him.

Zhang Heng walked up to him and sat down.

A document was placed in front of him.

The content on the data is all the information about Zhou Dao and his two younger brothers.

Including the fact that they violated the 12th law.

For these, Zhang Heng doesn't care, the crime he committed will be punished by law.

"Monday knife?" Zhang Heng said in a deep voice.

"It's me, General Zhang." Zhou Dao greeted him with a smile.

"you know me?"

"Of course, you are the savior of our human beings, you can inquire outside and ask, how can anyone not know you.

Zhang Heng did not expect that he was so famous.

But that's not his focus today.

"Do you know Yuntian?" Zhang Heng asked straight to the point.


Zhou Yidao suddenly remembered, the lunatic who dared to stab himself with a wine bottle.

"I know, this person owes me more than one million, and I still haven't paid it back!"

"More than one million? As far as I know, he has borrowed a total of 100,000 yuan from you, right?"

Zhou Yidao quickly explained: "It's 100,000, it's really 100,000, I just said something wrong."

He looked at Zhang Heng's information about himself at the desk.

Thinking about Zhang Heng's identity, he understood that he was afraid that he had no secrets at all.

"The three of you had a fight with Yuntian in the rental house a week ago. Where did he go after that?"

I heard Zhang Heng's question.

Zhou Yidao replied immediately: "I really don't know about General Zhang, this Zhang Heng asked me to borrow 100,000 yuan through a relationship more than a year ago.

He lost his business and could not afford to pay for more than a year.

I asked him to pay back the money a week ago. Not only did he not pay the money, he also stabbed me with a wine bottle. If you don't believe me, you can ask my two brothers.

It's not really my first move.

But don't worry, General Zhang, all the money Yuntian owes me has been written off.

As for where he went after you asked, I really don't know. "

Zhou Yidao keenly felt that Yun Tian was likely to have something to do with General Zhang, and General Zhang had come forward for Yun Tian.

He had to put the responsibility for the first move on Yun Tian.

As for money, he dares to ask for a fart!

"I really don't know?" Zhang Heng glared at him.

The two gunmen behind suddenly took a step forward.

"I......I really don't know!" Zhou Dao shivered with fright.

The two younger brothers next to them were pale, unable to speak.

Zhang Heng stood up directly.

"Send them to the police station, including this information." After saying that, he got up and left.

Regarding these three gangsters, Zhang Heng didn't want to get too much important information from them. Since they were the last people to see Yuntian, they had to question them.

Yun Tian sat on the stone, constantly flipping through the materials that Proton had prepared for him.


He suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

There is too much content in this document, and the more he understands, the more shocked he is!

At the same time, what happened during his hibernation in the past few days also shocked him.

"Water droplets wiped out more than 10,000 fighter jets from the four major countries!"

Yun Tian couldn't believe it at first.

It was only discovered when he turned on the phone and connected to the network.

The overwhelming news on the Internet is all related to this.

There are tons of videos everywhere.

[A probe of alien civilization, destroying the millennium scientific and technological civilization of mankind!]

【Water drops hard against nuclear weapons, where will the fate of mankind go?】

【Qingfeng Scientific Research Center, the secret base of aliens?】

All kinds of guesses and posts are caught on the Internet.

Yun Tian just clicked on a few, and his heart was about to come to his throat.

He looked up at the water droplets suspended above the experimental base.

I really can't believe that this bright looking water droplet is actually such a big killer.

Not even a nuclear explosion could destroy it.

The speed is even a terrifying ten percent of the speed of light!

This is impossible for human beings to develop for another hundred years.

At this time, he remembered what Proton had told him when he came out of the scientific research center.

Water droplets will protect you!

Originally, he did not take Proton's words to heart.

Now it seems that the water droplets absolutely have the strength to protect him globally.

Cooperate with the proton global monitoring capability.

It can be said that no one can harm him.

At this time, he suddenly had some confidence in the task that the master gave him.

He has this confidence, not only because Chen Feng gave him a lot of information.

More importantly, he feels his body is getting better and better.

He had never felt so comfortable in his body.

Even before he got sick.

Every cell in his body is very comfortable, making his whole person full of spirit.

"General Zhang, Yun Tian started to leave again."

When Yuntian stood up from the ground and continued to walk out, Zhang Heng received a notice.

He came to the control center for the first time.

"General Zhang, in ten minutes at most, he will be able to come to our blockade line, what should we do?" Although from the various information they have obtained.

This Yuntian is just an ordinary person.

And he was an ordinary person with lung cancer.

But when he walked out of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center, he was doomed to be extraordinary.

No one dared to give orders lightly.

An arrest? An invitation? Or do nothing and let him go?

This can only be decided by the leadership.

"When he gets to the blockade line, find a lesbian, be kind, go and get in touch with him first, and wear plain clothes!"

Zhang Heng looked at the screen and commanded.

Regarding Yun Tian, ​​he did not dare to act rashly, and could only test it out a little bit first.


After receiving the order, the blockade immediately began to prepare.

Colonel Liu Fuhai was in emergency command, and they only had ten minutes.

"Xiao Meng, change your clothes quickly, and when you come into contact with Yun Tian, ​​you must show absolute kindness.

In addition, everyone immediately retreated to the side, and retreated to a place two hundred meters away!"

Liu Fuhai tore a hole in the blockade.

He couldn't let Yuntian come here, and the soldiers who saw real guns stopped him.

The order given above is to let Yuntian feel our goodwill.

"Leader, what should I wear?" Meng Silu never imagined that she would have to perform such a task.

Just because she is a military flower and looks sweet?

After all, a soldier is bound to obey orders.

"Whatever, as long as you look at it."

Meng Silu immediately went to change her clothes.

In a few minutes, she changed into simple jeans and casual shoes, plus a small solid color T-shirt, and her tied hair was scattered.

The image of the whole person immediately changed from a firm and steady warrior to a sweet school flower on the university campus.

"Okay, now everyone is stepping back except for Xiao Meng, Xiao Meng remembers your mission!" After Liu Fuhai made the final explanation, he led everyone away.

On this only road, only Meng Silu was left.

Soon, Yun Tian saw Meng Silu standing beside the road.

At the same time, he looked to both sides, about two hundred meters away, stood a row of soldiers with guns.

He had just passed the Internet and already knew that the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center was under comprehensive martial law, and the entire Qingfeng was surrounded by soldiers with guns.

These people obviously knew they were coming.

Give him an opening in advance.

It is also an expression of sincerity to himself.

As for the woman standing on the road, she was probably waiting for him.

Yun Tian walked over slowly.

Meng Silu saw her target approaching, and greeted her with a smile on her face.

She had never performed such a task before, so she was somewhat nervous.

"Hello." Meng Silu greeted Yun Tian.

She wears camera equipment on her chest.

In the control center, everyone looked at the sky.

"Hello." Yun Tian responded.

Before Meng Silu could say the next sentence, Yun Tian continued, "You're here to wait for me?"

This time, Meng Silu couldn't make it right.

Originally, she wanted to say something else, saying that she just happened to pass by here.

Unexpectedly, Yun Tian came up and said his purpose.

"The amount is N

Meng Silu couldn't lie at all, she wanted to say no, but before these words reached her lips, she felt her heart racing.

Since Yun Tian knew that he was waiting for her specifically, he simply admitted it!

"Let's go." Yun Tian said.

"Go? Where to go?" Meng Silu's task was to get close to him and make him feel kind.

"Go see your boss."

Meng Silu's eyes widened.


she's stuck

For a long time, only one word came out in the end.

control center.

Zhang Heng immediately ordered: "Immediately clean up the reception room and brew our best tea."


Zhang Heng did not expect that it would go so smoothly.

Looking at it now, this Yuntian seemed to have long known that they would be waiting for him there, and he had already made preparations to come over.

Meng Silu took Zhang Heng to their car, and she was going to take him to the control center.

Meng Silu didn't ask a word along the way. She had already completed the task and didn't need to say more. This is the quality of a soldier.

Yun Tian also said nothing.

Soon, Yun Tian followed Meng Silu to a military base.

Entered the reception room inside the base.

Inside the reception room, the aroma of tea is fragrant.

Even if Yuntian didn't do much research on tea, he could smell it, this tea was unusual.

After sitting down on the chair, a heroic soldier walked in from the outside with a smile on his face.

Yun Tian looked up.

It was Zhang Heng, the man who exploded on the Internet, known as the savior of mankind.

"Hello, Mr. Yuntian, I'm Zhang Heng!"

Zhang Heng opened his mouth and said Yun Tian's name, and was standing in front of him at this time, extending his hand.

Yun Tian also stood up and stretched out his hand, and the two shook hands amicably.

Meng Silu, who was sitting originally, also stood up.

"Sit, sit."

Zhang Heng asked them to sit down, and the three of them took their seats.

In the entire reception room, there were only Yun Tian, ​​Zhang Heng and Meng Silu.

However, there are multiple cameras 900 in the reception room, and every word Yuntian said here will be clearly recorded.

"General Zhang knows my name?" Yun Tian said after sitting down.

When Zhang Heng just entered the door, he called Yun Tian's name directly, this was what he had thought about.

According to Yun Tian's performance just now, he can be very sure that this Yun Tian is not ordinary, at least not now.

They don't have to be secretive.

"You know my identity, it's easy for me to figure out your name." Zhang Heng responded indifferently.

"Oh? You know my identity?"

This sentence is intriguing.

Of course, Zhang Heng also heard the overtones.

He responded with a smile: "Of course, but all we know is who you were before.

"It seems that General Zhang is very interested in my current identity?"

One sentence goes straight to the most important topic.

Zhang Heng also put away his smile.

Meng Silu next to her was even more nervous.

"If Mr. Yuntian is willing to let me know, I would like to thank you for the entire human race.

At this point, basically everything has been said.

Everyone acquiesced that we knew each other.

No need to make all those twists and turns.

"You can take me as a messenger to pass the master's mission." Yun Tian said solemnly.

When Zhang Heng heard this, his heart trembled suddenly.

This sentence is too informative.

Confirmed a lot of their previous guesses.

He suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked slowly, "Mr. Yuntian, can you tell me who the master you are talking about? What is the mission he wants to pass on?"

Zhang Heng felt that the fog of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center seemed to be lifted soon.


At this moment, there was a sudden sound of breaking.

Zhang Heng and Yun Tian immediately looked at Meng Silu.

A tea cup fell to the ground and was shattered.

"Yes... I'm sorry, I'm going to clean up!" Meng Silu has only joined the army for two years, so it's not bad to be calm on the surface in normal scenes.

She was really nervous about this scene.

After saying sorry, she hurriedly ran out.

For this sudden episode, Yuntian did not take it to heart.

He said: "I can't tell who the master is."

"What about the mission?" Zhang Heng asked further.

"Mission? I can't say it now."

Zhang Heng was speechless for a moment, and his feelings asked himself lonely.

Neither question was asked.

"Can't say it now?" He still keenly heard the meaning of Yun Tian's words, not that he couldn't say it, but that he couldn't say it now.

"Yes, I need you to inform the United Nations to hold a meeting of all mankind, and I will speak out about this task at the meeting!"

Zhang Heng looked into his eyes.

With many years of experience, he knew that only by satisfying him would Yun Tian be able to speak out about this task.

"I will immediately notify the UN to hold a meeting of member states, but before that I have one last question, which I hope you can tell me."


Zhang Heng thought for a second before saying, "Is your master kind to humans?"

Yun Tian also thought for a few seconds, then nodded heavily. .

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