Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 60 Another Way To Avoid Hessian Strikes: Low Light Speed ​​Black Fields

Wearing a space suit, Yun Tian drove a lunar rover on the moon.

This is the first time humans have reached the moon after decades.

United and domestic.

Everyone watched this scene and couldn't help but be silent.

Especially the people of Eagle Country.

Think that they have actually landed on the moon last time, but decades have passed, and their spaceflight technology has not only not progressed.

Instead, it went backwards.

They no longer have the ability to land on the moon.

If all these years, they desperately develop.

Maybe a lunar base has already been established on the moon by now.

If that's the case, they won't be in trouble with Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

"Seeing that those robots are not there, they are all moving equipment outside. According to my estimation, it should be a helium-3 resource processing equipment. We have no hope. 1"

Jones looked helpless.

It's too late to say anything now.

They have to admit that the gap with Qingfeng Scientific Research Center is too great.

The gap is so large that no matter how hard they try.

It is impossible to make up for it.

"I don't believe that if the Dark Forest strike really comes, the one in the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center can really ignore us."

Gut looked incredulous at this time.

During this time, they have made various assumptions.

Especially after Fang Siming entered the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center, from what he saw and heard, it was basically certain that the owner of the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center should be a human being.

Or is it a dragon country person!

Why analyze it this way?

Because everything in the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center, including the humanoid robot, conforms to the aesthetic standards of the people of Longguo.

As for how a human being can make so much high technology.

In the era of technological explosion, anything is possible.

When you really figure out a mathematical formula, or a physical principle.

It is possible to set off a technological revolution!

It is very likely that this person has discovered some physical principle that no one knows about.

Relying on this principle, the present achievement has been made.

"In the past, we did our best to provide resources and materials according to his mission, maybe he would read our favor and help us escape the disaster when the Hessian attack came.

But now, I'm afraid it will be difficult. "

Yevgeny is a very realistic person.

Look at the cloudy sky with the screen driving freely on the moon.

Even then it was useless for them to lower their stance.

Because people don't need you at all.

Everyone sighed and lost.

If they have any choice now, there is only one, and continue to find a way to penetrate the technology from Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

As long as this technology can be stolen.

They are not without a chance.

"This feeling must be great!" Jia Weiguo said sincerely, looking at the cloudy sky on the moon.

Everyone hopes that the person who drives freely on the moon can be himself.

Many people from Longguo Aerospace Science and Technology Group gathered here.

The lunar exploration project is underway, and manned landing on the moon is just short of it.

But all astronauts understand in their hearts, even if you send a probe to the moon.

Even if you use a probe to bring back the soil resources of the moon.

Even if you achieve a soft landing on the far side of the moon.

If you want to send a living person up, you can pick it up again.

This difficulty is not on an order of magnitude scale at all.

The biggest obstacle is the rocket's carrying capacity.

They lack stable, super-capable rockets.

In the past two years, the first is to build the Longteng super factory, and then the whole country is used to build a battleship for the Qingfeng scientific research center.

Long Guo's own spaceflight career has almost stagnated.

Leaders are also not interested in paying any more attention to the nation's aerospace business.

Everyone focused their attention on the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

I hope that the one in the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center can remember them well.

What will happen in the end, no one knows.

There are already more than a hundred robots on the moon.

These robots are specially designed, most of them are crawler robots, walking on the moon like walking on the ground.

Some excavation robots are constantly excavating lunar soil.

They are going to dig a pit in this area and build a base in the pit.

Since the temperature difference between day and night on the moon is very large, it is very advantageous to establish the base below the ground.

Then build a fusion reactor to power the entire base.

In addition to the construction of the base, mining robots have begun to work.

They move fast.

It is possible to look for helium-3 ore from far away, and helium-3 ore on the moon is very abundant.

Plus when the spaceship is landing.

A place rich in helium ore was specially chosen.

The robot quickly found a suitable place.

Those mining robots immediately began to collect ore.

Other robots are building a processing plant not far from the helium mine.

The collected ores are processed inside, and after a series of automated processing processes, the helium-3 ore on the moon can be converted into concentrated helium-3 fusion fuel.

This set of equipment was carefully designed by Chen Feng according to the ore and environmental conditions of the moon.

Perfect for the job of the moon.

"I'm going, this is the lunar base and the resource factory starting at the same time?"

"It makes me so excited. Others may have to consider whether they will be overweight if they bring an extra kilogram of things to the moon. This guy is so awesome that he directly brought the entire base and factory there."

"That's not it. The estimated weight of this super battleship is five million tons. Do you know what this concept is?"

"To be able to send five million tons of steel to the moon, there is still a small factory, a small base, hehe..."

"When will this moon base be built, and if our Dragon Kingdom sends astronauts in, can we visit the base?"

"Let's talk about being able to send people up first."

"Now that the Hessian attack is coming, the world is really uncharacteristically, everyone's aerospace industry has stagnated, and they are all looking at the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center, right?"

"This is also something that can't be helped. After all, the gap is really too big. Apart from providing raw materials, what else can we help?"

Ordinary audiences are quite self-aware.

Knowing that there is a huge gap between human beings and Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

As for the stagnant aerospace industry, it is more understandable.

If Qingfeng Scientific Research Center is only a little taller than humans, then humans may still have the confidence to catch up.

But when you stand on tiptoe and can't see other people's backs, all you can do is lie down.


Zhang Heng is still watching the live broadcast on the moon.

This live broadcast will continue.

Anyway, they have satellites on the moon, and they can always observe the movements above.

Just then.

Zhang Heng received news from the guards.

"General, the Longteng Super Factory has started production again."


Zhang Heng listened to the report of the guard with surprise on his face.

Jia Weiguo and Zhang Hongbo next to him also felt strange.

"Do they want to build a second battleship?" Zhang Hongbo asked in confusion.

Zhang Heng shook his head.

"No, the resource consumption of making a warship is too high. There are at least ten kinds of resources, and we have no ability to provide them. I think Qingfeng Scientific Research Center should know this."

Zhang Heng didn't quite understand.

A warship of this size is enough for Qingfeng Scientific Research Center to search for resources in space.

They also have such an intelligent robot.

As long as factories are built in space, there are as many resources as needed.

At that time, let's not talk about one warship, even a hundred, and there will be no problem.

"Could it be that Mr. Yuntian didn't tell his master about this?" Jia Weiguo asked in confusion.

"No, Qingfeng Scientific Research Center doesn't need anyone to report, they know everything.

Zhang Heng is very sure of this.

A year ago, the agents of the Eagle Country attacked the scientific research center, although he told Yun Tian about it.

But Yun Tian didn't seem to care at all, he definitely didn't report it.

The later counterattack of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center proved that he actually knew everything.

The Qingfeng Scientific Research Center must also know that the Dragon Kingdom is no longer able to support the resources of another warship.

"What do we do now, don't the resources continue to be provided?" the security guard asked aside.

This is also a problem for the energy sector.

Since the completion of the Blue Star 1 star-class battleship, the energy sector has breathed a sigh of relief.

Now it is found that the Longteng Super Factory has started construction again.

They don't know if they should continue to supply resources.

Zhang Heng did not answer immediately.

Instead, he said, "According to the situation of the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center, one warship is enough to carry the entire scientific research center, so why would he want to build a second one?

Jia Weiguo had an idea in his heart.

But he didn't dare to guess.

At this time, Zhang Heng said to the guard behind him: "Order the energy department to provide resources at all costs!"


The guards left.

For this order issued by Director Zhang Heng.

Several scientists didn't say anything, but it was clear from their expressions that they all agreed.

A day passed in a blink of an eye.

Yuntian woke up in the battleship, he asked Xiang to prepare a breakfast

While having breakfast, I had a call with Chen Feng.

"Yuntian, how does it feel to be on the moon?" Chen Feng looked at him and asked with a smile.

Yuntian took a bite of bread.

"It's great. I drove the rover in a huge moon crater yesterday and saw a lot of meteorites. These meteorites are very precious on Blue Star."

Speaking of which, Yuntian ran to show the meteorite he picked up to Chen Feng.

These meteorites are placed in a box.


Some are pure black, some are pitted, and some are angular.

Really good meteorites.

"You will see many more meteorites in the future. Are there other discoveries on the moon?" Chen Feng asked again.

"Other discoveries?" Yun Tian shook his head.

He did not know what the other discoveries the master was referring to was referring to.

...... ask for flowers ......

I played around on the moon yesterday, in addition to seeing all kinds of moon craters, all kinds of ores, and the terrifying blue star hanging in the sky.

Nothing else was found.

"Didn't find anything left over from the Eagle Nation when it landed on the moon?" Chen Feng asked.

The location where their warships landed is not far from where the Eagle Country landed on the moon that year.

Yuntian is driving the lunar rover and should be able to find it.

"To me, I didn't pay attention yesterday, and today I'll go outside and take a closer look.

Chen Feng reminded Yun Tiantian to think of this matter.

The Eagle Nation's moon landing that year was of great significance.

That's one small step for an astronaut, but one giant leap for humanity as a whole.

Now that I have landed on the moon again after so many years, I really should go there to see it.

At this time, the proton came to the front.

All of their calls are via protons.

The distance between the blue star and the moon is not too long, if the communication is carried out by electromagnetic waves.

The delay should look like a second or two.

But with protons.

This communication delay does not exist at all.

That's the benefit of quantum communication.

"Yuntian, after you refuel on the moon, go back to Blue Star.


Yuntian knows that building a fuel factory on the moon is only a phased task.

There is no way the moon can withstand the blow of the dark forest.

After ending the communication with Yuntian.

Proton looked at Chen Feng again.

"Master, how is your research on light particles?"

Proton knows that Chen Feng has been studying light particles.

The technology of light particles is also available in Chen Feng.

It's just that it takes a certain amount of time to actually create this kind of weapon.

"It is not very mature yet. This kind of weapon needs to be tested in space. If it is not done well, it is very likely that the entire Blue Star will be destroyed."

The reason why Chen Feng studied light particles.

I just want to raise the technological civilization that I have mastered to a higher level.

After the particles of light were obtained, they created a spaceship with the speed of light.

Ordinary civilization is no longer its own opponent.

As for the two-way foil, a weapon of great destruction.

He also has this technology.

It's just that there is no way to experiment. Only when they truly master the speed of light can they study the two-way foil.

To do otherwise would be shooting yourself in the foot.

"If we can create a light-speed spacecraft, we can create a low-light-speed black field in the entire solar system, so that the humans of Blue Star can escape the dark forest.

Proton speaks of another way to dodge the blow of the dark forest.

At present, we want to save mankind from this disaster.

There are three ways.

One is to create a large number of spaceships and take humans to escape from Blue Star. The disadvantage of this method is that it cannot take everyone away, even the entire Dragon Kingdom.

The second is to create a small universe, which is very difficult for Chen Feng. With his current research and development speed, it is difficult to create it without hundreds of years.

The last method is the low light speed black field.

Using the speed of light spacecraft, the speed of light in the outer solar system is slowed down to 9.6km/s. Since then, according to Einstein's theory of relativity, the speed of human beings cannot exceed the speed of light.

Then humans will no longer have the ability to escape the solar system.

For other civilizations in the universe.

This place has become a black area, it is absolutely safe, and naturally there will be no dark forest attack.

"For the time being, don't think about the low-light-speed black area. Our current goal is to develop a light-speed spaceship first. With the light-speed spaceship, even if the dark forest strikes really come, we are absolutely safe.

The big deal is to escape into the universe, and then sell the research and development of the small universe.

Anyway, Chen Feng's ultimate goal is a small universe.

As for whether to turn the solar system into a low-light-speed black domain, that would have to wait for them to create a spaceship first.

on the moon.

When Yuntian came out of the battleship.

Surprised to find that the outer shell of the moon base has already been built.

"These robots are really efficient!"

Yuntian did not rush to explore the moon, but walked into the lunar base with the busy robot.

The entrance to the base is about ten meters high and seven or eight meters wide, extending all the way down to the ground.

He followed and walked in. The underground base and the walls were all made of a special thermal insulation material.

In addition to thermal insulation materials, there are also sealing materials.

When the base is actually built, it will be a closed space inside, and you can live normally in it without using a space suit.

In just one day and one night, the prototype of a huge underground base with a size of four or five hundred square meters has come out.

Although the equipment inside the base is not yet available.

But Yuntian believes that everything will be there in a few days.

A huge nuclear fusion reactor was also built outside.

The reactor is dedicated to powering the base.

It is believed that with this reactor, coupled with the abundance of fusion fuel on the moon.

After the lunar base is built, there will be no shortage of energy. .

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