Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 65 Twenty Minutes To Win A World War

All the leaders of the Eagle Country were stunned.

Many leaders were still wearing clothes urgently, but at this time the phone had already called.

The water droplets have left, and all the Eagle Nation's nuclear strike force has been lost.

"What should we do?" The leaders of the Eagle Country were at a loss.

"What else can be done, hurry up to rescue, immediately notify the United Nations and let them take countermeasures, no matter what they make, they will all pass!"

Now the rocket launch bases of the Eagle Country are constantly mourning.

The casualties from the explosion were numerous.

Most of these people are soldiers who launch rockets.

Countless people are waiting to be rescued.

Fortunately, the water droplets only destroyed the nuclear weapon, not detonated it~.

If all these nuclear weapons were detonated.

The consequences were even more unimaginable.

On the United Nations side - the meeting is still going on.

An important call came in.

"Director Jones is not good. Water droplets attacked our Eagle Country's rocket base three minutes ago, and now Eagle Country has lost its nuclear strike force!"

"What?" Jones couldn't believe his ears.

He pressed on: "Did the droplets attack a rocket base?"

The offensive plan on the United Nations side has been approved.

If only a rocket launch base was attacked.

Other bases can still launch, and at this time, we must fight against them.

"It's not Director Jones, the water droplets hit all our rocket bases, destroying all our nuclear warheads, including those we hid in every hidden corner. We now have no nuclear warheads, not a single missile."

Jones felt his mind go blank for a moment.

In three minutes, all the nuclear strike forces of the Eagle Nation were completely destroyed?

You must know that the land area of ​​the Eagle Country is very large, and the north-south depth is very long.

The entire country is equipped with nuclear weapons, and the water droplets are all destroyed in less than three minutes?

"By the way, Director Jones, the water droplets are flying towards the Grizzly Bear Country." The phone side reminded again.

Jones suddenly regained his spirits.

He quickly threw the phone away.

Back to the meeting room.

"Let the Beigull's intercontinental rocket launch immediately, immediately!"

Jones almost shouted.

Everyone looked at him puzzled.

As the representative of the Beigull and the person in charge, Bach did not know what happened.

Although human communication has become very convenient now.

But it happened so suddenly.

In just three minutes, the leaders of many countries have not finished a toilet.

Who can react so quickly?

"If you want to launch, you have to be the first in the Eagles and the second in the Grizzlies?" Bach is still struggling with the question of who will launch first.

This made Jones anxious.

He knew it would be impossible to get these people to launch without explaining it clearly.

"Three minutes ago, water droplets attacked all the rocket launch bases in our Eagle Country, as well as the launch vehicles of our branches across the country, destroying all rockets and nuclear bombs, and now they have flown towards the Grizzly Bear Country. I estimate that the Grizzly Bear Country has now encountered an accident. .

Only Beigull has a chance to launch now, can't wait, hurry up!"

You can see how pale everyone at the scene heard Jones's words.

The number of missiles in the Eagle Country is estimated to be known only to them.

Destroyed it all in just three minutes?

Who would believe this if you didn't see it with your own eyes!

But when everyone thought of the more than 10,000 fighter jets, a cold war suddenly broke out.

More than 10,000 fighter jets have been destroyed in just over two years.

They even forgot the pain at that time.

Forgot how scary water droplets are.

"Don't hesitate, hurry up!"

Jones glared at Bach.

Bach also shivered.

He nodded. Anyway, the treaty with the United Nations has now been signed.

There is no problem if it is launched by Beigull first.

All the rockets have already been prepared, and as soon as the content of the meeting here is communicated, they can be launched immediately.

"Shoot!" Bach delivered the command over an encrypted phone.

In the entire Beigull, hundreds of rockets were launched at the same time.

All of these rockets have only one target, and that is the Longteng Super Factory of the Dragon Kingdom.

At this moment, Yevgeny also received a secret telegram from China.

When he got the call, there was news of a bolt from the blue.

"Director, all the silos, launch vehicles, rockets at sea, and land in our Grizzly Country have been destroyed, and all the nuclear bombs have been destroyed. Three nuclear bombs exploded in our territory, and we are no longer capable of launching rockets! "

After hearing the news, the mighty Yevgeny seemed to have all the power in his body taken away.


It's all over!

The power of their grizzly country to shock the world was completely destroyed in an instant.

At this time, Yevgeny's brain became extremely sober.

He laughed.

How naive I was before laughing at myself.

I thought that Qingfeng Scientific Research Center would be afraid of their large number of ICBM nuclear warheads.

Thinking about it now, people actually know your single-branch location for a long time.

It also has the ability to instantly destroy.

It just hasn't been done.

They were naively meeting here.

It's really ridiculous!

Everyone in the conference room saw Yevgeny's appearance and probably guessed what might happen.

Just now Jones of the Eagle Country has said it.

The water droplets flew towards Grizzly Country.

When he gave the order, he deliberately skipped the Grizzly Country.

It is the default that the Grizzlies have been hit by water droplets.

Now everyone can only put their hope in Beigull.

Dragon Country Control Center.

"General Zhang, our satellite has just detected that a total of 130 intercontinental missiles in Northern Europe have been launched, and the target is exactly our Dragon Country."

At this time, the Dragon Kingdom was also in a tense atmosphere.

One hundred and thirty intercontinental missiles is definitely not a trivial matter, and all of them are nuclear warheads.

Of course Zhang Heng did not want to provoke a nuclear war at such a time.

But the United Nations has already provoked this incident.

What if you don't respond?

"Immediately launch rockets to intercept, and be sure to intercept all missiles outside the Dragon Kingdom!"

Zhang Heng has actually been preparing.

Ever since the news that Qingfeng Scientific Research Center sent a battleship from the Dragon Kingdom was exposed.

Those countries in the United Nations are eyeing the Dragon Kingdom.

The heart of harming others is indispensable, and the heart of preventing others is indispensable.

"Yes!" The guard was about to issue an order immediately.

You are not alone in this world with rockets.

We have too!

But now Zhang Heng is worried about other countries.

If it was just a northern gull, he would not take it seriously.

But what about the Eagles and Grizzlies?

Just when the guards were about to release the mission, Yuntian came.

"No need to go!" Yuntian stopped the guards.

If it was someone else, at such a time when every second counts, the guards might ignore him.

But the person who came was Yuntian, so it was different.

Even Zhang Heng's guards couldn't help but listen to him.

Zhang Heng also knew the arrival of Yuntian.

He quickly saw Yuntian.

"The Beiou's missile has been launched, and the target is exactly our Long Kingdom!" Zhang Heng explained the situation.

Yun Tian nodded.

Proton sent him a message just now.

"The master has let the water droplets clean up."

Hearing the water drop, Zhang Heng stopped talking.

That super monster that circles the blue star's equator two and a half times in one second.

It is trivial to intercept more than 100 rockets.

In Beigu, all the rockets have just been launched and have not yet entered the atmosphere.

The figure of the water drop came suddenly.

In front of the water droplets, these rockets are like cannonballs made of paper.

It's more like fireworks rising from the sky one by one.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of explosions roared throughout Beigull.

One hundred and thirty rockets have been fired.

It only took ten seconds, and it all exploded.

These rockets were all shot down before they left Beigull's range.

The rocket fell into the city and village of Beigull, and the whole Beigull was full of fire.

After addressing the missiles that have been fired.

It took another minute for the droplets to take out all the other rockets that didn't launch.

Immediately, it turned to other countries with rocket nuclear weapons.

Ten minutes later...  

United Nations basement meeting room.

Everyone slumped in their seats.

The last card in their hand, in less than twenty minutes, was all gone...  

This process is so fast that many people have no time to react.

"It's over, from now on, only Long has nuclear weapons and missiles!" Jones' eyes were full of ash.

From now on, not only will they have no chance to confront Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

They can't even provoke the Dragon Kingdom.

If it was before, they didn't have nuclear weapons, and they could use human nature to limit the Dragon Kingdom.

Such things as nuclear weapons, even if they exist, cannot be fired casually.

But now times are different.

Humanity is about to face extinction.

Humanity is getting weaker and weaker.

Even if the Dragon Kingdom uses nuclear weapons against them at this time, humans may accept it numbly.

After all, Beigull has already launched first.

But it was all destroyed by water droplets.

"The water droplets may destroy us all next?" The sweat on Bach's forehead was not dry yet.

He doesn't even care about the disaster that has occurred in the entire Beigull now.

They have an even bigger disaster waiting.

That is the revenge of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center and Long Kingdom.

With the attack power of the water droplets, it would not take long to destroy them.

Gut kept shaking his head.

He didn't know what was going on.

His ideal has always been to save mankind from disaster.

I hope that human beings can find a way to survive.

But things are getting worse now.

The Dark Forest Strike is yet to come.

But they were about to be wiped out.

"We were wrong." Gut seemed to have aged ten years.

He admitted they were wrong.

Everyone else is silent.

"We should not have other ideas, but should learn from the Dragon Kingdom and work for the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center wholeheartedly. We may not be able to mine on the moon in a year.

But as long as we work hard, the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center may send us a spaceship.

It's too late to say anything now. "

Remorse was written in everyone's heart.

At this time, someone suddenly turned their attention to Fang Siming.

"It's him, it's this Dragon Kingdom, if it weren't for him, we wouldn't have a few days at all!"

Everyone's fierce eyes looked instantly.

Fang Siming's heart tightened.

"Yes, this man must be a spy, we here

The side has just signed a treaty to carry out a nuclear strike against the Dragon Kingdom, and the water droplets on the other side are immediately dispatched, which means that there must be spies among us!"

This is the most frustrating thing for everyone.

The droplets had not moved before.

Even if they had sent agents to attack the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center before, the water droplets were safe and sound.

But this time, they just met and signed a contract.

The missile has not yet been launched.

The water droplets acted first.

This shows that their information has been revealed.

"This person must be a spy of the Dragon Kingdom!"

"kill him!"

The voice against Fang Siming is getting louder and louder.

At this moment, the defeat they suffered seemed to find a direction.

This Fang Siming is the culprit.

Someone has already started to draw guns.

Fang Siming was so frightened that he took a few steps back.

After all, he is just a scientific researcher, and he has seen this kind of battle there.

"I'm not a spy!" Fang Siming shouted loudly.

"You're not a spy? Who would believe you!"

These people pushed forward step by step.

No one has fired yet.

"Enough!" Gut suddenly shouted and stopped the crowd.

The gunmen glanced at Gut.

At this time, Gut's identity still works.

Fang Siming ran quickly behind Gut as if he had seen the savior.

"Secretary-General, I'm really not a spy, and every word I say is true." He didn't want to die either.


"At this time, what we thought of was still shirk responsibility."

Gut really hates iron not turning into steel.

Why would you give yourself such a group of pig teammates.

"Don't you all feel that all our every move is actually under the surveillance of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center?"

Gut's words instantly made everyone tremble.

Secretary Gut, you mean, including our current meeting?" Ida Ichiro asked with a tingling scalp.

Everyone looked at him.

If our current meetings are all being monitored.

So what secrets do they have?

This is the scariest thing for them.

"Think about it, our first attack on Qingfeng Scientific Research Center, they seem to be well prepared, including this time, we have just signed the contract, and everyone on the scene is there.

Here, no one transmits information at all.

The droplets attacked ahead of time, all of which show that we have been under surveillance.

"No wonder! No wonder!" Jones murmured.

If so, it's no surprise that they lost.

They were also planning how to crack the infrasound bomb of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

How to hack the laser weapon on the wall.

How ridiculous now think about it.

Even if they crack these two weapons, maybe there are ten and one hundred kinds waiting for them.

"What are we going to do now, Mr. Gut?" someone asked loudly.

Gut shook his head.

By now.

He also didn't know what to do.

Others are knives, we are fish, and all life and death are in the hands of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center and Longguo.

"Wait, wait for the judgment of fate."


Dragon country.

"Mr. Yuntian, thank you for your help!" Zhang Heng is really in a good mood now.

He has received a message from the information center.

The 130 rockets launched from Beiou were all wiped out by water droplets before they left Beiou's airspace.

Gulls are everywhere.

And the water droplets destroyed all the rocket first stage nuclear bombs in the world.

Only the Dragon Kingdom still has nuclear strike force.

"You're welcome, their goal is the Longteng Super Factory and the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center, we are helping ourselves.

Zhang Heng still thanked and said, "Then what should we do next, do we want to show some color to these countries?"

In the whole world now, only the Dragon Kingdom has nuclear power.

It's easy to attack other countries.

Yun Tian waved his hand and said, "There is no need to eliminate them, all we need is resources.

Zhang Heng's eyes instantly turned cold.


Those twenty minutes just now were equivalent to starting a world war.

The final result is that the country represented by the United Nations was defeated in this twenty-minute world war.

The Dragon Kingdom is a victorious country.

As a defeated country, it is natural to need reparations.

"I will organize negotiations with them immediately!" Zhang Heng was very happy.

The blow of the droplet came too timely.

I believe that these countries have been scared out of their nerves.

The resource department is gritting its teeth every day.

Prospecting is being carried out all over the country, and various resources are being transported to the Longteng Super Factory.

At this time, the countries of the United Nations must lose the resources of a star-class warship!

Yun Tian smiled, the reason why the master decided to destroy the nuclear strike force of all countries in the United Nations. .

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