Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 74 The Escape Plan Is Exposed, And The Dragon Kingdom Is In Chaos!

This is the master's plan.

There is no problem with this plan.

But Zhang Hongbo asked, "Just how many of us?"

They know that there are only a few of them in the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

If protons are also human, there are five.

Not counting protons, just four people.

Only the four of them escaped?

"Are you afraid of the vast universe, too lonely?" Yun Tian asked.

Both nodded.

They are also thinking about developing technology for immortality.

Even if this technology cannot be developed in the end, with their current technology, it is not a problem to live to a few hundred years old.

This is hundreds of years!

In such a long time, if there are only a few of them, how will this day live?

Yun Tian actually thought about this question.

"I don't know what you are thinking, but now we are just taking a step by step.

The master still cares about human beings in his heart.

What will happen at that time, we still see the host's arrangement. "

Of course Yuntian knows loneliness.

When he was on Saturn, he hibernated whenever he had nothing to do for more than a week.

The two academicians do research every day, which is better.

He does not do research himself.

Only hibernation wouldn't make him so empty.

Just when they were thinking about the future.

Yuntian suddenly received a proton prompt.

"The Human Blue Star II has left Saturn and returned to Blue Star to execute the escape plan."

All three of them saw the message.

The entire Blue Star holds no secrets to protons.

What plans are humans doing.

He knew everything.

"Do they really want to flee?" Jia Weiguo was surprised.

What surprised him was not the fact that the human race escaped, but that he supported death.

To his surprise.

How could this plan go so smoothly?

He had always believed that the escape plan was impossible to proceed.

Humans cannot allow others to escape.

"It must be done in secret." Yun Tian glanced at it and could probably guess in his heart.

When he reminded Zhang Heng before.

Actually already knew.

Can the escape plan be successfully implemented?

The key point is whether the leaders of the Dragon Kingdom have the courage to sacrifice.

The second is that this must be done in secret.

Can't let anyone know.

Even those who participated in the escape could not know.

"Do you think this secret can be kept?" Zhang Hongbo was a little unconvinced.

After all, the plan is so broad.

There are so many people involved.

on the blue star.

To keep such a secret.

It's really not that simple.

Yuntian shook his head. 390

"I don't think they'll be able to keep it secret either, but now that they've done it, if it's exposed at that time" it might cause some panic in Blue Star.

Yun Tian can already think of the result.

The current Blue Star humans.

Only the people of Longguo were a little calmer.

The society of Long Kingdom is still stable.

If this matter is really exposed, then it will be difficult for the Dragon Kingdom to develop steadily.

"Let's stop thinking about it, now we need to take seriously the tasks in our hands.

Yun Tian knew that the current Blue Star was like this.

The arrival of the Hessian attack, the mankind is faced with the catastrophe of annihilation.

In the face of such a disaster, no one can deal with it calmly.

Whether it's chaos or whatever.

As long as some human beings can escape, it is feasible.

one week later.

Chu Yan has returned to Blue Star.

The Blue Star II battleship is currently hovering in the orbit of the Blue Star.

Originally, he was supposed to take the airship down, but he was ordered to make the warship park on the Blue Star.

This made him a little bit confused.

The Blue Star II battleship was enormous.

It's not easy to find a suitable parking spot on the Blue Star.

The most important thing is that the battleship needs to consume a lot of fuel to overcome the gravity of the Blue Star.

It's not worth it.

But in the face of the above order, Chu Yan could only do as he was told.

According to the order, he parked the Blue Star No. 2 in an open space not far from the Longteng Super Factory.

This place has been cleared by the military for a long time.

It is specially used for the berthing of the Blue Star II.

In the conference room, Chu Yan met General Zhang Heng and the six major leaders of Long Kingdom.

Seeing this battle, he immediately felt that something was not right.

Actually from when he was called back.

Chu Yan felt that something was wrong.

The mission on Saturn's side is not yet complete.

Blue Star sent a message to him and asked him to return urgently.

In addition, he also asked him to park the battleship on the Blue Star.

"Leaders, what happened?"

Chu Yan didn't know what happened, so he could only ask.

The big leader did not speak, but gestured to Zhang Heng next to him.

Zhang Heng stood up and handed a document to Chu Yan.

Chu Yan looked at Zhang Heng with a puzzled expression, and then started the document in his hand.

After three minutes, Chu Yan's face became more and more ugly.

He suddenly closed the entire document.

"Escape... escape?"

Chu Yan couldn't think of anything.

The leaders asked him to return urgently, but they let him escape. (bcde)

"That's right, if it's not nice to say it, it's just running away." Zhang Heng was very calm.

As the captain of the battleship, Chu Yan must be the master of the escape plan.

Must do his job.

"Why?" Chu Yan didn't understand, in his opinion, there was the Blue Star II super battleship.

There is hope for them to build a bunker plan.

Why run away?

"Captain Chu Yan, I hope you can calm down, we don't want to leave Blue Star, this is our home.

But now, only by running away can we keep the fire of humanity.

"What about the bunker plan? The bunker plan doesn't work?"

Zhang Heng shook his head.

"According to the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center, there is no way for the bunker plan to resist the Hessian blow. You can see it when you arrive at Saturn, and they have no intention of creating a bunker there.

Instead, they built a giant shipyard, and by our calculations, they were going to build bigger and faster ships.

In the end, it is also an escape plan. "

Chu Yan listened to Zhang Heng's words.

He thought about why Zhang Heng asked him to see what the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center was doing in the orbit of Saturn.

This is actually to verify whether the bunker plan they have been carrying out is useful.

The video he shot, riding a bunker plan was not favored by Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

Chu Yan stopped talking.

Zhang Heng continued: "Captain Chu Yan, we have no right to doubt the judgment of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center, you must know that the information and technology they have are much higher than ours.

They have no reason to deceive us, and escape is indeed our only hope. "

After a while.

Chu Yan raised his head and asked, "What about the others?"

From the documents, he could see that the entire warship could only carry 2,000 people, except for the captain and deputy captain.

Two thousand of them will leave their hometowns, completely leave Blue Star, and never return.

Thinking of this, no matter how firm the will is, the heart will sting.

"You are only the first batch of people who escaped. After each battleship is completed, another group of people will escape."

This is their initial plan.

No matter how many ships they can make in the end.

All are used to let humans escape.

"Where can we escape to?" Chu Yan's eyes were full of confusion.

With Blue Star there, he has the backbone in his heart.

No matter how vast the universe is, Blue Star is a home, and there is a home to go back to.

If there is no home.

They feel as if they have lost their support.

"We have already set the target galaxy for you."

Chu Yan does not want to see the so-called setting galaxy

He couldn't take it for a while

Zhang Heng looked at him and suddenly said, "Captain Chu Yan!"

Chu Yan suddenly stood up straight.

"You have to know that we are not discussing with you, this is an order! The escape plan is an order for all mankind! You must execute it unconditionally!"


Although Chu Yan still can't accept it in his heart, an order is an order.

As a soldier, it's in your nature to obey orders, whether you can figure it out or not.

must do so.

"Captain Chu Yan, among these two thousand people, there is your son Chu Ziming."

Chu Ziming is a college student studying basic physics.

I was selected for this escape plan.

As for whether Chu Ziming was really selected by strength, no one knows.

"Chu Yan must complete the task!" Chu Yan salutes

Just when Chu Yan was about to leave, Zhang Heng stopped him again.

"This mission is a top secret, no one can say, when everything is ready, you drive the spacecraft into space, just fly according to the designated star field, and never come back."

Zhang Heng's words are sad.

Chu Yan nodded sadly.

Preparations for the Blue Star II lasted nearly a month.

In this month, they have prepared more than a dozen sets for the main components of the Blue Star II.

These parts can ensure that the Blue Star 2 can remain normal for hundreds of years in the future.

The other is the ecological resource system inside.

Although it is not as powerful as the resource system of the Sentiment Research Center.

But they are also doing their best to improve the ecosystem inside.

It can be said that the huge spaceship, in addition to carrying spare parts.

All other spaces are given to the ecological resource system.

Almost all the resources in it are recycled.

In particular, water resources have achieved more than 95% recycling.

Only in this way can they fly in the universe for hundreds of years.

Today is the moment when a team of 2,000 people boarded the spaceship.

They were told to complete a special mission.

Among the two thousand people, 1,000 were female and 1,000 were male, all of them were between the age of 18 and 30, with good physical fitness and fertility.

In addition, they are experts and scholars in all walks of life, mastering almost all the knowledge of human beings.

Under the control of the army, 2,000 people boarded the battleship in a mighty manner.

In the battleship, Chu Ziming met his father Chu Yan.

"Dad!" Chu Ziming was proud of his father.

Now he is just as proud of himself that he was fortunate enough to be chosen for a national mission.

In his opinion, this task is mostly related to the bunker plan.

This is about the future of mankind.

Seeing his son, Chu Ziming nodded, without much expression on his face, he thought of his wife.

And parents.

This parting is forever


Chu Ziming came to his father happily.

"Dad, I don't think you're happy, your son, I was selected to perform the mission, and I won it on my own merits.

This battleship is really big. "

"Have you taken all the videos of your mother and grandparents that I asked you to shoot?" Chu Yan asked.

"Take a picture, I will send you a mobile phone from Rihui."

Soon, two thousand people all entered the battleship.

Several deputy captains did not quite know what their mission was this time.

In their view, it is estimated that the bunker plan was specifically implemented.

Otherwise, there is no need to bring more than 2,000 people and so many supplies.

The most incomprehensible thing for them is why the spaceship should bring so many parts.

There are a dozen sets.

So many parts, I am afraid that they will not be used for hundreds of years.

The people in Long Country were cheering that the Blue Star 2 was going to carry out the bunker plan.

No one found anything unusual.

However, the people of Longguo can hide from ordinary people.

But it could not hide from the eyes of the United Nations.

"Longguo's behavior this time is very strange?" Jones has been thinking about Longguo's actions.

They spy in the dragon country, and with the power of the network, they can easily get the information they want.

"I also wonder why the people they took on this mission were half male and half female, and they were also young intellectual scholars.

The bunker plan I think is more needed for engineers. "

Gut was also puzzled and murmured in his mouth.

"They don't look like they're on a mission this time, they look like they're moving, look at this picture.

Yevgeny pulled up a picture of the Blue Star II.

"Is there anything hanging outside?"

As you can see from the picture.

Outside the Blue Star No. 2, there are various things hanging.

A simple identification, it should be the parts of the battleship.

"You can think about how crowded it is when the outside is full of hangings," Yevgeny said.

"They're... trying to escape?" Gut said suspiciously.

"It's very possible that the people of the Dragon Country are not going to perform any tasks at all, but want to escape from the solar system. What secrets do they know?"

Jones can basically conclude that the people of Longguo are going to flee.

"They must know something, the Blue Star II has just returned from Saturn, and the Blue Star I of the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center is also there.

This made them simply abandon the bunker plan!"

"We can't let them escape!" Jones shouted.

If it was said that the Dragon Kingdom built a bunker plan, they could barely accept it.

Wait until the space city is built.

Even if they can go up last, there is still a chance.

But now the dragon is going to run.

Leave them alone on the Blue Star to die.

Only the Dragon Kingdom has a star-class battleship, and only they are qualified to escape.

This brings them despair.

"What can we do?" Yevgeny shared two songs, and he had no choice.

"Expose their plans." Jones thought immediately.

He simply couldn't wait.

Immediately go to inform the people in the Dragon Kingdom, and let them publish the Dragon Kingdom's escape plan on the Dragon Kingdom's network.

Just half an hour later.

The Long Kingdom's network was detonated.

[The bunker plan was abandoned, the Blue Star 2 will escape from the solar system, and everyone has been repeatedly abandoned. 】

An article spreads quickly on the Internet.

This article makes sense.

From the personnel composition of the Blue Star II mission to the items carried by their warships.

Everything showed that they were going to flee.

"It's true, the personnel of the Blue Star 2 mission are indeed experts and scholars, and half of them are male and half of them are young people. What the article says is true!"

"Are we really going to be abandoned?"

"No, we must not let them go. What should we do if they leave?"

"Why can they live, and we are going to die?"

"I don't agree. I also provided a lot of help in the manufacture of the Blue Star II. Our company has provided a lot of resources. Why don't we have the right to escape?"

"Why not carry out the bunker plan?"

It seems that someone is driving, not only the popularity of this article is rising rapidly.

The people of the entire Dragon Kingdom also became irritable in an instant.

The people who were originally working all walked to the street.

Strikes and demonstrations took place in major cities, and the scene went out of control for a while.

People close to the berthing area of ​​Blue Star No. 2 are even more manic.

They began to rush towards the military area, trying to break through this area and prevent the Blue Star II from escaping.

"Why doesn't the government speak, we need a statement!"

"Why not carry out the bunker plan?"

These people marched and shouted slogans.

Many people are afraid that the Blue Star 2 will take off.

They threatened on the Internet that if the Blue Star II dared to escape, they would rebel collectively.

At this moment, the entire Dragon Kingdom seemed to have lost their minds.

Society suddenly became chaotic. .

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