Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 89 The Solar System Is Destroyed, And The Reborn No. 2 Rushes To Sirius

At this time in Chen Feng's exclusive laboratory.

Yuntian looked at the two-way foil that had fallen near the sun, and my fists were tight.

The faces of Zhang Hongbo and Jia Weiguo were also extremely ugly.

For them, this alien civilization warship is equivalent to an attacker.

And they are defenders.

As defenders, they don't have any chance of defending at all.

All you can do is watch your home be destroyed.

"Master, can't we fight back?" Yun Tian was really angry and asked.

Chen Feng shook his head.

"This civilization is something we can't afford to provoke, it's just a cleanup spaceship at the bottom of their civilization.

The technology used on it is not comparable to us.

The most important thing is that all our means of attack are ineffective against the speed of light spacecraft.

Under the blow of the two-way foil, all they can do is find a way to dodge.

But the two-way foil belongs to the attack of the space dimension.

This has involved a kind of rule attack.

Even Chen Feng can't do anything about it.

Although he has been studying space technology all these years, the time given to them by alien civilizations is too short.

If you can really give him a hundred years.

Maybe when the Hessian strike comes.

He has a solution to the problem of two-way foils.

But now, he has nothing to do.

silenced in the same year.

He knew that the master had done his best.

Over the years, the owner has been doing research in the lab almost every day.

His only purpose is to crack the Hessian attack.

Whether it is the star-class battleship they built at the beginning, or the current light-speed battleship.

All prepared for today.

And Yun Tian also believed that the master must have thought of more counterattack methods.

It's just that when facing the civilization of the great gods that has developed in the universe for an unknown number of years, they all seem so pale.

"Master, one day we will develop to that level of technology too!"

Jia Weiguo's eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

Their bottom-level cleaners can just throw out a piece of two-way foil, and they can clean up the solar system without delaying the singing.

All of this comes from the power of his mother civilization.

In a place where the mother civilization is strong, others will not care about the life and death of a weak civilization.

It's like when you see a group of ants, just lift your foot and step on one to death.

You don't care what kind of existence that dead ant is in the ant colony at all.

Because that's not worth mentioning to you, and you have to keep humming your songs.

Now they are ants who were easily crushed to death.

"Even if we are ants, there will be a day when we develop."

Zhang Hongbo also had a look of grief and indignation.

He felt that he still wasn't working hard enough.

Advances in science are not fast enough. 247 Chen Feng looked at them with relief on his face.

With his constant research over the years, he is 108,000 miles away from the civilization of the Great God.

The explosion of technology will certainly be fast, but it is only after the accumulation of basic knowledge to a certain extent that the explosion will occur.

He needs at least a hundred years.

Alien civilizations will not give the solar system a hundred years.

"We're leaving."

Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

The solar system is about to be destroyed.

Master, I have controlled the warship to leave the orbit of the Blue Star and enter the state of light-speed flight at any time.

Their curvature spacecraft can enter the speed of light in a very short time without any overloading.

That's the benefit of light-speed ships.

At this moment, Blue Star, as well as Blue Star 6, the people on the moon are watching the live broadcast.

For all the humans on the blue star, it is very painful.

They clearly know.

The end of the world is coming.

This end of the world is the end of everyone.

wherever you hide.

Even if there is Noah's Ark, it is completely impossible to avoid.

In addition to the more than 10,000 people who have fled.

There is no one else to hide from.

"Hehe, it's really ironic, a solar system of Noda was finally destroyed in the hands of such a small card.

"This is the power of advanced civilization, using the laws of the universe."

"Yes, I hope our human civilization will eventually reach this height, but we just can't see it.

"My son, I hope you can continue the flame of human civilization."

In the face of the end, everyone has different ideas.

Some of the children's children were among the more than 10,000 people who escaped.

Although they are going to die.

But think that he has descendants alive.

How happy is it.

Some people are afraid of death and don't dare to watch the live broadcast at all.

Some even took a lot of sleeping pills.

It might be more peaceful to go this way.

In the entire solar system, there is no place where they can survive.

"Destruction, why not destroy it?"

Some people saw that the two-way foil on the live video did not respond for a long time.

Just floating there quietly.

I do not know how it is.

Just when they were wondering, the card suddenly disappeared.

The space it was in began to collapse.

This collapse is fast and increasing.

Collapsed space becomes two-dimensional.

Space is extremely distorted.

Like a flat painting.

"here we go."

"Hahaha, it's starting, our time is up, and the entire solar system will return to peace!"

"Come on, I've been waiting for a long time, and I'm finally free."

Seeing that the two-way foil came into play, many people ran into the streets and cheered loudly.

These people's spirits are no longer normal.

In fact, when they knew that the end was coming, they were under enormous psychological pressure all the time.

Many people have mental problems in their eyes because they can't bear this kind of pressure.

There are people streaking everywhere on the street.

Hair is disheveled and howling.

Gut was still sitting quietly in the conference room.

It's quiet here, just himself.

He remembered that he used to issue orders here and work hard for the future of mankind.

Consider the bunker plans at the time.

Even his whole life flashed through his mind.

"It's enough for humanity to continue."

Gut's mouth murmured.

From the moment he became Secretary General of the United Nations.

He regards the destiny of the whole human being as his highest ideal.

Humanity suffers from this catastrophe.

He did his best.

Although the process was a bit difficult, the end result was good.

Humanity has not all perished.

He can also close his eyes.

He looked up at the big screen.

Space collapse has reached the vicinity of the sun.

The sun was like a huge egg yolk fireball, slowly being dragged into it by the vortex.

It was like an egg yolk that was instantly squashed.

A massive burst of energy raging.

Anyone on Blue Star could feel a sudden light in the sky.

None of them had ever felt this light.

It was the brightest moment ever.

But the light lasted for a while.

The sun slowly became two-dimensional, squashed into a yellow yolk.

It looks like a Van Gogh painting.

"Looking at this picture, it reminds me of Van Gogh's starry sky, Van Gogh already knew the moment when we humans finally perish.

"Yes, I'm sure it's not a coincidence, Van Gogh definitely saw a vision of the future."

"It's completely dark."

"Turn on the lights, our blue star can't turn into night!"

After the sun was two-dimensionalized, the whole world became pitch black.

Not even a trace of moonlight could be seen.

Standing outside, you can't see your fingers.

The moon also reflects the sun's rays.

Without the sun, the entire blue star will lose all life energy.

There will be no more light.

Fortunately, there is still electricity on the Blue Star.

Everyone turned on the lights collectively.

Under the light of the light, it will not feel so lonely.

So scared.

Many people look at the sky and feel that this is what Van Gogh depicted in the starry sky.

very similar.

People can not help but sigh.

This coincidence is a little too miraculous.

The exploration of space continued to move forward, and soon came to the vicinity of the moon.

The moon is like a ball of paper crumpled, suddenly flattened.

Huge energy spread around.

The moon began to fall apart, and a large number of fragments flew towards the outside.

It's just that although these fragments are fast, they are far from the speed at which they can escape.

I want to escape from this collapsed vortex.

Must have the speed of light!

After many circles around the vortex, it will eventually fall into the vortex.

Due to the disappearance of the sun, the gravitational force is instantly gone.

The blue star began to be flung towards a cut corner.

Not only the blue star, but all the other planets in the solar system were thrown out because of the lack of central gravity.

The people on the Blue Star felt dizzy on the ground.

Some people feel unable to stand on their feet.

Upside down.

From the footage of the video, everyone can see that the entire solar system is in a mess at this moment.

All because the sun disappeared in an instant.

"Haha, our Blue Star has become a huge spaceship."

"It's so interesting, I didn't expect to see such a scene in my lifetime.

"Maybe Blue Star can escape."

Many people looked at the screen and shouted loudly.

It's just that anyone with a little knowledge knows that it is absolutely impossible for Blue Star to escape by relying on the acceleration of this power.

This is too slow.

For space collapse, as long as the speed of light is not reached, the final result is a collapse vortex.

It's just a matter of time.

"It's coming to us."

"It's coming, mother.

It can be seen in the video that it has started to fall towards the vortex.

Its speed simply cannot resist the pulling force of the vortex.

Everyone could feel that the total gravity was making their feet heavy.

When the blue star fell into the middle of the vortex, the dimensionalization officially began.

The blue star seems to be very large, but the process of 2Dization is very fast.

Less than ten seconds before and after.

A huge blue pancake appeared in the sky.

As for the humans on Blue Star?

It's all a garnish on the pancakes.

In just ten seconds, billions of human beings all over the world lost their lives.

Fortunately they have no pain.

I just felt the blackness in front of my eyes, and I completely lost consciousness.

A flat painting of a two-dimensional world.



Zhang Beihai and the others looked at the two-dimensional Blue Star, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

"In the future, there will be no Blue Star, no more solar system, and no more home..."

He uttered the words of loss.

The others were silent.

But they are afraid, maybe in pain.

After all, everyone has various relatives on Blue Star.

They were all buried in the huge blue pancake.

On the Blue Star 6, Zhang Heng remained silent for a long time.

He fought back the pain in his heart.

He said to others: "There will be no Blue Star in the future, we are the new human beings in the universe, and there are only two tasks for us next, to continuously develop our scientific and technological civilization, to find suitable

A new home for our survival!"


The others spoke in unison.

In this vast universe, they have no home.

All we can have is solidarity to face the suffering of the future together.

The Reborn has already flown to the edge of the solar system at this time, but the curvature engine has not been turned on at this time.

The Reborn stayed here for a while.

"All we can do is record what the solar system looked like at the end."

Proton's speech does not hear any emotional element.

But if you listen to it, you can feel the pain in your heart.

In the entire Reborn, except for Proton, everyone came from Blue Star.

Even Chen Feng is from Blue Star.

If he didn't have feelings for Blue Star, he wouldn't be able to study it day and night after he obtained the technology of Trisolaran civilization.

If he has no feelings for Blue Star, it is even more impossible to make a step-by-step plan to find a way out for Blue Star.

If he had no feelings for Lan Xing, he would not be able to stare at the two-dimensional Lan Xing silently in a daze.

It is precisely because Chen Feng has too much affection for Lan Xing that he has too much reluctance in his heart.

"Phew..." Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, our efforts are not wasted, we still have a chance."

Chen Feng looked at them and said.

"For the master, we still have a chance!" Yun Tian could feel the sadness in Chen Feng's heart.

It was only at this moment that he realized that the master had such deep feelings for Lan Xing.

Maybe the master doesn't have much affection for the humans on the blue star, and for him, as long as the fire of the humans does not go out, it will be fine.

But there is only one Blue Star.

Once destroyed, it can never be found again.

"Yes, master, the universe is so big that we can definitely find another home. With so many human genetic cells, we can definitely continue human civilization." Zhang Hong

Po also said.

"Not only to continue human civilization, but also to achieve unity, to use all our strengths in scientific research, we must have our own right to speak in the universe!"

Jia Weiguo was always unconvinced in his heart.

A clean-up at the bottom of a civilization who cleans up the entire solar system while singing.

He will never accept it!

"It's good that you have this kind of ambition, there is a home near Sirius that we need, and now what we need is time.

Our own tech explosion is coming soon. "

Chen Feng said firmly.

At this moment, everyone looks at the holographic projection again.

At this moment, this solar system has all become a painting.

All the planets in the solar system have been two-dimensionalized.

From this angle, it looks a lot like Van Gogh's work - Starry Sky.

"Start the curvature engine!"

Chen Feng said.


Under the control of the proton, the Reborn No. 2 instantly activated the curvature engine.

The speed of the battleship increased to the speed of light in a very short time.

This engine uses curvature technology to power the ship by straightening the space behind it.

Only in this way will the warship experimentally fly at the speed of light.

"I really don't feel anything." Zhang Hongbo couldn't believe it.

They have calculated it before.

In the speed of light spacecraft, it is impossible to feel overweight.

No other discomfort was felt.

This is also the first time they have experienced the feeling of flying at the speed of light.

Nothing different from usual.

"Can we really reach Sirius in two hours?" Jia Weiguo also asked in disbelief.

After hearing this, Yun Tian smiled and said, "My two great scientists, you all calculated this through formulas. Why are you still not confident now?"

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, the faster the speed, the slower time passes.

At this time, the time inside their battleship was absolutely unequal to the time outside.

"Of course we know this, but we haven't seen it with our own eyes, so we can't believe it."

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