Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 94 Twenty Years Later, A Brand New Human Society

All of them need to be involved in this renovation program.

Especially Zhang Hongbo, his leading biotechnology is the most critical.

If you want to transform the new Blue Star, the most important thing is to build a new ecosystem on it.

The establishment of this ecosystem.

It relies on biotechnology.

Artificial intelligence and energy technologies led by Jia Weiguo are also very important.

After the ecosystem is established.

They need to build human towns, which need all kinds of energy.

And the town they built must be very intelligent.

Only in this way can the town function normally.

"The information given by Proton has been very clear, and the technology that everyone is responsible for is also clearly marked. Everyone can follow the plan. "I will put down the robot on the battleship today."

They have a lot of robots on their warships. The hundreds of thousands of robots that built docks and warships near Saturn before are all on the warships.

These robots don't just make docks and warships.

A lot can be done with just a little modification to the program.

"Understood." They answered at the same time.

At this time, Jia Zhengxiang suddenly said, "Brother Yuntian, can I go to work with you?"

Yuntian's work is definitely on the new blue star.

Although Jia Zhengxiang is now barely counted as the top half of the scientists.

But he was a monk halfway through, and he still hoped to be able to engage in a job that had something to do with his work.

"Yes." Yun Tian didn't reject him.

I really need a helper for my job.

"Thank you, Brother Yuntian." Jia Zhengxiang was really in trouble, and Brother Yuntian called.

Everyone went back to do their own thing.

While Yuntian researched the data, he put all the robots into the area they needed to build.

From the map, this area has three lakes, two adjacent mountains, and four major rivers, as well as several small rivers.

These two mountains do not look very high, and the altitude should not exceed one thousand meters.

The cloud sky is calculated according to the standard on the Blue Star.

In fact, on the new blue star, these two mountains can already be regarded as high mountains.

"Get rid of all the blue-purple plants first."

The plants in this area are mainly blue-purple plants.

Of course, if you distinguish carefully, you will find that there is more than one kind of blue-purple plant.

They have actually diverged into several types.

It's just that there is no evolutionary distinction in color, and they are all blue-purple.

This plant does little to their ecosystem.

The robot will clean up all the plants in the 100-kilometer radius. 047

After cleaning up these plants, it's time to build the ecosystem.

They're going to plant the plants they brought from the Blue Star.

Plants are the origin of all life energy, only plants get energy from the sun, and then pass it on to various decomposers.

This food chain can be completely established.

three days later.

Yun Tian and Jia Zhengxiang landed on the new blue star again.

At this time, the new Blue Star was no longer the deserted look when they first came down.

A large number of robots are performing their own tasks.

Such a large area of ​​land must be removed from the town.

The removed plants allow them to rot in the soil, which can be turned into nutrients for the soil.

Now the soil nutrients on the new blue star are not as fertile as on the blue star.

But it doesn't matter, after years of nourishment, the fertility of the soil will increase little by little.

"Brother Yun Tian, ​​according to Proton's plan, our reconstruction plan will take twenty years.

Jia Zhengxiang has already read all the information.

"Yes, it's not that easy to build an ecosystem, especially plants.

Plants are the bottom source of all energy, only plants are established first.

The entire ecosystem can be rejuvenated. "

"Twenty years, the first batch of new human beings we have cultivated have also grown up."

Towns and ecosystems are built simultaneously.

At present, the first building built in the altar is the center.

This parenting center has a professional in vitro breeding system for babies.

Use the genetic cells they brought from Bluestar.

Newborns can be cultivated continuously.

The two came to the front of a lake.

The lake was not as big as they had seen when they first came down.

Kind of like the West Lake on the Blue Star.

Although it is quite large, you can see the side.

A reptile is slowly crawling out of the water.

But when I saw the shore, it was already bare and there was no plant.

The animal looked dazed.

It never thought this would happen.

In other words, in its life, it cannot understand this situation.

It froze there, wondering whether it should continue to climb up or return to the water.

"Our arrival is destructive to the ecology of this planet." Jia Zhengxiang said.

"Yes, we are directly intervening in the development of a smart planet."

For Yun Tian, ​​he had nothing to sigh.

When you enter the universe, you must have the mind of the universe.

Others can strike them in the dark forest for no reason (bcca) in order to survive.

And they invaded a planet, interfered in the development of the planet, and took this planet as their own, what's wrong with it.

Everything is just for the development of civilization.

For the development of civilization, we can do whatever it takes.

Time flies, and three months have passed in the blink of an eye.

Yun Tiandu has become a father.

Now Cheng Xin doesn't have much time to take care of her vineyard and needs to spend time taking care of their children.

Yun Tian named his daughter Yun Duo.

The birth of Little Cloud brought a lot of joy to the battleship.

Several grandma-level, almost every day to visit.

Very happy.

After living on a battleship for so long, I finally see new life.

more fun.

"He Aunt, didn't you listen to Professor Jia, the childcare center on the new Blue Star has been built, and it is time to start nurturing new life. Shenlong Town will be very lively by then."

The town established on the new blue star was named Shenlong Town.

It is also to correspond to the statue of the Dragon Kingdom.

This name was named by Yun Tian, ​​and finally Chen Feng nodded in agreement.

In fact, Chen Feng didn't care what the name of the town was.

"Yeah, then we will all move to Shenlong Town, I watched the video, the environment above is very good, and the renovation has just begun.

He Fengjuan thought about this day for a long time.

Jia Weiguo told him he had to wait.

The town is still under construction, and it will take at least a year to complete it.

Now the town has just been established, with only an energy center and a childcare center.

Of course, roads and other things are being built.

There are many schools and courtyards in the town.

At that time, each of these 100,000 people will be allocated a property.

As for their marriage, it is up to them to choose.

"When the time comes, let's go down together." Cheng Xin also wanted to take a look at the new blue star.

Although the environment here is also very good.

But compared with the new blue star, it is certainly not incomparable.

And she is now a mother.

Of course, I want my children to have a better environment.

"Little Yunduo, come and hug grandma."

He Fengjuan hugged Xiao Yunduo.

At this time, Zhang Hongbo and Jia Weiguo had already worked on New Bluestar.

Zhang Hongbo's task now is to ensure the smooth progress of childcare.

There are all kinds of creatures without error.

"The embryos are developing normally."

Zhang Hongbo checked it again.

At this time, the entire parenting center was filled with fertilized eggs.

These fertilized eggs are all developing.

Soak in a special nutrient solution.

"We will have 100,000 babies in one year." Zhang Hongbo looked at these new lives and was very happy.

The entire childcare center is full of robots working before and after.

What they do is examine the data here.

Wait until a baby is born.

Every baby will have a robot.

At this time, the robot will take the baby to the home assigned to them to raise.

Teach them some basics about being human.

Yuntian stood in the town.

Robots are building everywhere.

A green sprout has grown on the ground.

These are the plants they brought from the Blue Star.

Green plants appear for the first time on the new Blue Star.

These green plants have spread over this hundred kilometers.

And over time.

These plants will continue to spread out.

In addition to plants, they also cultivated many insects.

Most are herbivorous insects, they are another important part of the ecosystem.

In addition to these visible, there are many invisible microorganisms.


Make sure those dead things will be decomposed.

In fact, there are decomposer microbes on the new blue star.

But there are not many species of these microorganisms.

They need more microbes.

At this time, the microorganisms on the new blue star can be guaranteed to be healthy and safe.

As for whether various harmful microorganisms will appear in the future development like on the Blue Star, it should definitely appear.

It's just that these aren't things they're thinking about right now.

Time flies so fast, twenty years have passed in a blink of an eye.

"Master, our Shenlong Town has basically been built, which is completely in line with our plan at the time. The ecosystem has now spread to a range of about 500 kilometers."

On the reborn battleship, Yun Tian reported to Chen Feng.

At this time, Yuntian looked more mature and stable.

Yuntian's actual age is now fifty years old.

It's just that from the outside, he looks like thirty years old.

This naturally benefits from various genetic agents.

Today's Yuntian has a theoretical life span of four hundred years.

This is a new technology that Zhang Hongbo has just researched.

It directly doubles the theoretical lifespan of cells.

Increase their lifespan from two hundred years to four hundred years.

"Okay." Chen Feng simply replied.

"Master, there is a problem now." Yun Tian said hesitantly.

"what is the problem?"

"Before our law in Shenlong Town stipulated that everyone can leave Shenlong Town, but the other land on New Blue Star does not belong to anyone, but now many people have children, and everyone is eager to have more space."

Yuntian spoke out about the problems on the new blue star.


They are literally building up a society.

This society is very complicated.

The human mind is also complicated.

It is not easy to manage society well.

As the mayor of Shenlong Town, Yuntian is also quite a headache to manage.

"Yuntian, didn't I tell you before? You can decide everything on the new blue star.

Chen Feng had told Yun Tian before.

I don't know the situation on the new blue star, and everything above is operated by Yuntian.

He can make up his own mind.

Actually Chen Feng said so.

Mainly because his mind was not on New Blue Star at all.

The reason why he found this planet and transformed it.

It is for human beings to have a habitat and a foothold for the continuation of civilization.

All this is because he is from the Dragon Kingdom.

Other than that, Chen Feng doesn't have any other ideas.

He also doesn't want to rule anyone.

I don't want to change anyone's mind.

All he wanted to do was to keep himself safe forever.

"Then I will allow them to develop the new Blue Star." Yun Tian said.

"Yes." Chen Feng replied casually.

He knew that no matter what he said, the next time Yuntian encountered a problem, he would still have to ask him for instructions.

"Ok. 1"

After speaking, Yun Tian left Chen Feng's place.

He returned to the new Blue Star again.

Back to his own home in Shenlong Town.

"Dad, you're back." Yun Duo is now a twenty-year-old girl.

She is a year older than everyone else on the Blue Star.

In school, all classmates have to call her sister.

"Well, where's your mother?" Yun Tian asked.

"Mom is cooking."

At this time, Yun Tian went to the sofa and sat down.

He was thinking about how to get everyone to develop other parts of the new Blue Star.

Now there are more than 100,000 people on New Blue Star, and many of these 100,000 people have formed families, and many of them have children of their own.

These people are all educated according to the education model of the Dragon Kingdom on the Blue Star.

At the same time, they all know their own situation.

Their ancestral home is the Blue Star Dragon Country of the Solar System. Due to the attack of the dark forest, their homeland was destroyed. They were born and raised by a robot nanny in the childcare center of Shenlong Town in the new Blue Star.

Just when Yun Tian was thinking.

Suddenly, he received a reminder.

The holographic projection was ejected.

Remind him of one thing.

"Yes." Yun Tian suddenly remembered.

You should contact your old friend.

He hurriedly opened the list on the holographic projection and looked for Zhang Heng's avatar.

According to the time, Zhang Heng should already be Su Xing at this time.

He connected to Zhang Heng's video.

On the other side, Zhang Heng was sitting in the captain's cabin, waiting for Yuntian's video.

He was on duty last time and went to hibernate again after it was over.

Twenty years have passed since the last time on duty.

At this time, their Blue Star 6 had been flying in the universe for more than seventy years.

See the cloudy sky.

Zhang Heng picked it up immediately.

Seeing old friends, Yun Tian's eyes were full of kindness.

In his opinion, he and Zhang Heng hadn't seen each other for twenty years.

For Zhang Heng, it was only the month he was on duty.

"Long time no see, General Zhang." Yun Tian said first.

This time Zhang Heng saw that Yuntian's face was a little more mature.

He knew that Yuntian should have no winter for a while.

"Twenty years, you haven't hibernated?" Zhang Heng's eyes were a little worried.

According to calculations, it would take at least three hundred years for their battleship to reach the constellation Sirius.

If Yuntian didn't hibernate, he was really afraid that he would not be able to see this old friend when he went to a place.

"Yes, I haven't hibernated in twenty years."

Yun Tian said this.

A man ran over.

"Dad, who are you videoing with?" Yun Duo ran to the camera.

"This is.... your daughter?" Zhang Heng was surprised.

This big girl looks like she's in her twenties.

"Yes, my daughter Yun Duo, this Yun Duo is the Zhang Heng, General Zhang you learned in your textbook.

Hearing his father's words, Yun Duo immediately became excited.

"You are General Zhang Heng, the security chief of Long Country? Are you still sailing in the universe?" Yun Duo looked at Zhang Heng and said in surprise.

"You know me?" Zhang Heng asked.

"Of course, who doesn't know you in Shenlong Town, where are you now, and how far are you from us?"

When Yun Duo was studying, he learned all about history.

They need to be familiar with the entire history of Blue Star.

Especially the recent history of Hessian strikes.

Everyone knows that there are more than 10,000 people who are wandering in the universe.

Their destination is the constellation Sirius.

Maybe one day, they will meet again.

Yun Duo never thought that his father could have a direct dialogue with historical figures in the universe. .

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