There were more than a hundred scientists in the conference room, including General Zhang Heng.

It’s all the same as everyone on the helicopter.

Can’t figure it out.

I don’t know what the drop says, what it wants to say.

A few minutes later.

Jia Weiguo saw that everyone did not speak.

Only then did he speak: “The answer given by the water drop can be summed up in three contents.

First, the location of Blue Star is exposed, what does he mean by exposure? Does it mean exposed in the universe?

Second, the Dark Forest Strike is coming, what is the Dark Forest Strike, is it aimed at Blue Star?

Third, this sentence will be the last answer that water drops give us. ”

Jia Weiguo analyzed the sentence that the water drop answered.

The hidden doubts were raised.

Everyone looked at each other.

Some of these terms, they are hearing for the first time.

Jia Weiguo studied cosmic electromagnetic wave communication.

His achievements are many.

For example, relay communications on the far side of the moon.

There is also the communication between our Mars exploration and Blue Star.

All of this is his involvement.

Jia Weiguo was the one who knew the most about cosmic communication among all of them.

Even so.

He was still confused when faced with this information.

“What does Drop mean by saying that we are in danger?” Zhang Heng, as the leader of the Security Bureau of the Dragon Kingdom, is sensitive to words that may threaten security.

For example, water droplets answer the exposure inside, as well as blows.

Who will be exposed?

Undercover will be exposed.

But is Bluestar undercover and exposed to whom?

It’s all doubt.

“General Zhang, this sentence of the water drop has no beginning or end, and we can’t explain it.”

More than a hundred scientists on site.

Many of them study cosmology.

The coordinates of the blue star are exposed, does it mean aliens?

The aliens know the coordinates of the blue star and want to strike at the blue star?

The code name of this blow is called the Dark Forest?

That’s all you can think of.

But this is again inconsistent with the behavior of the droplet.

Up to now.

What they know most about alien civilizations is water droplets.

Everything that the water drop expresses is friendly to humans.

“But if the aliens really want to strike at Blue Star, why did the water drop tell us about it?”

Zhang Hongbo walked on the plane, thinking repeatedly.

It’s confusing.

“Could it be so, there are aliens who advocate the use of force against Blue Star, and there are those who advocate peace, and the water drop is peaceful.”

He came to Bluestar in advance, just to tell us about this so that we can be prepared? ”

Zhao Liangchun put forward his own opinion.

He said this idea.

The eyes of the people around him immediately lit up.

Makes sense.

“There is this possibility, everyone has seen that the shape of the water drop conveys a peaceful goodwill.

Combined with what he said.

It should be possible to determine that this is the case. ”

A messenger of goodwill.

Come to Blue Star in advance and tell the humans of Blue Star.

The aliens will deliver a strike codenamed Dark Forest to them.

Very reasonable.

“So, aliens are about to invade Blue Star?” Someone uttered a frightening thought.

This idea has actually risen in everyone’s minds.

It’s just that the people on the scene don’t want to admit it.

“Keep sending messages to Waterdrop and ask him what the Dark Forest Strike is and when it will come!”

Zhang Heng could still sit still at this time.

Message the people on the plane immediately.

Although it is said that the drop has already told them, it will no longer answer.

But this may be at stake for the fate of all mankind.

Care must be exercised.

Even if the water drop is only one in ten thousand likely to answer, it must be caught.

The people on the plane were after receiving General Zhang’s order.

Start organizing your next round of conversations right away.

“Print me a copy of the droplet’s answer.”

Things have developed to this point, Zhang Heng must report upward.

This is probably a big event for all of humanity.

Even if the state trusts him very much.

He must not make arbitrary decisions.

After getting the information, Zhang Heng left.

Before leaving, he gave another order.

“If the droplets don’t answer, the work on the droplets continues.”

This order was passed on to everyone on the plane.

“What does Dark Forest Strike refer to?”

“When will the Dark Forest Strike come?”

The two Morse-coded messages were quickly written.

“Hair, keep posting.”

Zhang Hongbo, they also understand.

The weight of this message sent by the water droplet.

If true.

For Bluestar.

It will be very deadly.

Even the future of mankind will be in danger.

Major live broadcast rooms.

“Haven’t you translated it yet?”

“Hurry up.”

Anxious viewers are waiting for the translated content.

Since the amount of information this time is a bit much.

And the live broadcast room can’t see all the signals very completely.

This resulted in slow translation.

“It’s hard to translate the whole thing, but probably I translated some words, coordinates, dark forest, and water drops that I won’t answer again.”

They translated it already well.

It is equivalent to restoring the content in various dropped frame situations.

The first two sentences have little to do with reality.

It is difficult to recover.

The gods in the live broadcast room can only determine the words ‘coordinates’ and ‘dark forest’.

The latter sentence is easy to understand.

It’s a popular saying.

Half translate and half guess to know what is being said.

“What? What is this reply? ”

“What does the Dark Forest mean?”

“I don’t understand it at all.”

“Why didn’t the drops give an answer?”


The audience in the live broadcast room looked confused.

I don’t know what it means at all, just say two words and it’s over?

“Could it be that the drops want to tell us the coordinates of their world, which is a dark forest?”

This speculation came out in the live broadcast room.

It was immediately approved by the majority.

After all, the question we asked before was, ‘Where are you from?’ ’

The drops must also be answered according to the question.

It’s easy to think of the drop saying a coordinate and describing their situation there.

A dark forest.

There is nothing wrong with it.

“The people on the plane are sending messages to the water drops again, quickly translate what is sent.”

Just when everyone was discussing.

Someone saw light from the plane shooting towards the water droplets.

“What does Dark Forest Strike refer to?”

“When will the Dark Forest Strike come?”

Soon a great god translated the content sent to the droplets.

That’s when everyone realized.

The dark forest mentioned in the droplet answer is not a place at all.

Sounds like a code name.

“Dark Forest Strike? What is that, for Blue Star? ”

Due to the incomplete information they obtained.

The audience was even more confused.

It seems that the scientists on the plane don’t quite understand either.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to ask the droplets.

The sending of the drop message lasted until three o’clock in the afternoon.

In the middle, a dozen of them took turns to send.

It’s been going on for more than five hours.

The drop never gave another answer.

“It looks like the drops really won’t answer.”

Zhang Hongbo looked a little frustrated.

It’s been so long, if the drops were to answer, they should have answered long ago.

“I don’t think we should send messages anymore and should go back to our research on water drops.”

Zhao Chunliang suggested.

The idea was supported by other scientists on board.

“The electron tunneling microscope has long been set up, let’s get started.”


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