Three-Foot Deity

Chapter 582 The Power of the Origin of Life

The third heaven, the second heaven of the true gods.

The three immortal true gods sat high above, and the immortal artifact clones appeared behind them, and the pressure from their might made it difficult for many true gods below to operate normally.

Fast, too fast.

Everything happened too fast, so fast that they didn't react in time, and the expeditionary army that went down had already returned in defeat.

At this moment, except for a dozen ordinary true gods who were still guarding various places, all the Taoist true gods and other true gods had gathered, looking at the Dapeng True God, Xuanming True God, Houtu True God, and Tianhun True God below.

Tianhun True God Hun Wuya did not have the might of the Taoist True God at this moment, but was a little timid. On the one hand, he was seriously injured, and on the other hand, it was the first time he saw such a scene.

Houtu True God quickly explained his experience, and then Xuanming True God and Dapeng True God told everything they had encountered.

"I am guilty of not being able to detect the enemy's conspiracy and trap in time. I didn't expect that the Ten Thousand Worlds Psychic Administration had such a powerful force. The Sky True God actually led four True Gods and dozens of gods to the lower world without knowing when, and some of them were obviously gods from the True God Realm. In addition, they have more than ten True Gods, more than 600 gods, and tens of millions of troops."

"What I didn't expect was that there were traitors like the Six-armed Sword Beast, the Spirit Sword God, and the Golden Bow God, who exposed everything about us and ambushed us. Many True Gods were implicated, hundreds of gods died in battle, and even my son died tragically. It was all my fault."

Although Dapeng True God was asking for forgiveness, it was obvious that he was very unwilling. His words were not an excuse, after all, the information he had obtained before was completely different from the ground.

Other Taoist True Gods and True Gods listened, and their faces were gloomy.

This disastrous defeat was the most tragic one in the past tens of thousands of years. But if we really want to blame Dapeng, everyone has seen his situation. According to Houtu, Tianhun and even Xuanming, if it weren't for Dapeng's rescue, they wouldn't have survived.

As for the fact that more gods were killed and injured, they didn't really take it seriously. If it weren't for the great war tens of thousands of years ago, the Three Heavens were banned by the God King for some rules, and the God Realm would not lack gods.

With so many gods dying in the battle this time, it won't take long for some people in the God Realm to become gods in the right way. If they really push it forward, their descendants will practice with the Taoist tradition, and perhaps hundreds of gods can be replenished in a few years.

It's easy to replenish gods, but it's difficult for true gods.

"Houtu is incompetent, has been fooled by the enemy, and provided wrong information, which has a lot to do with me..." Dapeng said so, and Houtu, who went down first, immediately apologized.

To be honest, the reason for his defeat this time was greater than that of Dapeng.

Thinking back to the past, they were just teasing them, using them as bait to catch big fish.

"Is it still impossible to lock and devour them now?" He ignored the pleas of Hou Tu Zhen Shen and Da Peng Zhen Shen.

Although they suffered heavy losses, they were all top-level Taoist Zhen Shen, top-level combat power, and one of the strongest existences in their respective Immortal Kingdoms. Fu Tu Zhen Shen Envoy looked at Yong Sheng Zhen Shen Envoy.

Yong Sheng Immortal Zhen Shen Envoy shook his head slightly: "It's not like the past. After the three of us join forces to lock the general big world, we can directly open a channel from the three heavens and even use the immortal artifact clone to pull it in and devour it, but that primitive land is obviously related to the rebellion back then. The distance is very far, and it is difficult to lock it and pull it in and devour it without the God King personally controlling the immortal artifact."

Hun Wuya was shocked when he heard it. Although he also knew some of the methods of the former Immortal Kingdom, he was still extremely shocked when he heard the discussion of these three people in person.

But he didn't dare to have other ideas, and continued to listen in a disciplined and miserable manner.

Buddha True God Envoy: "In that case, let's lead the expedition ourselves and wipe them out completely. We can't leave this kind of scourge behind, and we can't continue to add fuel to the fire. We must send out a large army."

"The loss this time is not small. The situation in the Three Heavens is not stable. Send out a large army?" Tianling True God Envoy frowned slightly.

"Humph!" Buddha True God Envoy snorted coldly: "We have been guarding for tens of thousands of years, fighting for tens of thousands of years, and the Chaos and Chaos Area is not closed, and various situations are endless. In the past, it was only the Chaos Ancient Beasts and some big worlds that would cause chaos. Now those abundant and some ancient beasts are obviously controlled. If we don't solve the root cause now, we can only continue to stalemate."

"The primitive land at least has a target. The guys in the Three Heavens are just like the Seven Killing True Gods before. After doing something, they ran to the Chaos and Chaos Area or directly ran into the chaos. Can we do anything to them?"

"We said we control the Three Heavens. The Three Heavens, but for tens of thousands of years, they have been imprisoned by the Three Heavens. Until now, an enemy like the Administration of Psionics of All Worlds has emerged, daring to truly challenge the majesty of the Immortal Kingdom of God. "

"The God King Heaven and his men can't get in. The worst that can happen is that the Divine Spirit Heaven will give up most of the areas, and the True God Heaven will guard the core areas, letting him mess up and see how long he can mess up. After we fight, we will replenish the gods and true gods. "

The True Gods and Taoist True Gods present, except for Hun Wuya, the Heavenly Soul True God, knew nothing. The other True Gods and Taoist True Gods, after hearing what the Buddha True God said, also felt the same.

The God Realm knows that the Three Heavens are high above, and the gods, true gods, and Taoist True Gods are high above them, but they don't know that they have been trapped in it like prisoners for tens of thousands of years.

The fighting and fighting have never stopped.

It was fine before when there were no other situations, but now that the Administration of Psionics of All Worlds has emerged, they feel constrained.

The True God Buddha said something that silenced them all.

"Gather three thousand gods, three hundred guards of the king of gods, thirty true gods, ten true gods of the Taoism, and I will personally lead the team to quell the rebellion. What do you think?" Since the Buddha's true god had already said it, this time he directly said the number of troops to be mobilized.

As soon as this was said, Hun Wuya felt that his breathing was about to stop.

Dapeng True God was like Xuanming True God, showing excitement and hope for revenge.

The general true gods didn't know the situation yet, but the other true gods of the Taoism looked grim.

The Buddha's true god wanted to use all his strength to kill the other party, but this would use too much power.

"It's okay to accomplish the goal in one battle, but this will have too much impact on the Three Heavens..." Tianling True God felt that there would be chaos.

But Yongsheng True God didn't say anything else. They acted decisively and looked at each other.

"Destroy them, and then talk about other things. The Three Heavens were not without chaos in the past, and chaos will be chaos." Yongsheng True God also made a decision.

Tianling True God saw that both of them thought so. In fact, he also meant so. He was just worried about other aspects. But thinking about what Yongsheng True God said, it was true that he had been in chaos before.

"Okay!" Tianling True God also agreed.

"I want to fight. Please give me a chance to redeem myself..." Hearing the decision made by the three True Gods, Dapeng True God asked for a fight again.

"I want to fight..." Tianhun True God Hun Wuya also hurriedly asked for a fight. No matter what, he had to get in. Maybe he could get important information and help the boss.

But at this time, Hun Wuya was unsure. The opponent's force was too strong this time. The team of the Ten Thousand Worlds Psychic Administration, which had just experienced a battle, could not stop such a large army.

It was too fast. Their reaction was too fast. I didn't have time to do anything when I came up.

It must be said that these three True Gods were much more decisive than the kings of the lower world.

The Immortal Kingdom of God, which once had a God King sitting in the throne, had a decision beyond imagination when it really encountered a challenge.

"You are too seriously injured and can't be of much use in the lower world. Stay in the Three Heavens to chat and repent. Although there are various other reasons, the loss is so great that the entire army is almost wiped out. You are also responsible. After the matter is thoroughly dealt with, you will be punished. In addition, the Three Heavens will shrink in an all-round way. You stay here to gather the forces of your respective kingdoms and prepare for defense..."

Hearing that they wanted to go, the True God of Fu Tu had no intention of taking them down.

If the four True Gods of the Taoist Sect had not been injured so badly, they would indeed be top-level combat forces, but now they are not.

Hearing what the True God of Fu Tu said, Hun Wuya didn't dare to say more and was careful. He paid attention to the reactions of the True Gods Dapeng, Houtu, and Xuanming. He found that they didn't dare to refute a word. Only then did he understand that the power of these three in the Three Heavens was so great that no True God dared to question and shake it.

This is completely different from the God Realm. The emperors of the True God-level forces in the God Realm have the power to propose even if the three kings have any decisions.

At this moment, Hun Wuya was thinking about leaving here quickly. He felt that the director had not contacted him at this moment, and he must be afraid of being discovered here. He contacted the director and asked the director to prepare as soon as possible.

Although the opponent was very strong, the force sent down this time was several times theirs, and it was almost ten times stronger than before.

But the director was able to deal with and annihilate the opponent so easily before, and this time he might have a chance to switch to defense, and he must be able to do it.

Unlike Hun Wuya, who was nervous and wanted to leave here immediately, Dapeng True God agreed respectfully.

"Okay, assemble the team, Fengyi True God, Haishen True God, Sandstorm True God, Golden Beast True God, Ice True God, Canglan True God, Tianyao True God, Lin True God, Tianbao True God follow this True God Envoy..." Futu True God Envoy said, and directly named the remaining Taoist True Gods to follow him to the army.

Although I don't know why three gods traitors appeared last time, Futu True God flashed a fierce light in his eyes.

This time he named these Taoist gods, and the first thing he did was to investigate all the gods' armies. Before gathering and setting off, he had to use the core force to check all the other gods' teams.

During the battle, they also had to divide the divisions, so that the God King Guards would become the supervisory force and kill any abnormalities at any time.

In general, if a traitor caused a failure in a force, there would definitely be various suspicions and investigations within. But he didn't do this kind of thing. In their view, the rebellion of several gods had an impact on the occupation, but it was not the key.

If you care too much about this, it would be in the other party's favor.

He personally went to the battle, and would use the immortal artifact clone and the Taoist gods to control the gods' armies, not giving them any chance to notify the other party.

Even the four Taoist gods who came back, he had secretly notified the Eternal God Envoy and the Heavenly Spirit God Envoy, and they would temporarily keep them in the Immortal Kingdom of God in the name of healing.

As soon as they reached a consensus, they had already begun to mobilize the God King Guards. All core supervision tasks will be completed by the God King Guards.

They have been fighting in the heavens for so long, and they have encountered everything. Although the situation this time is very strange and special, they will never let the other party lead them by the nose. They must crush all enemies with the force of thunder and lightning.

"Boom boom..."

Just as the Buddha True God Envoy began to mobilize troops and make various arrangements in secret, suddenly the entire three heavens were in turmoil, especially the second heaven of the True God Heaven.

"What's going on?"

"What happened?"


This situation is extremely rare. The true gods even feel the turbulence in their own divine domains. This shows that the rules of the three heavens are impacted and shaken, and this is not disappearance.


The three immortal true gods have urged the power of the immortal artifact clones.

"There is a problem in the chaotic area near the border between the True God Alliance and us. The rules are shaking and shattering..."

"Get out, you are looking for death..."

Suddenly, all the true gods who were sensing heard the vast thunder.

Even though the distance was very far, the sound of thunder could be heard clearly by all the existences in the second heaven of the True God, whether they were the true gods who were exploring or some gods in the True God's mansion.

This method has exceeded the boundaries of the True God.

Thunder God King!

In an instant, all the gods and true gods thought of the Thunder God King who had just illuminated the heavens.

"Let's go!"

The Eternal God activated the Gate of Eternal Life. Before, the Great Peng True God and his companions needed special means and needed to invoke the power of the immortal artifact clones of the God Realm to do it, but the Eternal God could do it easily.

A Gate of Eternal Life appeared directly, and the three True God Envoys entered it one after another, and many Taoist True Gods and True Gods followed one after another.

The Great Peng True God and his companions hesitated for a moment, but also insisted on following.

"Let's follow too. When necessary, we can invoke the power of the Taoist True God and integrate it into the power of the three immortal artifacts to fight against this Thunder God King together." The Thick Earth True God saw that the Heavenly Soul True God was a little hesitant and puzzled, and immediately sent a voice message to him.

"I see, thank you for your advice, Brother Thick Earth. I just came up and don't know anything..." Hun Wuya followed behind the Thick Earth True God and thanked him hurriedly.

There are several particularly huge chaotic and chaotic areas around the second heaven of the Three Heavens, which are actually the junctions where chaos erodes the Three Heavens.

Most areas are suppressed by the rules of the Three Heavens, and the power of the chaotic and chaotic areas is difficult to penetrate.

The largest damaged areas were built by true gods, and guarded by true gods leading the gods.

If a large world or a powerful chaotic creature enters the chaos, they will enter to kill, or defend first and kill slowly.

Between the guarded areas of the Immortal Kingdom of Buddha and the True God Alliance, the original rule power was intact, and even the chaotic creatures at the level of true gods could not break in and enter, and could only enter from other areas with cracks and damage.

But at this moment, there are tens of millions of miles of damage here, filled with terrifying killing intent, countless sword intents contained in it, and there is also thunder power covering tens of millions of miles.

This thunder power is constantly fighting with this killing intent and sword intent, and these forces have been spreading into the chaos.

At this moment, there is a dead silence here, and no creature in the chaos dares to enter from here.

Because most of the power is erupting in the chaos.

On the periphery of this area, the Gate of Eternal Life opens, and the three true gods appear here with nearly a hundred true gods.

"What's going on? Who is the True God Lei fighting with?"

"Could it be that there is another existence like the True God Lei..."

"Could it be the Half-Step God King that appeared before... the True God Titan or the Flame Star..."


The battlefield here is too horrifying, far exceeding the destruction caused by ordinary True Gods. Even if dozens of True Gods fight and destroy a larger area, it is not possible for True Gods to directly break through the complete area of ​​the rules of the second layer of the Three Heavens.

Many Taoist True Gods immediately thought of some possibilities, which was also the culprit that caused the current situation of the Three Heavens after the war tens of thousands of years ago.

The God King is in seclusion, and although there are countless crises in the Three Heavens of the Spiritual Heaven, the most difficult one is the Zerg crisis.

However, the True God Heaven of the Second Heaven has always had a big crisis, which is also the most important reason why most of their energy is involved in it and they have no time to care about other things.

A True God of the Titan Protoss, who once caused a big stir in the God Realm, entered the Chaos that year, and actually made a breakthrough from the Chaos and reached a similar realm to the True God Lei that year.

Some people privately called him a half-step God King, but this title was later banned.

This was naturally banned by the three immortal kingdoms. The God King is supreme, so there is no such thing as a half-step God King. At most, he is a true god who breaks the limit.

That Titan True God blasted through some regional rule barriers from the chaos, killed several true gods, and created a lot of chaos. Later, he was severely damaged by the three true gods.

Later, this guy would appear every few thousand years. After being injured, he would enter the chaos, and when he recovered, he would look for opportunities to attack.

Because the God King did not come out, it was difficult to kill such an existence.

There is also a special existence called Flame Star. This star is very huge and was once a huge main world. Tens of thousands of years before the war, the God King's immortal artifact projected power into the Fire Spirit World, and the Three Heavens Army rushed in and slaughtered the Fire Spirit Clan.

Originally, they were going to refine them together, but they didn't expect that the clan had a big move and integrated all the clansmen into the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. Not only did he allow the Star Heavenly Dao to awaken, he also completely controlled the star.

In the end, the core of the star escaped and left. Tens of thousands of years later, the star turned into a flaming star, which was also extremely powerful, surpassing the limits of ordinary true gods.

But when he appeared, the three immortal gods had just experienced the war tens of thousands of years ago. The gods were in seclusion, and loopholes appeared in the three heavens.

This flaming star attacked several times and caused many disasters.

The threat he poses even exceeds that of the Titan True God, because the Titan True God still has other purposes. Perhaps it is to delay the exploration of the God Realm and the Third Heaven, but the Flame Star is a creature born from the sacrifice of the Fire Spirit Clan.

His hatred for the Third Heaven and the God Realm is his ultimate goal, but he is also very intelligent. Over the past tens of thousands of years, the three immortal kingdoms have tried to trap him and kill him many times, but they have never been able to do so.

It is precisely because of their existence that the triple genius has been unable to stop.

When something like this happens here, most true gods immediately think of these two guys.

"'s not..." Unlike them, True God Xuanming's voice trembled: "Seven Kills True God, this is...this is the murderous intention of Seven Kills True God..."

Others may not understand it yet, after all, the Seven Kills True God Wan Laoye has not had much contact with them, and he has never left any survivors alive in his previous attacks.

Because he had a purpose at that time, Luo Hai specifically asked Mr. Wan to kill True God Xuanming. True God Xuanming was almost killed at that time.

That's when they deliberately set up a trap to lure people into action.

"The Seven Kills God is facing off against the Thunder God?"

"I just shouted to get out. Could it be that God Thunder is chasing the Seven Kills God..."


When some True Gods heard that it was the Seven Kills True God, their eyes suddenly lit up. They still did not agree from the bottom of their hearts that True God Thunder was already the King of Thunder Gods, but they were very much looking forward to them killing him.

The three true envoys have also seen it, but at this moment they are using the power of the clones of the immortal artifact to investigate and want to know more.

The barrier of rules here has just been broken, and the intertwining of internal forces is too terrifying.


At this moment, a heat wave suddenly came from the chaos, not only rushing into this side, but even rushing into the defense and guarding area of ​​​​the Immortal Kingdom.

The expressions of the two Taoist True Gods changed greatly, and they looked at the True God Envoy at the same time.

"Revelation to the true divine envoy..."

They wanted to report, but the three true divine envoys were right here. The eternal true divine envoy raised his hands behind him and did not let them report.

Naturally, they could sense that they were some means specially arranged after tens of thousands of years of fighting with the Flame Star. Once those things were touched, it meant that the Flame Star was approaching.

Generally, true gods can only rely on true gods and gods to add true artifacts and defend with the help of gods. At this time, true gods are needed to lead their men to support.


At this moment, a huge force shook and impacted. The huge force passed through the chaos at an unknown distance. After impacting here, it still gave the True God a huge sense of oppression.

"This is the True God of Titan..."

It would be said that most of the killing intent of the Seven Killing True Gods had not been touched before, but the Titan True God and Flame Star and He Amen had been fighting for tens of thousands of years, and they were all too familiar with each other. Even though it was just the aftermath of the impact at this moment, they could all recognize it.

At this time, they were all a little confused. Why did these two guys show up? No, if you add the True God of Thunder and the Seven Kills True God, these four biggest thorns that have lasted for 100,000 years, why did the guys who respected them not have the God King show up? .

"Order all border true god-level capitals to enter the highest level of alert." At this time, the true god envoy of Pagoda gave the order directly.

The Eternal True God Envoy looked back and said: "The Taoist True God will stay, and the other True Gods will return to the True God's capital to cooperate with the gods' defense."


Although those true gods also want to know what is going on, they know very well that when it comes to this level, they can easily be affected if they stay here accidentally. To put it bluntly, they are not even qualified to watch the fun.

Only with the help of the True God City, and the cooperation of the great array of gods and true artifacts, could they have the ability to save their lives and resist.

The True God of Taoism is different. The True God of Taoism can help the True God to activate the power of the immortal artifact at critical moments.

"Brother Houtu, we...we won't go down to the realm anymore...didn't we say we were going to kill those guys from the Ten Thousand Realms Psyker Administration Bureau?" At this time, Hun Wuya looked confused and carefully sent a message to True God Houtu. ask.

"You still don't understand that the Flame Star and the True God Titan are the biggest scourge of the third heaven. Now there are seven true gods of the All Worlds Psyker Administration, and the guy who has just become the God King is also involved. They just The war has destroyed the rules of the third heaven. If we suppress the rules at this time, the surrounding barriers will weaken. "

"That would be enough in normal times. At times like this, it is likely to cause chain problems, and even large-scale rule barriers may collapse. If the three true envoys are not here at this time, there is no way to suppress these terrifying guys."

"Why do you think that the Third Heaven has been unable to conquer these tens of thousands of years and has not cared about other things? Ordinary ancient chaotic beasts in chaotic areas or some true gods, gods and strange creatures in the big world, any Taoist true god can build a true god city It can be maintained.”

"Although the True God Alliance member is powerful, he has some scruples. He wants to protect the twelve True God Alliance families. But Flame Star and Titan True God are different. They hate us as deeply as the sea, and they want to kill and retaliate."

"The current chaotic situation in the Third Heaven has a lot to do with them. In the past, we wanted to have a quick victory, so we sent troops quickly without asking anything, but it is different now."

"Absorb the power quickly. There are three true gods here to suppress and filter the power in the chaos. It is also good for the rule barrier here to be broken. It can help us quickly recover our power. This is a rare opportunity. Don't look at these guys who are waiting and watching. In fact, They are also washing their hands. This opportunity is rare, so don’t miss it. If you don’t understand anything in the third heaven, just ask.”

A friend in need is a friend indeed, and True God Houtu took True God Tianhun with him to escape life and death.

True God Tianhun's upper limit is very high, and he may quickly surpass himself in the future, so True God Houtu's attitude towards him is really good.

All questions will be answered, and Hun Wuya will be able to explain his doubts seriously.

Hun Wuya immediately nodded gratefully to True God Houtu and then practiced quickly.

As he practiced, the heavenly soul behind him moved rapidly. Just like a dry lake, it can suddenly absorb water. His divine realm is actually the direct inheritance of the True God of Heavenly Soul. Although with the secret help of Li Zhi, he quickly approached the top level by forcibly absorbing the foundation of the divine realm. True God.

However, high-level strength is lacking, and the body has not completely transformed, but the foundation has been laid firmly.

The power here at this moment allows Hun Wuya's strength to grow rapidly, his body to recover quickly, and Tianhun to repair and strengthen.


At this moment, even the three true envoys who had been staring at the broken rule barrier area couldn't help but pay attention to Hun Wuya.

They didn't think much about it, because in the detailed report before, Hun Wuya said that he had inherited the inheritance left by the previous generation of True God Tianhun in the Tianhun Divine Dynasty, and he had absorbed all the information.

At this moment, they were also very happy to see Hun Wuya growing so fast. After all, Tianhun True God was a very powerful True God and was of great help to them.

In this way, the three true envoys continued to wait.

They seemed to be familiar with the kind of battles that existed in Chaos. Once they fought in Chaos, the time would probably be calculated in years, and they were afraid that those guys would really break into Chaos.

But they couldn't leave easily. Originally, if the rule barrier here was damaged, setting up a True God City to guard it would be able to temporarily stabilize it, but this place is very close to the True God Alliance.

In the past, there was no need to think about it, but not now.

Internally, he did not identify with the Thunder God King, but the other party was, after all, another being who reflected the heavens besides the three great god kings.

After waiting for three full days, most of Hun Wuya's injuries had recovered in these three days. This was the reason why he deliberately pretended to leave some of them behind to recover.

"Bang bang bang..."

Suddenly, huge power fluctuations in the chaos continued to impact, but this time in addition to the fire element impact of the flame stars, the terrifying power of the Titan True God, there were also other weaker powers mixed in.

Just when they were shocked and wanted to distinguish these powers, they suddenly saw many huge beings hitting them under the regular barriers in different areas.

Their power is terrifying to the extreme, but not to the point of directly destroying the barrier of rules.

But it also allowed them to be trapped deep in the barrier, allowing the three true divine envoys and Taoist True Gods waiting to investigate to see some of the situation.

"Shilihuo Taurus, that is the True God of the Nine Mountains..."

"The black flame that seeped into it is the World-Destroying Black Dragon..."

"Is the giant deadwood Dharma's true form the deadwood Taoist..."

"Over there, there are a few ancient beasts, some of the most difficult top ancient beasts in the chaos..."


Seeing this powerful being being knocked away and hit here, they have already identified some of them. They are all the original true gods listed in the third heaven, and they are all extremely powerful.

Before, they wanted to kill Lihuo Jinniu, but in the end, Xuanming True God and the others met the Seven Kills True God.

At this moment, the three true gods made all the Taoist true gods look solemn. The situation here was far beyond their imagination. They were now curious about what happened.

This is a situation that has never happened before. Not only the existences such as the Thunder God King, the Seven Kills True God, the Flame Star, and the Titan True God are fighting, but also the ancient beasts of chaos and the Third Heaven who have been surrounding the Third Heaven and often want to come in to gain benefits. The original gods are fighting like crazy.

At this moment, they became theatergoers, and the more they watched, the more confused they became.

"Something's wrong. It should be other than the heavy treasure. Should we go in and investigate?" The True God Envoy of Eternal Life looked at the True God Envoy of Buddha and the True God of Tianling and asked.

If it were a normal battle, that would be enough. Now their battle has caused constant problems in the entire third-level barrier area where the rules are still intact.

"Something is wrong now. Let's take a look. No matter how good the treasure is, we can't move it. We have to guard the third heaven. Now that this situation occurs, the Seven Kills True God is also among them. It is very likely that he is with those from the Ten Thousand Realms Psyker Administration Bureau. This guy is related..." The True Divine Envoy Tianling said and looked up.

There is also a firmament above, but penetrating this firmament is the third level of heaven, the King of Heaven.

Although the God King Heaven and the True Gods cannot enter, if someone destroys the God King Heaven and the True God Heaven, there will also be problems in the God King Heaven.

Forget about them, although they all seemed to be observing intently at the moment, they were actually communicating secretly in private.

"Something happened, something happened, did you see it? It's a big deal now. It's very possible that something happened to a heavy treasure, which can make King Thunder God so angry. I don't know what kind of heavy treasure it is. You know, no matter what this King Thunder God says, it will reflect All the gods, the Seven Kills True God, Flame Star, and Titan True God are also similar to him before. It’s a pity that you haven’t reached the original Heavenly Soul True God level now that we are injured, otherwise we wouldn’t have a chance to take a look..." The True God of Houtu felt very sorry.

Although he is a top true god, he still has huge room for improvement, and he also wants to reach the level of Flame Star and Titan True God.

Because I had been communicating with Hun Wuya just now, I couldn't help but talk to him now.

"They are really strong..." Hun Wuya didn't know what to say, but he vaguely felt that this matter might be related to Director Li and the others. There is no such coincidence in the world.

"Of course, Lihuo Jinniu, Mieshi Black Dragon, Jiuyue True God, and Kumu Taoist are all top True Gods. They are all guys who have reached the limit of True Gods and have trump cards. The Flame Star and Titan True God and Qisha True God have also seen new paths, which are not much different from the original Thunder True God..." Thick Earth True God sighed.


At this moment, another flame and a huge fist hit the rule barrier thousands of miles away.

"Suppress, defend, protect the barrier..."

The rule barrier here was destroyed just now, because the three True Gods and many Taoist True Gods were not there. Now they are here, so they naturally can't let the rule barrier over there be destroyed easily.

Instantly, with the help of the three immortal artifacts, all the Taoist True Gods urged their power to bless.

Even Hun Wuya, Thick Earth True God, and Dapeng True God, who had just recovered a little, were desperately urging their power and blessing their power.

The rule barrier was hit, and they also used the power integrated into the rule barrier defense to feel a chaotic channel that was blasted through thousands of miles. A long time ago, Li Zhi entered the chaos for the first time and knew that the chaos could not be torn and penetrated.

At that time, it was indeed so, even the gods could not do it.

But at this moment, there were also channels blasted out in the chaos. Power, things that gods and true gods could not do, under the bombardment of the top or beyond the level of true gods, a channel also appeared.

On the other side of the channel, they saw a terrifying scene.

Four powerful beings fought each other. Most of the time, more than two beings besieged the Thunder God King, and even three would block the Thunder God King together. The Thunder God King was the most powerful, but he would still be blocked by the three together.

Lihuo Jinniu, the World-Destroying Black Dragon, the Dead Wood Taoist, and seven or eight ancient chaotic beasts of the same level rushed into the battle circle regardless of everything. Even if they would be blown away again and again, or even blown to pieces, they would use secret methods to rush over.

With each impact, their shattered bodies and even damaged divine domains were repaired quickly.

Before, because of the distance and the chaos barrier, they only felt the aftermath of the fighting power. At this moment, through the terrifying attack of the God King level, a channel of billions of miles was blasted out.

Finally, some power escaped, and it was not completely absorbed and blocked, and it escaped directly to this side through this channel.

"Ah, comfortable, the damaged area of ​​my spiritual sea has recovered, and my divine domain is about to recover..." At this moment, just the escaped power, after being absorbed by Lihuo Jinniu, Kumu Taoist, Destroying Black Dragon and many ancient chaotic beasts, just a little bit was absorbed by Dapeng True God, and he exclaimed.

Not only him, because they felt the benefits of this power, the three true gods did take care of them, and guided them to more through the power of the immortal artifact clone.

As a result, the last injured Dapeng True God and Xuanming True God will recover their power in the blink of an eye.

"What kind of power is this, my injury has recovered..." Houtu True God exclaimed even more.


Hun Wuya, who had already recovered, was essentially improved after absorbing this power. He inherited the complete Taoist lineage of Tianhun True God, and integrated the foundation of Tianhun Divine Dynasty. With the help and guidance of Li Zhi, he directly stepped into the top level with the help of this pure power that surpassed his own.

It was too fast. At this moment, even the True Gods were shocked.

"My power has improved..."

"My improvement speed is also very fast. This power is too pure. The scattered power just now is comparable to refining two big worlds..."

"No, the original power of refining the big world cannot be compared with this. The level is higher..."


At this moment, the other Taoist True Gods also improved and progressed.

It's just that they are not as obvious as the injured four Taoist True Gods, but it is incredible that they can all improve.

Compared with them, although the power of the three True Gods did not improve, after all, the number was too small, but their shock was far greater than theirs.

Because the Taoist True Gods did not understand what kind of power this was, but they did.

"The power of origin, it is so amazing, could it be... the complete power of origin?" The voice of Tianling True God trembled a little.


At this moment, the battle is still going on, and the impact of the battle in the chaos billions of miles away caused the passage to collapse.

But the impact caused the entire three-layer heaven to continue to shake.

"The power of origin?"

Hearing Tianling True God say this, everyone was very curious, they didn't know this.

"My lord, what is the power of origin? This is too terrifying, I... I actually broke through..." Hun Wuya is a younger generation among them.

Of course, as he quickly reached the top level of True God, his future is bright, and other Taoist True Gods will not regard him as a junior.

Seeing him break through at this moment, he showed a kind look, and everyone could see that he would not have any obstacles before reaching the level of the original Tianhun True God.

In other words, if he washes a little of this power of origin now, he should be able to reach that level soon.

Compared with him, even if other Taoist True Gods can improve, it will not be so easy.

Hun Wuya is walking on a clear and well-developed path, while they have to start anew. It is normal for them to not make progress for thousands of years, and it is incredible that they can feel the progress now.

They can now especially understand Hun Wuya's thoughts and feelings. At this moment, they look at the three true gods with burning eyes. They also want to know and get it.

The Eternal God Envoy and the Buddha True God Envoy looked at each other and could not wait any longer.

"Let's go!"

The Eternal God Envoy first activated the Gate of Eternal Life. As long as they were not too far away from the Three Heavens in the chaos, they could still use the Gate of Eternal Life to teleport. This is the terrifying power of the God King and the Immortal Artifact.

"Small worlds, big worlds, and even our own divine realms and kingdoms, only need the power and energy of the origin of life to maintain operation. But the main world like the divine realm must have the power of origin at the beginning of its birth."

"The power of origin can also be called the power of the origin of life. The more powerful and complete the power of the origin of life, the more powerful the main world born will be. After birth, the power of the origin of life will dissipate."

"Even if the world is destroyed and refined in the future, this kind of power of the origin of life cannot be obtained."

The three true gods quickly made a decision to fight for it. While transmitting here, the Tianling True God Envoy has quickly popularized what the power of the origin of life is to the true gods of the Taoist sects.

The Tianling True God Envoy only gave a simple introduction, which was enough for everyone to understand everything.

At the same time as understanding, they were all extremely shocked.

The power of the origin of life, in fact, the true gods have already begun to contact, and they also know that there is the origin of life.

In fact, their own divine realm is constructed to form a complete divine realm and kingdom. If they want life to be born inside, they need the power of the origin of life. But it is obvious that this life origin power is more powerful than the original power, and can give birth to the main worlds such as the God Realm and the Primordial Land. Such a main world is completely different from the true God's domain and kingdom.

From this, we can see what the life origin power represents.

Although the door to immortality can be opened, there is no way to get close to it directly. Even so, when the three true gods appeared with their Taoist true gods, they were also shaken by the various forces that came over.

Each one had to activate the true artifact to resist this force. As they approached quickly, they had to rely on the three true gods to activate the power of the immortal artifact clone to resist.

When they reached a certain area, they could find that the Thunder God King formed a lightning net. There was a small but full of infinite vitality in the lightning net.

It looked like a newly formed embryo, but when it was vibrated and beat, it looked like a heart.

Every time it changed, the forms sensed by different beings were slightly different, but they were all in the most primitive state.

And inside the lightning net, there was a figure holding a long knife.

The sword intent formed another network, constantly trying to seal the seemingly small, but in fact, huge life origin power with every rhythm.

The Seven Killings True God led the life origin power, wandering in the thunder net, constantly bombarding and penetrating the thunder net.

The Thunder God King wanted to catch the Seven Killings True God, but was blocked by a huge flaming star and the Titan True God who was ten thousand feet tall. They also tried to use means from time to time to snatch the life origin from the Seven Killings True God.

But the three parties reached a tacit understanding that the Thunder God King must not get it.

At this moment, it seems to be under the control of the Seven Killings True God, but in the fierce attack of the Thunder God King, the Seven Killings True God has to hand over the control of the life origin from time to time. The thing that looks like an embryo and a heart is constantly moved under a ball of flames or covered by a huge palm print.

But they can't take it away, because the Thunder God King is too powerful.

As for the outer Lihuo Jinniu, the World-Destroying Black Dragon, the Dead Wood Taoist and other Chaos Ancient Beasts, they just tried to attack and split off some of the origin of life when they were fighting fiercely.

The Thunder God King, the Seven Killing True Gods, the Flame Star, and the Titan True God wanted to take everything away. They really attacked the origin of life, but just wanted to cut off a part of it, or wanted to blow it up and split it a little bit.

At this time, the powerful existence that controls the origin of life must guard against their sudden attack. After all, they are also very strong, and even with tacit cooperation, they can threaten these half-step God King-level existences.

In this way, this situation has formed on their side.

Occasionally, when the power bombards this origin of life, he will also have some reactions, like a frightened child, trying to escape.

Looking at the power of the vibration, it is obvious that he is not at the level of a half-step God King and cannot be controlled at all.

"Get out of the way, there is no place for you here, King Thunder, you are not a good king, it seems that you can't suppress us, why don't we join hands to clean up these scum first. If we don't kill them, the origin of life will really escape completely, and no one will get it. Kill them and let's see who can get it."

At this moment, the Seven Killings True God couldn't resist the attack of the King Thunder, and the origin of life entered the palm veins of the Titan True God while dodging.

Just as it entered his palm veins, it was attacked by the Chaos Ancient Beast, Dead Trees and People.

This made the Titan True God very unhappy. While bombarding the lightning net with his body and resisting the endless thunder, he also negotiated with the King Thunder.


The King Thunder didn't talk to him, but he was very unhappy.

After all, it was a bit embarrassing to be called the King of Gods and not be able to quickly take down these three guys. But they fought all the way and attracted so many guys.

"Hehe, hehe... Sirs, let's just ask for a little bit, give us a little bit, and we will retreat immediately. You take the big-headed ones, and we take the small-headed ones. I haven't returned to the third heaven in more than 20,000 years, and I just came back. When it comes to this kind of thing, with so many of us practicing, it’s actually very troublesome for a few of us..."

The other ancient chaos beasts didn't communicate much at all, they just wanted to find opportunities to get some benefits. If it weren't for such a good thing as the origin of life, or because they were restraining each other, they wouldn't dare to take risks.

At this moment, Taoist Kumu gave a bad laugh.

"Those who have seen it have their share. You take the big-headed one by force, but we want the small-headed one. Don't worry, after giving it to us, I won't come back here for thirty thousand years. How about, boom..."

While the True God of September was speaking, the mountains that looked like stars were appearing continuously as he raised his hands, suppressing the True God of Titan.

A black fire dragon spurted out, but the power was directly absorbed by the flame star.

The terrifying World-Destroying Black Dragon was once a subordinate of the three immortal divine kings, and had the opportunity to establish his own orthodoxy. However, he later fell out with the True God Shenlong and the True God Dragon because of some things, and almost swallowed them all.

Then he escaped from the Third Heaven and traveled outside the Third Heaven or in the chaos, occasionally returning to the Third Heaven.

This place is really chaotic now. Compared with this place, it suddenly feels like what happened before is not a big deal.

At this moment, they were gradually approaching from a distance, but Hun Wuya discovered that they were not noticed by all the forces at this moment. An ancient chaotic beast was just blown away by the Titan True God and passed by them without noticing them.

They are in the Heart of Heavenly Spirit at the moment, and they don’t know what means the Heart of Heavenly Spirit used to hide them so well.

Hun Wuya was like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, looking ahead in shock, and consulting with True God Houtu from time to time.

Only after the True God Houtu explained it to him did he understand.

The immortal artifact clones controlled by the three true gods have more characteristics of the immortal artifact. This is just one of the abilities of the Heart of Heaven.

"Be careful, don't come any closer. The Thundergod King has agreed to the other party's request." At this moment, the God of Pagoda reminded him.

The scene everyone sees at this time is not a separate exploration, but a picture revealed with the help of the Gate of Eternal Life. Although it is not clear, you can also see and hear the situation.

But they didn't find anything wrong. Of course, some Taoist true gods with rich combat experience also discovered that the Thunder God King strengthened the thunder net covering the surroundings. The thunder net expanded to imitate the Seven Kills True God, Flame Star, and Titan True God to escape, controlling life at this moment. The attacks of the True Titan of Origin are weakened.

With such a subtle move, others had not realized the situation had changed, but the true envoy of Buddha had already realized it.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

At this moment, the Seven Kills True God, who was still resisting the Thunder God King's attack and pursuit with all his strength, suddenly broke away from the Thunder God King's thunderous pursuit, and suddenly appeared in front of an ancient chaotic beast that was charging towards him.

Three consecutive slashes are fatal.

Three swords later, the body of the ancient chaos beast had been separated, and the divine realm was shattered.

"Stronger than before. He must have absorbed power. He is much stronger than before..." Seeing these three swords, Xuanming True God, who had fought against the Seven Kills True God and was almost killed by the Seven Kills True God, was subconsciously shocked. Exhale.

In fact, the True Eternal God Envoy who previously controlled the Gate of Eternal Life also had a solemn look on his face, and he felt it too.


At this moment, those powerful beings who were still attacking the thunder net, looking for opportunities to attack the origin of life, fled frantically.

The reason why they were able to continuously attack the origin of life before, and even join forces to threaten the Seven Kills True God, Flame Star, and Titan True God, was not because of how strong they were, but because they joined forces to protect the origin of life and fight against the Thunder God King.

Now the Thundergod King listened to the advice and suddenly slowed down the offensive, and the Seven Kills True God took decisive action.

The ancient chaotic beast and the Shattered God Realm that he killed disappeared directly, and then the Seven Kills True God appeared on the other side, chasing a sky-reaching vine.

Seeing this scene, the three true divine envoys all controlled the power of the clones of the immortal artifact. They were cautious and retreated slowly, to a position where they could be observed without being easily discovered.

It is rare that they have become oriole now, so they must maintain this advantage. If they rush to fight for it now, they will only become the target of public criticism.

In particular, they have hatred against Flame Star, Titan True God, and Seven Kills True God. Many of those original true gods are also hostile to them, and they will be in danger when the time comes.

Be patient and wait!

In the God Realm, the new King of Buddha, the Son of Eternal God, and the Son of Heavenly Spirit had also been looking forward to it in the first few days.

They don't even dare to communicate with their superiors now. In the past, they said they were communicating with the upper world, but in fact they were just communicating with the people on duty. Now they have to face the three immortal true envoys, and they really don't want to face it.

In the third level of heaven, there has been no news since True God Houtu and True God Dapeng led their team back.

The key is, I didn’t say anything to them.

This made them all extremely disappointed and they could only stabilize the situation in the God Realm.

But the God Realm is really no longer the God Realm of the past. When the Taoist True Gods fall one after another, they are still the Taoist True Gods of the three Immortal Divine Kingdoms. There is no definite explanation from the Indestructible Divine Kingdom, and the situation becomes increasingly confusing. .

Several existences like the Firmament Kingdom have appeared. Although they are not as powerful as the Firmament Kingdom, they are at least god-level forces that have been destroyed.

Other hidden lone monsters also emerged one after another, and a group of people who entered the primitive land and became the top demigods, although they had not achieved the status of gods, returned. The God Realm became more and more chaotic.

Those who entered the primitive land and achieved the status of gods and demigods, gods had no choice but to join them, but demigods could choose.

In addition, with the True God Alliance and the Administration of Psychics of All Worlds pushing behind the scenes, the God Realm has already developed uncontrollably.

Without relying on gods, the Sky Kingdom has already fought its way out of Yumengze. Millions of troops of the three immortal kingdoms were defeated, and half of the territory of the Golden Beast Dynasty was occupied.

The True God Alliance also did not take action from time to time. When the other side repeatedly withdrew their border troops, some disputed areas and some places that had been wronged began to be found.

Of course, they gave people the feeling that they were taking advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of the situation.

In the primitive land, Li Zhi led the large army and got another precious opportunity to digest the fruits of victory.

In more than ten days, the number of gods who became gods and proved the way increased by more than 50, making up for most of the losses this time. The key is that the original gods have been promoted, and even the weakest gods who originally lived in the God Realm and the Kingdom of God have become stronger here.

In the past ten days, there are more true gods.

The four grass and wood gods could only reach the true god combat power by cooperating with the great elder. This time, there are two wood true gods who have a complete God Realm for them to share. In addition, with many battles of this level, they finally became true gods under the promotion of the great elder.

In addition, when the Huo Dou God and the Huo Zhu God were about to succeed, Li Zhi helped them refine the sea of ​​fire they had fought for tens of thousands of years. After sharing the sea of ​​fire together, they finally became true gods.

Among the original gods, only the Suzaku God and the Divine Fire Horse have not yet become true gods, but they are not far behind.

Li Zhi found that there were many original gods with fire power in the original land. Now he can feel that these seem to be related to the Divine Fire Lord, so he simply let them enter the Divine Fire Academy to feel it.

"Boom boom..."

The Qin Empire's True God God Capital broke through the void, causing a huge noise, and it has also landed in the battlefield area. Following it, the war fortress of the True God God Capital of the Shenyong Empire, which was refined by the True God Gui and Zheng Yong, has also flown in.

Then, more than 30 god-level war fortresses that had not been refined before flew in.

When everyone gathered in the Qin Empire War Fortress again, Lei Zhenzhen looked at these war fortresses curiously.

She had also witnessed the power and effect of the 108 god-level war fortresses before, and the effect was amazing. Now, the Qin Empire and the Shenyong Empire have been refined into war fortresses, plus the other god-level war fortresses. This is obviously a bigger deal in the later stage.

"It seems that the god-level capitals built by the three immortal kingdoms and the ones you built yourself should have been used. How many more do you need?" In the hall, Lei Zhenzhen no longer concealed and looked at Li Zhi to ask.

At this moment, Li Zhi had just returned from refining the Qin Empire True God Capital, and all the true gods had been recalled.

"The core of Yin and Yang, 365 Zhoutian Star Banners are the base of the formation. Now we need to use 365 war fortresses instead to form the Zhoutian Star Array."

"If we want to be completely perfect, we need 14,800 small Zhoutian Star Banners, corresponding to 14,800 secondary stars. This is also being refined, probably at the level of a big city, and can also be replaced by artifacts."

"In addition, with the power of hundreds of millions of gods and demons, one god and demon represents one star, only then can we form the extremely powerful Zhoutian Star Array. The so-called power of gods and demons is to cooperate with the operation of the formation. This is the power of hundreds of millions of practitioners. Now there are tens of millions of elite troops, and there are more than 100 million demons above the four realms. Keep working hard, and then there should be hundreds of millions of troops, and we can really bring this formation to its extreme."

Li Zhi did not hide it and directly stated the purpose of the Zhoutian Star Array and him.

In fact, before Lei Zhenzhen asked this question, even Wan Qingfeng, Gui Zhenshen, and Cangqiong Zhenshen did not know that Li Zhi continued to refine war fortresses after 108 war fortresses, and what the true god-level war fortresses were going to do.

Only the Great Elder and Wan Yuyan knew about this matter.

Because the Great Elder was doing the preliminary preparations, and the later refining was done by Li Zhi's clone and Wan Yuyan together.

At this moment, Cangqiong Zhenshen was shocked, and he knew how terrifying it was just by listening.

Not to mention him, Heihu Zhenshen and the others were shocked.

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