
The Million Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou suddenly turned around.

From Beihai to the plains, they fought all the way directly to the border of Yanzhou.

Liu Dai, the governor of Yanzhou, led his troops to fight, but was defeated in the first battle and the entire army was wiped out.

Even the governor Liu Dai himself fell here!

All of a sudden!

A huge earthquake occurred in Yanzhou, leaving everyone without a leader.

The news soon spread to Taishan.

Han Yi has a thorough knowledge of history, and the trends are basically consistent.

Next up!

It should be Cao Cao who turned the tide and recruited millions of Yellow Turbans.

Then, select an elite force of 300,000 people.

Form the main force that will conquer the world in the future:

Qingzhou Army!


It is slightly different from history.

The main goal of the Yellow Turbans this time is obvious.

It’s Mount Tai!

It’s Han Yi!

Because of this, after the opponent entered the Yanzhou border, they didn't make too many moves and pounced directly on Taishan!

Now, it is less than three hundred miles away from Taishan County!

Prefect's Mansion.

Government Hall.

Han Yi sat at the head.

Under it, a group of civil and military personnel were lined up on both sides.

Zhuge Jin took a step forward, leaned forward and cupped his hands:"My lord, Bao Xin, the prime minister of Jibei, Zhang Miao, the governor of Chenliu, and others have already sent invitations to Cao Cao, the governor of Dongjun, hoping that he can be promoted to Yanzhou Mu and fight against the Yellow Turbans!"


Opposite him, General Niu Gao stared, opened his mouth and cursed:"Are these princes blind?" Then who is Cao Cao worthy of competing with our lord for Yanzhou?"

"Don't worry, General Niu!"

"In fact, it is reasonable for the princes to do this. Liu

Ji appeared on the side, holding a feather fan and smiling:"Just imagine, my lord did not participate in the attack on Dong, but Cao Cao's performance in the attack on Dong was extremely conspicuous, whether it was Zhang Miao or Bao Xin, all of them They were the princes who attacked Dong"

"At this critical moment!"

"It is reasonable and reasonable for them to choose to recommend Cao Cao as the shepherd of Yanzhou!"


Liu Ji raised his lips slightly and said in a confused voice:"According to common sense, now that millions of Yellow Turbans are approaching Yanzhou, Cao Cao should immediately send troops to conquer, but so far, we have not received any news"

"It’s my humble opinion! Liu

Ji cupped his hands and said loudly:"Firstly, Cao Cao is waiting for his lord to surrender; secondly, he also hopes to use the hands of the Yellow Turban to weaken our Taishan strength so that he can reap the benefits!""

All the civil and military officials nodded in agreement:

"Well, Bowen has a point."

"Then Cao Cao must have this kind of mentality!"

"This guy is known as a traitor, and today it seems that he is indeed so!"

"Oh, what a despicable and shameless bitch he is!"


General Niu Gao was famous for his bad temper.

After hearing Liu Ji's analysis, the fire in his heart suddenly burst into flames.


"This guy looks ugly, but he thinks beautifully!"

"Do you really think that all the soldiers and civilians in Taishan are just decorations? Niu

Gao waved his hand and said with great courage:"Let's have his spring and autumn dream!" We, Taishan, can do it on our own, so we don’t need them to save us!"

"If the Yellow Turban comes,....."

At this point, Niu Gao's eyes widened, he clenched his fingers into a fist, and struck out fiercely, with murderous intent:"I, Niu Gao, must smash them one by one!"

"Yes, General Niu is right!"

"We Taishan can do it on our own, we don’t need help from others!"

"Not to mention a million Yellow Turbans, even tens of millions, we dare to fight!"


All the fierce generals in the palace started shouting.

In a strict sense.

This is their first battle.

As soon as it came up, it was a million yellow scarves.

One can imagine the difficulty of each.

But what about all the soldiers of the Yue Family Army?

Even in the face of powerful enemies, they never showed any timidity!

Fight or fight!

What to be afraid of!

This is the courage a warrior should have!

Han Yi was very satisfied with this.

He glanced at Yue Fei next to him and said softly:"Pengju, do you have anything to say?"

Yue Fei's answer was even simpler, with only one word:"Fight!"

Just do it! concise!

No turning back!

This is Yue Fei!

Han Yi was really touched.

He immediately stood up, looked around the civil and military forces in the hall, and said loudly:"Everyone! I know that people in Taishan County are panicked now, but I, Han Yi, am calm and calm!"


"You are with me!"

"Although the Yellow Turbans have millions of people and are so powerful that wherever they pass, there will be a scorched earth. But in my eyes, Han Yi, they are just ordinary people with soldiers, and they are not worth mentioning at all!"

"Do you know how I, Han Yi, view this battle?"

At that moment, everyone shook their heads to express their ignorance.

Han Yi smiled lightly and raised the corners of his lips slightly:"Why can't Taishan develop after so many years? It’s because the population is too small and productivity is insufficient!"

"But now!"

"Millions of Yellow Turbans are delivered to our door. Once we incorporate them, we will have people and soldiers. Isn't this a gift from God to Mount Tai?"

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